交界痣,junctional nevus
1)junctional nevus交界痣
1.Objective To study the characteristics of p53 and Survivin expression in junctional nevus and its variability in junctional nevus and malignant melanoma.目的研究p53和Survivin在交界痣中表达的特点以及在交界痣与恶性黑素瘤中表达的差异性,探讨交界痣恶变的信息。

1.Expression and Significance of P53 and Survivin in Junctional Nevus;p53和Survivin在交界痣中的表达及其意义
2.transport functional constituency航运交通界功能界别
3.transport subsector航运交通界界别分组
4.the belle of society社交界之花 [交际花]
5.Her leg turned black and blue.她的胫骨上出了痣。
6.strawberry mark(草莓状)红色胎记, 莓状痣
7.nevoid basal cell epithelioma syndrome痣样基底细胞瘤综合征
8.A congenital growth or mark on the skin, such as a mole or birthmark.痣皮肤上先天的生成物或标记,如痣或胎记
9.To introduce(a debutante)to society.把(初入社交界的少女)引荐给社交界
10."During pregnancy, moles may enlarge and new ones may appear. Moles sometimes disappear with age."怀孕期间色素痣可能增大,还可能出现新的色素痣。有的痣会随着年龄的增长而消失。
11.a coming-out ball少女初进社交界舞会.
12.(of a young girl)be formally introduced to high society(指少女)初进社交界
13.The society is as dead as the dodo.社交界一片死气沉沉。
14.She was the queen of society then.那时她是社交界女王。
15.crossing disc block boundary交叉磁盘存储块的界
16.by rail over frontier经铁路运到边界交货
17.lay member [Council of SEHK]外界理事〔联交所理事会〕
18.You will make lots of business friends there.你会交许多商界朋友。

1.Bilateral Becker's nevus associated with white fibrous papulosis of the neck;双侧分布的Becker痣并发颈部白色纤维性丘疹病
2.Two cases of nevus of Ota associated with nevus of Ito and nevus flammeus;太田痣并发伊藤痣和鲜红斑痣
3.Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus;汗孔角化性小汗腺孔和真皮导管痣
3)march with交界
4)Spitz nevusSpitz痣
1.Clinicopathological observation of a large Spitz nevus;成人巨大Spitz痣临床病理观察
2.Spitz nevus:two cases report and literature review;Spitz痣2例临床病理分析
3.Clinical and histopathologic characteristics of desmoplastic Spitz nevus and pigmented spindle cell nevus;结缔组织增生性Spitz痣和色素性梭形细胞痣临床及组织病理学特征
5)Blue nevus蓝痣
1.Blue nevus-histopathological and immunopathological analysis of 665 cases;665例蓝痣组织病理及免疫病理分析
6)giant pigmented nevi巨痣
1.Using skin tissue expansion and partial excision to remove the giant pigmented nevi on infants once only;部分切除加软组织扩张术分期根治小儿巨痣
2.Diagnosis and treatment for peculiar congenital giant pigmented nevi;特殊类型先天性巨痣的手术诊治

房室交界区房室交界区 又称"房室结区"。心房和心室之间的特殊传导组织,是心房兴奋传入心室的通道。房室交界包括房结区、结区和结希区三部分。房结区位于心房和结区之间,具有传导性和自律性;结区相当于光学显微镜所见的房室结,具有传导性,而无自律性,结希区位于结区和希氏束之间,具有传导性和自律性。