负压吸引疗法,Suction treatment of negative pressure
1)Suction treatment of negative pressure负压吸引疗法
2)negative suction负压吸引
1.Methods Thirty-two New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into normal control,experimental control,negative suction 20 seconds and negative suction 3 minutes groups.目的探讨LASIK术中负压吸引致瞬时高眼压对兔视网膜功能的影响。
2.This paper was to study the effect of transient high intraoclular pressure(IOP) caused by negative suction during LASIK on rabbit retinal structure.方法32只健康新西兰大耳白兔随机分为正常对照组、实验对照组、负压吸引20s组和3min组。

1.vacuum extractor for artificial abortion人工流产负压吸引
2.Effect of negative pressure suction on rabbit retina structure负压吸引对兔视网膜组织结构的影响
3.Application of Vacuum Sealing Drainage in the Treatment of Hand Cruch Injury负压吸引技术在手部挤压伤治疗中的应用
4.Nursing of preventing subcutaneous hydrops by center vacuum suction after radical mastectomy中心负压吸引预防乳腺癌术后皮下积液的护理
5.Effect of negative pressure suction on rabbit optic nerve and retina负压吸引对兔眼视网膜和视神经的影响
6.Effect of negative pressure suction on rabbit retinal nerve fiber layer thickness负压吸引对兔视神经纤维层厚度的影响
7.Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media with High Vacuum Suction;高负压吸引治疗慢性化脓性中耳炎40例
8.Application of Modified Ultrafiltration Plus Suction Drainage in Infants with Extracorporeal Circulation改良超滤连负压吸引在小儿体外循环中的应用
9.Marsupialization and Suction Drainage in the Treatment of Jaw Cysts开窗负压吸引术在颌骨囊肿治疗中的应用
10.Observation of Effects of Low Negative Pressure Continuous Suction on Patients Undergoing Pulmonary Lobectomy肺叶切除术后患者持续低负压吸引的效果观察
11.The effects of periodical vacuum-suction on corneal topography周期性眼外负压吸引对角膜地形的影响
12.Effect of Postoperative Central Pipeline Vacuum Aspiration in Breast Carcinoma术后中心管道负压吸引对乳腺癌患者的影响
13.Improvement to Holmium laser with percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (report of 71 cases)改良负压吸引经皮肾镜钬激光碎石71例报告
14.Application of Vacuum Aspiration for Postoperative Anastomotic Fistula of Rectal Carcinoma负压吸引在直肠癌术后吻合口漏中的应用
15.Application of vacuum drawing technique on wound of skin or parenchyma at earthquake封闭式负压吸引术在地震伤创面治疗中的应用
16.Observation of 43 Scalp Hematoma Cases Treated by Vacuum Aspiration with Indwelling Needlle留置针接负压吸引治疗头皮血肿43例观察
17.Design and material characteristics of hand-held emergency suction apparatus便携式负压吸引装置的设计及材料学特点
18.Pressure for Disposable Vacuum Aspirator in Nasogastric Decompression After Gastrointestinal Operation胃肠手术后胃肠减压负压吸引器的最佳压力值研究

