派克墨水,Parker ink
1)Parker ink派克墨水
1.Objective To evaluate the value of Parker ink staining rapidly in diagnosing tinea versicolor and pityrosporum folliculitis.目的 评价派克墨水染色在快速诊断花斑癣及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎中的价值。

1.Objective To assess the value of methylene blue and parker ink staining in the detection of Malassezia.目的 评价美兰染色和派克墨水染色在马拉色菌检测中的应用。
2.Objective To evaluate the value of Parker ink staining rapidly in diagnosing tinea versicolor and pityrosporum folliculitis.目的 评价派克墨水染色在快速诊断花斑癣及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎中的价值。
3.The Analysis of the Dyes in Penman Black InkPenman牌派克黑墨水染料分析
4.Shui Junyi was sent to Iraq to cover this war.水均益被派往伊拉克采访这场战争。
5.A small reservoir for ink.墨水池小型贮墨水容器
6.Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States.墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。
7.Study on the Development of Ink Image and Figure Paintings;水墨墨象与水墨人物画演进历程试探
8.The ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper.墨水很快渗入吸墨纸中。
9.Fluid loss should be controlled with Drispac R and Drispac SL as required.按要求用高粘或低粘锥斯派克控制失水。
10.magnetic (ink) character磁性[磁墨水]字符
11.To mark, coat, or stain with ink.涂墨水,以墨水做记号用墨标记、覆盖或弄脏
12.B-the wet ink with a clean blotter please!请用干净的吸墨水纸把墨水吸干。
13.There is a little ink left in the inkbottle.墨水瓶里只剩下一点墨水了。
14.There is as much ink in this bottle as in that one.这个瓶的墨水和那个瓶的墨水一样多。
15.A tray or rack for pens and bottles of ink.墨水台一个放钢笔和墨水瓶的盘或架
16.There be less ink in that bottle than that in this one .那瓶里的墨水比这瓶里的墨水少。
17.Make sure the right ink is for your cartridge before you refill ink.填充墨水前请确认是用正确的墨水。
18.The Utilization of Chinese Ink Painting in Ink Animation浅谈中国水墨画在水墨动画中的运用

Super Parker black ink超级派克黑墨水
3)Penman Black InkPenman牌派克黑墨水
1.The Analysis of the Dyes in Penman Black InkPenman牌派克黑墨水染料分析
4)Standard Parker Pure Blaak Ink标准派克纯黑墨水
5)Pike, Kenneth L(ee)派克
6)Mohist school墨家学派
1.The Chinese classical novels came under the influence of Mohist school,which represented the authors approval of its ideas.中国古典小说所受墨家学派的影响,反映了作者对其思想的认同。
2.Mohist and Mohist school, whose view points were brought forward as opposite propostition of Confucian, are famous for their argument with Confucian.墨子及其创立的墨家学派,其思想观点多以儒家的反对命题而提出,儒、墨辩难,分庭抗礼,显赫于时。
3.However,based on historical facts,we found that there existed no Mohist school in Jixia Academy except some Mohist thoughts,which was the result of integration of different academic thoughts.考察历史事实,我们发现稷下学宫里没有墨家学派,只是存在一些墨家思想,这些思想是在学术融合过程中相互吸收的结果,并不能说明墨家学派存在于稷下学宫。

派克,K.L.  美国语言学家。1912年6月9日生于美国康涅狄格州。曾在密执安大学受教于E.萨丕尔和L.布龙菲尔德,1942年获博士学位。先后任密执安大学语言学教授、语言学系主任等职。1974年当选为美国科学院院士。曾任美国语言学会主席(196。    派克早期的贡献主要在语音学方面。他的专著《语音学》(1943)指出,语音学应严格区别于音系学,批评D.琼斯和J.S.肯尼恩(1874~1959)的语音分类,并提出以生理部位和机能为标准把人类可能发出的语音进行分类。其他著作有:《美国英语语调》(1945),从音位学角度划分出美国英语语调的四级高度及各种起伏模式;《音位学》 (1947)是研究无文字语言的语音系统的指导性著作;《声调语言》(1948)提出了确定声调类型和数目的理论。    派克的近期贡献在语法和话语分析方面。他引申了语音学和音系学的等级系统,创立序位学,基本观点见于《语法分析》(1982)一书中。派克创立了分析整段话语或整篇故事的4个原则:位置、替换(或类)、功能、接合,他的观点在美国语言学界颇有影响。他后来把这套分析言语行为的方法推广来分析非言语行为,试图建立人类行为结构的统一原理,著有《论语言与人类行为的统一原理》(1967)。近年来,他对于应用序位原理来广泛地分析整篇文章和故事又有新的观点和方法,著有《文章与序位》(1983)。