维丁乳膏,Weiding cream
1)Weiding cream维丁乳膏
2)Dingpeng cream丁硼乳膏
1.Determination the content of eugenol in Dingpeng cream by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定丁硼乳膏中丁香酚的含量

1.Determination the content of eugenol in Dingpeng cream by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定丁硼乳膏中丁香酚的含量
2.Study on the systemic safety in rats by topical skin application with Ftibamzone cream酞丁安乳膏在大鼠局部皮肤上的毒理实验
3.To make a study of metronidazole in compound cimetidine cream by UV spectrophotometric determination.研究用紫外分光光度法测定复方西咪替丁乳膏中甲硝唑的含量。
4.Observation on the Effect of Butyl Flufenamate Ointment Combined with Tretinoin Ointmen Treating Chronic Eczema and Dermatoneuritis氟芬那酸丁酯软膏联合维A酸乳膏治疗慢性湿疹和神经性皮炎疗效观察
5.Clinical Observation of Collagen Dressing Combined with Hydrocortisone Butyrate Cream in the Treatment of 65 Cases of Facical Allergic Dermatitis胶原贴敷料联合丁酸氢化可的松乳膏治疗面部过敏性皮肤病65例临床观察
6.air drying neoprene sealant风干氯丁橡胶嵌缝膏
7.Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte reduce swelling and inflammation.喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏具有消肿和抗炎作用。
8.Studies on the Compound Medicine Ruxiankang Sticking Plaster for Treatment of Dairy Cattle Mastitis;治疗奶牛乳房炎复方乳腺康膏的研究
9.Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of boric acid contentGB/T8294-1987天然浓缩胶乳硼酸含量的测定
10.Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte promote the absorption of oedema and haematoma.喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏能促进水肿和血肿的吸收。
11.Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration.喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。
12.The products contribute to a regeneration of functional connective tissue structures.喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏还能促进正常结缔组织的再生。
13.Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte reduce swelling and inflammation.喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏具有消肿和抗炎作用。
14.Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte promote the absorption of oedema and haematoma.喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏能促进水肿和血肿的吸收。
15.Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration.喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。
16.Observation of clinical efficacy on subacute or chronic eczema treated with halometasone cream joint fusidic acid cream卤米松乳膏联合夫西地酸乳膏治疗亚急性或慢性湿疹疗效观察
17.Comparison of pimecrolimus and heparin ointments in treatment of scrotum eczema吡美莫司乳膏与肝素钠乳膏治疗阴囊湿疹疗效比较
18.Effect of Tazarotene Cream and Restitution Human Interferon α-2b Cream on Refractoriness Verruca Plana他扎罗汀乳膏联合安达芬乳膏治疗顽固性扁平疣临床疗效观察

Dingpeng cream丁硼乳膏
1.Determination the content of eugenol in Dingpeng cream by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定丁硼乳膏中丁香酚的含量
3)Tretinoin Ointment维A酸乳膏
1.The clinical observation of Tretinoin Ointment and Levamisole treatment in verruca planae维A酸乳膏联合左旋咪唑治疗扁平疣的疗效观察
4)Ftibamzone cremer酞丁安乳膏
1.Observe the therapeutic effects of Vintamin-A acid cream combined with Ftibamzone cremer about verruca plana;维A酸霜联合酞丁安乳膏治疗扁平疣疗效观察
5)viaminate cream维胺酯乳膏
1.Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of viaminate capsules and viaminate cream in acne vulgaris.为观察维胺酯胶囊与维胺酯乳膏联合应用对寻常痤疮的治疗效果。
6)Yahao dingpeng cream雅皓丁硼乳膏
1.Objective To study the effectiveness of the therapy of pregnancy gingivitis by Yahao dingpeng cream.目的:观察雅皓丁硼乳膏治疗妊娠性龈炎的临床疗效。

胆维丁乳药物名称:胆维丁乳英文名:适应症: 适用于防治骨质疏松症、肾原性骨病(肾病性佝偻病)、甲状旁腺功能亢进(伴有骨病者)、甲状旁腺功能减退、营养和吸收障碍引起的佝偻病和骨软化症、假性缺钙(D-依赖型Ⅰ)的佝偻病和骨软化症等。 用量用法: 将胆维丁乳倒入适量(3~5倍)的温开水、牛奶或豆浆中服用。预防:1次用15mg,间隔3个月后可酌情再服。1年总量不超过30mg(含维生素D360万U)。治疗:1次15mg,视病情轻重间隔1个月可再服1次,1年总量不超过60mg。 注意事项: 一般无不良反应,但长期大剂量服用或患有肾损害的患者可能出现恶心、头昏、皮疹、便秘、厌食、呕吐、腹痛等高血钙征象,停药后可恢复正常。服药初期必须每周测定血钙水平,当剂量稳定后,每2~4周测1次;若出现高血钙应停药,直至血钙恢复正常(约1周),然后按末次剂量减半给药。对有维生素D中毒或过敏者不宜用。 规格: 胆维丁乳(英康利):8ml:15mg.类别:维生素AD属