negative suction负压吸引
1.Methods Thirty-two New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into normal control,experimental control,negative suction 20 seconds and negative suction 3 minutes groups.目的探讨LASIK术中负压吸引致瞬时高眼压对兔视网膜功能的影响。
2.This paper was to study the effect of transient high intraoclular pressure(IOP) caused by negative suction during LASIK on rabbit retinal structure.方法32只健康新西兰大耳白兔随机分为正常对照组、实验对照组、负压吸引20s组和3min组。
3)negative pressure suction负压吸引
1.The effect of self-made negative pressure suction device in preoperative preparation of wound repair;自制简易负压吸引装置在创面修复术前的应用
2.Effect of negative pressure suction on rabbit retina structure;负压吸引对兔视网膜组织结构的影响
3.Results: The patients with PPS had rapid and excellent responses to secondary negative pressure suction, and the symptoms and signs disappeared rapidly.结果 :所有患者经再次负压吸引清除宫内积血凝块后腹痛等症状、体征迅速缓解、消失。
4)Vacuum suction负压吸引
1.Clinical analysis of autologous blood pleurodesis under vacuum suction in treatment of intractable pneumothorax;负压吸引下自体血胸腔粘连术治疗难治性气胸临床研究
2.Objective To investigate the effects of vacuum suction on the oxygen radicals in retina of New Zealand rabbits in laser in situ kerato-mileusis(LASIK).目的观察LASIK术中负压吸引对新西兰兔视网膜组织氧自由基的影响。
5)Vaccum Suction负压吸引
1.Objective To study the effects and mechanism of Vaccum Suction on intraocular pressure.目的 探讨负压吸引对实验动物眼压的影响及机理。
6)suction drainage负压吸引
1.Objective:This study was to evaluate the clinical effects of suction drainage on the treatment of jaw cystic lesions.目的:评估开窗负压吸引术应用于颌骨囊肿治疗的临床效果。

负压消失的浇注工艺设计原料磨是氧化铝生产的大型设备,主要承担矿浆制备任务,原料磨仓内装φ80~100mm钢球,磨体内衬直径φ2600mm,衬板材质为高锰钢,重67~75kg。衬板表面要求平整光滑,局部凸起≤2mm,铸造尺寸公差±2mm。要求内部质量致密,无影响强度的铸造缺陷。 我单位在用普通砂型铸造原料磨衬板的同时,还利用消失模负压铸造生产该铸件。消失模负压铸造大大提高了该铸件表面光洁度、规整度和尺寸精度,内部组织致密,完全达到铸件装配和使用的质量要求。负压消失模铸造锰钢衬板的工艺设计与以往有很大不同,下面就原料磨衬板浇注系统的设计作一论述。 1.铸造工艺设计原则 (1)控制浇注系统始终呈充满状态 负压消失模铸造的浇注过程是钢水充型的同时塑料模气化消失的过程,浇道若有不充满时,由于涂料层强度有限,极容易发生砂子塌陷,造成铸件缺肉。 (2)控制钢液从底部往上返,利于平稳充型,不容易形成空的内腔。 (3)由于真空的吸力作用,在重力和吸力作用下,钢水充型速度加快,浇注系统适宜偏大些。 2.浇注系统形式 浇注方式选择:立浇,底注,铸件间距70~100mm放一列共13件(1吨炉,钢包容量1吨)。 (1)负压消失模铸造与砂型铸造不同之处在于:一般铸钢件采用开放式,而负压消失模铸造采用封闭式系统,而且,必须是在内浇口处封闭。主要是由于内浇口之前的浇道必须保持充满状态。 (2)内浇口的大小和开设位置 钢水进入模型,塑料模开始燃烧气化消失,液流前端形成暂时的空腔。为防钢水高温辐射熔化模型,形成较大的空型腔,塌砂,所以设计钢水充型的速度和模型消失的速度大致相同,钢水充型速度适宜快。内浇口比以往设计略大。 内浇口的位置选择铸件浇注最低位置上20-30mm处。根据普通砂型铸造的浇注系统设计,计算出内浇口的大小,放大<1/3后,内浇口截面大小为30×2Omm。 为防止铸件与横浇道的离的近,模型高温下变形和熔融,内浇口适当放长,设计长度为5Omm。 (3)横浇道 横浇道截面尺寸70×6Omm。 (4)直浇道 直浇道截面尺寸70×7Omm。 (5)浇口杯 浇注压头大于200-250mm。 一定要设浇口杯。浇口杯的主要作用是积蓄钢水,使直浇道截面瞬时充满,钢水整齐稳定下流。 3.负压度选择 浇注时注意调节和控制负压度在0.02-0.03Mpa范围,浇注后保持在同样的负压度约lOmin。