疱疹样皮炎,dermatitis herpetiformis
1)dermatitis herpetiformis疱疹样皮炎
2)juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis (JDH)青少年疱疹样皮炎
3)Medicamentosa-like dermatitis药疹样皮炎

1.Nursing care for patients with medicamentosa-like dermatitis induced by occupational trichlorethylene职业性三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎皮肤创面的护理
2.Study on the Mechanisms and Susceptibility of Occupational Medicamentosa-alike Dermatitis Due to Trichloroethylene;三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎发病机制及其易感性研究
3.Clinical observation and nursing on methylprednisolone used in patients with TCE’s dermatitis甲基强的松龙治疗三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎的临床观察与护理
4.Research on serum hepatic fibrosis indices in patients with occupational trichloroethylene(TCE) medicamentous dermatitis patients职业性三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎患者血清肝纤维化指标的研究
5.A case report on psychonosema after glucocorticoid therapy in a patient with occupational drug rash like dermatitis caused by trichloroethylene职业性三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎激素治疗后出现精神障碍1例报告
6.Fevers of Inpatients with Occupational Trichloroethylene Drug Eruption-like Dermatitis:Causal Analysis and Nursing Countermeasures职业性三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎住院患者发热原因及护理对策
7.Analysis of 15 ADR case reports of streptomycin-induced exfoliative dermatitis eruption15例链霉素致剥脱性皮炎型药疹不良反应分析
8.Conclusion Herb injection “antiphlogistic No.1” has certain therapeutic effect on acute dermatitis and eczema.结论 中药抗炎一号注射液治疗急性皮炎湿疹有显著疗效。
9.Such a rash or blemish.疹,皮疹这样的发疹或污点
10.Hot weather makes her come out in a rash.因天气炎热, 她起了皮疹.
11.Histological examination showed pustular dermatitis with spongiform pustules, consistent with a drug eruption.组织学检查显示为海绵状脓疱性皮炎,符合药疹的改变。
12.Prescription Regularity Study on External Therapy Formulae of Chronic Eczema and Neurodermatitis慢性湿疹及神经性皮炎外用方剂组方用药规律研究
13.Can you also give me something for this rash?你有治这种皮疹的药吗?
14.The clinical data of this thesis testifies the reliability of curative effect by administering treatment of acute dermatitis and eczema with heat clearing,damp inhibiting formulae according to pattern.本文临床资料分析结果在一定程度上证实清热利湿药治疗急性皮炎湿疹疗效的可靠性。
15.This ointment might help to clear up your rash.这种药膏也许能消除你的皮疹.
16.Some people develop skin rashes when they take sulfas.还有人吃了磺胺药后,出现皮疹反应。
17.A Case of Epidermolysis Bullosa Drug Eruption Accompanied with Gastric Perforation大疱性表皮松解性药疹伴胃穿孔1例
18.That would account for all her meningeal symptoms- rash, fever.可以解释她所有的脑膜炎症状 发烧 皮疹

juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis (JDH)青少年疱疹样皮炎
3)Medicamentosa-like dermatitis药疹样皮炎
4)herpetiform aphthous stomatitis疱疹样阿弗他口炎
1.A case of impetigo herpetiformis and gestational intrahepatic cholestasis;疱疹样脓疱病并发妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症1例
