祛疣汤,Quyou Decoction
1)Quyou Decoction祛疣汤
2)no moon day祛疣
1."52 Prescription " treatment warts,which involve some extension of the custom and taboos witchcraft,such as the no moon day,well,and other taboos,Shaman is a taboo in the use of these psychological,with a broom,Zhu-you, Yu-step,Soil,such as Witchcraft to "treatment" warts.在马王堆帛书《五十二病方》"祛疣"的医方中,涉及到一些流传至今的禁忌风俗与巫术,如对晦朔日、水井的禁忌等,巫医正是利用这些禁忌心理,用扫帚、祝由、禹步、土块、葵茎等巫法来"治疗"疣的。

1.Clinical research of prevention effect on anti-wart lotion treating the recrudescent condylomata acuminate after surgery祛疣洗剂预防尖锐湿疣术后复发的临床研究
2.Determination of Matrine in Quyou Lotion by HPLCHPLC法测定祛疣洗剂中苦参碱的含量
3.The Clinical Effects and Cellular Immunological Function Study on Treatment of Verruca Plana by Qu You Ye;祛疣液对扁平疣患者临床及细胞免疫功能影响的研究
4.The Clinical Study of Quyoulin and Interferon's Treatment for Condyloma Acuminatum's Recurrence Which after Laser Operation祛疣灵联合干扰素治疗尖锐湿疣术后复发的临床研究
5.Observation of therapeutic effects on 55 plane warts patients treated with Quyou apozema combined with topic drugs自制祛疣煎剂联合外用药物治疗扁平疣55例疗效观察
6.Mawangdui Silk Book " 52 Prescription " Treatment Warts of the Implications of Witchcraft and Folklore马王堆帛书《五十二病方·祛疣》所涉之巫术与民俗
7.Body resistance strengthening for pathogenic factors elimination combined with interferon in treatment of recurrent condyloma acuminatum;应用扶正祛邪法和干扰素治疗复发性尖锐湿疣35例临床体会
8.Covered with warts or wartlike projections.多疣的覆有疣或疣状突起的
9.All 131 Patients with verruca planae ,filiform warts,verruca valgaris and molluscum contagiosum were treated with acetic acid cream.用消疣灵局部外用治疗扁平疣、丝状疣、灵常疣、传染性软疣等131例。
10.warts follow cat, I'm done with ye!疣子跟着猫,我和疣子一刀两断了
11.An abnormal outgrowth or enlargement, such as a wart.赘疣一种不正常的增长或扩大,例如疣
12.Effects of Qingyouyin on the Immune Function of Verruca Plavtaris Patients清疣饮对扁平疣患者免疫功能的影响
13.and pretty soon off she comes.过不多久,疣子就掉了。”
14.Good for? Cure warts with.“有什么用?可以治疣子。”
15.'Down bean; off wart;‘埋下蚕豆,消掉疣子,
16.multiple hereditary exostoses遗传性多发外生骨疣
17.metaphyseal aciasis遗传性多发性外生骨疣
18.multiple cartilaginous exostoses多发性软骨性外生骨疣

no moon day祛疣
1."52 Prescription " treatment warts,which involve some extension of the custom and taboos witchcraft,such as the no moon day,well,and other taboos,Shaman is a taboo in the use of these psychological,with a broom,Zhu-you, Yu-step,Soil,such as Witchcraft to "treatment" warts.在马王堆帛书《五十二病方》"祛疣"的医方中,涉及到一些流传至今的禁忌风俗与巫术,如对晦朔日、水井的禁忌等,巫医正是利用这些禁忌心理,用扫帚、祝由、禹步、土块、葵茎等巫法来"治疗"疣的。
3)Qu-You lotion祛疣洗剂
1.Change of proliferating and apoptosis of keratinocytes in condyloma acuminatum before and after the treatment with Qu-You lotion;祛疣洗剂治疗尖锐湿疣前后表皮细胞的增殖及凋亡的变化
2.Objective To observe the effects of Qu-You lotion for condyloma acuminatum(CA) and to explore its mechanism.目的观察祛疣洗剂治疗尖锐湿疣的临床疗效,探讨其可能的作用机制。
4)Quyou ointment祛疣软膏
1.Determination of berberine hydrochloride in Quyou ointment by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC测定祛疣软膏中盐酸小檗碱的含量
2.Quyou ointment is a new compound preparation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which consists of Rhizoma Coptidis, Radix Lithospermi, Rhixoma Polygoni Cuspidati, Borneolum Syntheticum and three other herbs.祛疣软膏是由黄连、紫草、败酱草、虎杖、白矾、天花粉等中药制成的复方制剂,具有清热解毒、燥湿祛疣的功效。
6)Quyou apozema祛疣煎剂
1.Observation of therapeutic effects on 55 plane warts patients treated with Quyou apozema combined with topic drugs自制祛疣煎剂联合外用药物治疗扁平疣55例疗效观察
