皮肤神经活检,skin nerve biopsy
1)skin nerve biopsy皮肤神经活检
1.Skin nerve biopsy is a kind of examinational technique which can observe the pathology of skin sample.皮肤神经活检是一种能够对皮肤标本进行病理学观察的检查技术,结合免疫组化和组化技术,能够对皮肤内纤细的神经纤维进行直观的定量和形态学观察。
2)skin nerve皮肤神经
1.Moreover,to detect the functional relation between skin fibroblasts and differentiated PC12 cells,which may support the idea that protecting skin nerve from UV is as important as protection of other skin cells,like fibroblasts,keratinocytes.目的研究人参皂苷Rg1对中波紫外线损伤皮肤成纤维细胞、皮肤神经细胞模型的保护作用。

1.leprosy characterized by tumors in the skin and cutaneous nerves.以皮肤或皮肤神经上长肿瘤为特征的麻风。
2.The Quantitative and Morphological Standard Study of Cutaneous Nerve Fiber in Healthy Human正常人皮肤神经纤维定量和形态学标准化研究
3.skinregetative reflex皮肤植物性神经反射
4.circumscribed neurodermatitis局限性神经性皮肤炎
5.Repair of the soft tissue defect of extremity with fasciocutaneous flap incorporation the nutrifying vessel of cutaneous nerves皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复四肢皮肤缺损
6.Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves.麻疯病是一种影响皮肤和神经的疾病。
7.Study of the Origin of Melanin on Neurocutaneous Melanosis神经皮肤黑变病中黑色素的来源初探
8.Segmentation of skin cancer image based on genetic neural network基于遗传神经网络的皮肤癌图像分割
9.Effects of dermal-derived multipotent stem cells on neural regeneration in skin wounds真皮多能干细胞对皮肤创面神经修复的影响
10.Distally based sural neurofasciocutaneous flap for repairing soft tissue defects in heel腓肠神经血管皮瓣修复足跟区皮肤软组织缺损
11.Neurodermatitis is apparently caused by repeated scratching of an itchy skin area.神经性皮肤炎是由于患者习惯去挠、去抓皮肤,最后把这块皮肤抓成炎症。
12.On the Rehabilitation of Finger Paratelum Cutaneous Deficiency by Application of Dorsal Cutaneous Nerve of Finger Nutrient Vessel Skin Flap;指背皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复手指末节皮肤缺损
13.Thumb soft tissue defect repaired with radial thumb neurocutaneous vasotrophic island flap拇指桡背侧皮神经营养皮瓣修复拇指皮肤软组织缺损
14.Role of nerve fiber on scarless wound healing in fetal rabbit skin神经纤维在胎兔皮肤无瘢痕愈合中的变化
15.Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection of Terminal Nerves in Skin.皮肤末梢神经组织中的带状疱疹病毒感染
16.Biological Effect of Ultrasound on Blood Vessel and Nerve of Vulva Skin;超声波对外阴皮肤血管神经的生物学效应
17.The Innervaiton of Normal Skin and Scar of Human;人体正常皮肤和瘢痕组织的神经构筑学研究
18.Clinical features and CT,MR diagnosis of Neurocutaneous Syndrome神经皮肤综合征的临床特征、CT及MRI诊断

skin nerve皮肤神经
1.Moreover,to detect the functional relation between skin fibroblasts and differentiated PC12 cells,which may support the idea that protecting skin nerve from UV is as important as protection of other skin cells,like fibroblasts,keratinocytes.目的研究人参皂苷Rg1对中波紫外线损伤皮肤成纤维细胞、皮肤神经细胞模型的保护作用。
3)skin biopsy皮肤活检
1.Two symptomatic patients and one asymptomatic patient have not been found any MRI changes,but detected Granular osminophilic material(GOM) deposited on the skin biopsy by electron microscope examination.结果所有患者均无偏头痛表现,患者早期常见头晕、耳鸣等椎-基底动脉缺血症状;头部MRI未显示异常改变的2例有症状患者及1例无症状患者,其皮肤活检电镜下可见嗜锇颗粒物质沉积。
4)denervated skin失神经皮肤

神经皮肤黑色素沉着序列征神经皮肤黑色素沉着序列征 原因未明,推测为神经胚起源的黑色素母细胞在早期生长中畸变所致,此病发生率无性别差异。表现:皮肤黑色素沉着在出生时可以存在,出现黑色、增厚的有时带毛的多发痣,最重者可呈洛礼样分布在躯干下部,腹部和大腿上部。软脑膜和蜘蛛膜增厚及色素沉着,伴有黑色素母细胞巢并连成片,最重处是脑底部。中枢神经系统退行性变使功能减退,发生癫■。1~2岁后神经系统发育滞后。恶变的危险度为10%~13%。为常染色体显性遗传,有高度外显率,可达100%。基因定位在5q〓23.1-q34。