皮炎平,Compound Dexamethasone Acetate
1)Compound Dexamethasone Acetate皮炎平

1.Objective To establish a mathod to determine camphor and mentholum in Piyanping Ointment by GC.目的用气相色谱法测定皮炎平软膏中樟脑、荷脑的含量。
2.cutis plate生皮层, 皮节, 皮炎
3.Determination of Quercetin in Shenyanping Granules by HPLCHPLC法测定肾炎平颗粒中槲皮素的含量
4.Effects of Cinnamaldehyde on Levels of Endotoxin in Root Canals and Inflammations of Periapical Tissue in Rats Periapical Periodontitis Model.;桂皮醛对大鼠根尖周炎根管中内毒素水平及根尖周炎症的影响
5.A Study on the Relationship between Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Serum Level and Virus Hepatitis;血管内皮生长因子血清水平与病毒性肝炎关系的研究
6.Value of Early Diagnosis about Urine Epidermal Growth Factor Level in Children with Henoch-Schonlein Purpur Nephritis;尿表皮生长因子水平变化对紫癫性肾炎早期诊断价值的探讨
7.Research of Relevance between Plasma Endothelin, Nitric Oxide Levels and Periodontitis血浆内皮素、一氧化氮水平与牙周炎相关性的研究
8.Effects of Cinnamicaldehyde Solution on IL-1β Level of Gingival Cervicular Fluid on Rat Experimental Periodontitis桂皮醛溶液对牙周炎大鼠龈沟液白细胞介素-1β水平的影响
9.Effects of apoptotic lymphocytes on proinflammatory cytokine secretion by hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells肝窦内皮细胞与凋亡细胞相互作用对促炎症因子分泌水平的影响
10.SKIN: Contact with skin may cause irritation, dermatitis.皮肤:接触皮肤可能引起过敏,皮炎等。
11.generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin.一种皮肤发炎的状态。
12.Hot weather makes her come out in a rash.因天气炎热, 她起了皮疹.
13.He suffers lichenoid dermatitis.他患苔癣状皮肤炎。
14.inflammation of the eyelids characterized by redness and swelling and dried crusts.眼睑发炎:红,肿和掉干皮。
15.contagious pustular dermatitis传染性化脓性皮肤炎
16.infectious pododermatitis【兽】传染性蹄部皮炎
17.itis lichenoides chronica atrophicans慢性萎缩性苔癣样皮炎
18.They must hunger in winter that will not work in summer .炎夏不干活,寒冬肚皮饿。

Piyan Ping ointment皮炎平软膏
1.Menthol, camphor of Piyan Ping ointment were qualitatively analyzed by GC.目的 :用气相色谱法对皮炎平软膏中薄荷脑、樟脑进行鉴别。
3)Compound Piyanping复方皮炎平
1.Study on Quality Control Standard for Compound Piyanping Cream;复方皮炎平霜质量标准研究
1.Clinical Analysis of the Patch test of Different Sick Parts in 126 Cases of Chronic Eczema and Dermatitis;慢性湿疹和皮炎126例不同患病部位斑贴试验结果分析
2.Patch test results in 1129 patients with suspected allergic contact dermatitis;1129例疑诊过敏性接触性皮炎患者斑贴试验分析
3.Clinical Curative Effect of Velvetfeeling on Corticosteroid Addictive Dermatitis;蓝科肤宁治疗激素依赖性皮炎的效果初探
5)Amyopathic dermatomytositis皮肌炎样皮炎
6)Inflammation of the skin.皮炎皮肤炎症

皮炎平药物名称:皮炎平英文名:Compound Dexamethasone Acetate适应症: 用于药疹、湿疹、神经性皮炎及其他过敏性皮肤病。 用量用法: 外用:涂患处,2次/d。 注意事项: 1.长期大量应用可继发细菌,真菌感染,局部可发生痤疮,酒渣鼻样皮炎,皮肤萎缩及毛细血管扩张; 2.婴幼儿慎用,孕妇慎用。 规格: 软膏剂、乳膏剂:0.075%。 类别:皮肤病用药