1.Clinical comparetive study of the efficacy of the treatment of diaper dermatitis with Weishengsu AD DIJI and MUPIROCIN OIN TMENT;鱼肝油滴剂联合莫匹罗星软膏治疗小儿尿布皮炎临床观察
1.Comparison of in-vitroactivities of mupirocin with four clinic common antimicrobial agents;莫匹罗星与4种常用抗菌药物体外抗菌活性比较
2.Clinical observation of mupirocin sulfuris in the treatment of acne vulgaris;莫匹罗星软膏治疗寻常型痤疮的疗效观察
3.Eighty-three patients with eczema were entered a double-blind experiment,being randomly allocated,to compare the effect of hydrocortisone butyrate ointment (locoid) plus mupirocin to the effect of locoid plus vehicle placebo.采用随机双盲对照将83例湿疹患者分为2组,分别给予莫匹罗星+来可得、莫匹罗星基质+来可得外用治疗。

1.Application of Mupirocin ointment in postoperative nursing care of patients underwent cleft lip repair莫匹罗星在唇裂术后护理中的应用
2.Investigation of resistance to mupirocin in coagulase-negative Staphylococcus凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌对莫匹罗星的耐药性研究
3.Clinical Study on Treating Residual Burn Wounds with the Combination of Mupirocin and DongFang No.1 Ointment莫匹罗星联合东方一号治疗烧伤后残余创面的临床研究
4.Effect of preventive local application of mupirocin on exit-site score in peritoneal dialysis patients预防性外用莫匹罗星对于腹膜透析患者导管出口评分的影响
5.Effects of STAT3 on Reactive Astrocytes Following Pilocarpine-Induced Rat Seizures;STAT3在匹罗卡品致痫鼠星形胶质细胞增生中的作用
6.The Effect of Expectorant and Benefiting Vital Energy Method to Astroglia Cell of Pilocarpine-induced Epileptic Rats化痰益气法对匹罗卡品致痫鼠星形胶质细胞的影响
7.Results All of 6 patients got fully recovery from SSSS after treatment with prompt antibiotics,3% boric acid and mupirocin(MPC) Ointment.结果及时、合理应用有效抗生素及3%的硼酸湿敷和莫匹多星软膏外涂均痊愈。
8.Local media reports say Nikolai Patrushev, the head of the Federal Security Service, a ounced the offer Friday in Moscow.当地媒体报导,俄罗斯联邦安全部负责人帕特鲁舍夫星期五在莫斯科宣布了这项悬赏。
9.President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin say they will sign the treaty next week when Mr. Bush visits Moscow.布什总统和俄罗斯总统普京表示他们将在下星期布什访问莫斯科时签署此协议。
10.Of or relating to Moscow, Muscovy, or the Muscovites.莫斯科的莫斯科的、俄罗斯的或莫斯科人的
11.From the Roman's Pomona Day,从罗马的珀莫拉节,
12.San Juan (de los Morros)圣胡安-德洛斯莫罗斯
13.kolmogoroff's theory of turbulence柯尔莫戈罗夫湍另论
14.kolmogoroff microscale柯尔莫戈罗夫微尺度
15.Gros Morne National Park格罗斯莫讷国家公园
16.El Morro National Monument埃尔莫罗国家保护区
17.They are good enough to be compared with the ancient Rome stadium.足与古罗马体育场匹敌。
18.Syntheses of Cefpirome and Its Analogue and Intermediates;头孢匹罗和头孢匹罗类似物及其中间体的合成

1.Comparison of in-vitroactivities of mupirocin with four clinic common antimicrobial agents;莫匹罗星与4种常用抗菌药物体外抗菌活性比较
2.Clinical observation of mupirocin sulfuris in the treatment of acne vulgaris;莫匹罗星软膏治疗寻常型痤疮的疗效观察
3.Eighty-three patients with eczema were entered a double-blind experiment,being randomly allocated,to compare the effect of hydrocortisone butyrate ointment (locoid) plus mupirocin to the effect of locoid plus vehicle placebo.采用随机双盲对照将83例湿疹患者分为2组,分别给予莫匹罗星+来可得、莫匹罗星基质+来可得外用治疗。
4)0.03% tacrolimus ointment0.03%他克莫司软膏
5)tacrolimus ointment他克莫司软膏
1.Clinical study of combined topical tacrolimus ointment and 308nm excimer laser for the treatment of vitiligo;他克莫司软膏联合308nm准分子激光治疗白癜风临床观察
2.Clinial efficacy of facial corticosteroid dependent dermatitis with topical tacrolimus ointment;他克莫司软膏治疗面部激素依赖性皮炎疗效观察
3.Double blind randomized controlled clinical trial of tacrolimus ointmentin the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children and adults;他克莫司软膏治疗儿童与成人特应性皮炎的随机双盲对照临床研究
6)Aspirin ointment阿司匹林软膏
1.Objective:To compare the affect of Aspirin ointment stability from different types of bases,and identify the types of bases and preparation technology.目的:比较不同类型的基质对阿司匹林软膏稳定性的影响,确定基质类型和制备工艺。

莫匹罗星软膏药物名称:莫匹罗星软膏英文名:Mupirocin Ointment汉语拼音:主要成分:莫匹罗星,软膏基质为聚乙二醇。性状:类白色亲水性软膏。药理作用:药代动力学:涂于皮肤后,能透入人体皮肤,但吸收量少。吸收后的莫匹罗星可迅速代谢成无活性的首一酸,并经肾脏排泄。适应症:为局部外用抗生素。适用于各种细菌性皮肤感染,主要用于革兰氏阳性球菌引起的皮肤感染,例如:脓疱病、疖肿、毛囊炎等原发性皮肤感染,及湿疹合并感染、溃疡合并感染、创伤合并感染等继发性皮肤感染。用法与用量:应局部涂于患处,患处必要时可用敷料包扎或敷盖,一日3次,五天一疗程,必要时可重复一疗程。不良反应:局部应用一般无副反应,仅偶见烧灼感、蛰刺感及瘙痒等,一般不需停药。禁忌症:1.对莫匹罗星或其他含聚乙二醇软膏过敏者禁用。 2.此种配方不适于眼内或鼻内使用。如误入眼内用水冲洗即可。注意事项:1.有中度或严重肾损伤者慎用。 2.动物研究证明,无致畸作用,但孕妇宜慎用。规格: 5g/支(内含莫匹罗星0.1g)贮藏:密闭,在阴凉处保存。有效期:一年半。处方药:是