传染性软疣病毒,molluscum contagiosum virus
1)molluscum contagiosum virus传染性软疣病毒
2)Molluscum contagiosum传染性软疣
1.Clinical analysis of 2 cases of cryptococcosis resembling molluscum contagiosum;皮损似传染性软疣的隐球菌病
2.Two cases of disseminated cryptococcosis resembling molluscum contagiosum;传染性软疣样皮损表现的播散性隐球菌病2例
3.Observation on Effect of Four Kinds of Therapy for Molluscum Contagiosum;传染性软疣4种治疗方法疗效观察

1.All 131 Patients with verruca planae ,filiform warts,verruca valgaris and molluscum contagiosum were treated with acetic acid cream.用消疣灵局部外用治疗扁平疣、丝状疣、灵常疣、传染性软疣等131例。
2.The remedial method of contagious soft wart is much and soft wart uses simple infectivity commonly local therapeutics can.传染性软疣的治疗方法多且简单传染性软疣一般用局部疗法即可。
3.Treatment of 116 patients with molluscum contagiosum by wumiao narcissus ointment五妙水仙膏治疗传染性软疣116例
4.Molluscum contagrosum is a kind of virus communicable disease. They are caused by the spread of touch. Pathological examination can be diagnose.喉部传染性软疣是一种病毒性传染病 ,通过接触传播 ,经组织病理检查确诊 ,治疗效果满意。
5.multiple cartilaginous exostoses多发性软骨性外生骨疣
6.metaphyseal aciasis遗传性多发性外生骨疣
7.multiple hereditary exostoses遗传性多发外生骨疣
8.The Study of Karyotype and Sex-determining Gene in Imposex Thais Clavigera;性畸变疣荔枝螺染色体及性别决定基因的研究
9.Qualitative Study on Psychological Experience of Female Patients with Passive Infection of Condyloma Acuminatum女性尖锐湿疣被动感染者心理体验的质性研究
10.The more machines that a disk is used on, the greater the chances of the disk picking up a virus and passing it on.用过该软盘的电脑越多,软盘感染、传播病毒的可能性就越大。
11.The study of heredity and treatment about a family of hereditary multiple exostoses遗传性多发性外生骨疣一大家系的遗传与治疗研究
12.Ralation of Subclinical Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection to Vulvar Condyloma and Cervical Erosion: A Prospective Study;宫颈HPV亚临床感染与外阴湿疣及宫颈糜烂的相关性研究
13.A soft, highly infectious, nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region, caused by the bacillus Hemophilus ducreyi.软下疳一种软而具高度传染性的生殖器官区的非梅毒性病溃疡,由细菌杜雷克嗜血杆菌引起
14.contaminated with infecting organisms.被传染性微生物污染的。
15.Cattle are immune to equine infections anemia.牛不感染马传染性贫血。
16.Studies on the Genetic Variation and Cross Breeding in Four Populations of Portunus Trituberculatus三疣梭子蟹不同地理群体遗传多样性和杂交育种的初步研究
17.Caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection.传染性的能以传染方式扩散的,由传染引发的
18.The Study of Epidemiological Models with Nonlinear Incidence Rates;具有非线性传染率的传染病模型研究

Molluscum contagiosum传染性软疣
1.Clinical analysis of 2 cases of cryptococcosis resembling molluscum contagiosum;皮损似传染性软疣的隐球菌病
2.Two cases of disseminated cryptococcosis resembling molluscum contagiosum;传染性软疣样皮损表现的播散性隐球菌病2例
3.Observation on Effect of Four Kinds of Therapy for Molluscum Contagiosum;传染性软疣4种治疗方法疗效观察
3)infectious soft verraca vulgris/therapy传染性软疣/治疗
4)infectious flacherie virus传染性软化病病毒
1.Cloning and sequence analysis of VP1 gene fragment from a strain of infectious flacherie virus isolated in Zhejiang, China;家蚕传染性软化病病毒(桐乡株)VP1基因片段的克隆及序列分析
5)Ifectious flacherie virus家蚕传染性软化病病毒
6)Molluscum contagiosum角染性软疣

传染性软疣病毒传染性软疣病毒 为导致传染性软疣的病原 体。此病毒为含DNA的痘类病毒,电镜下呈“砖形”,大小为300nm×200nm×100nm,光镜下 有时 亦可见到,为人类致病的最大病毒,核酸为DNA,呈哑铃状,衣壳完全对称,外包以3层囊膜 , 用pH为7的2%磷钨酸钠阴性染色法,成熟的病毒表现为2种不可逆的串珠型,即M型(或称桑椹 型)及电子密度较高的C型(或称胶囊型)。目前组织培养及动物实验均未成功。