角化型足癣,Tinea Pedis keratosis
1)Tinea Pedis keratosis角化型足癣

1.The Clinical Observation of Chinese Herb Soaking and Exterior Terbinafine Cream Useing to Cure the Tinea Pedis Keratosis中药浸泡和外用特比奈芬乳膏治疗角化型足癣临床疗效观察
2.Research on the Apozem of Chinses Material Medcia to Treat the Type of Hyperkeratinization of Tinea Manus and Tinea Pedis外用中草药煎剂治疗角化鳞屑型手足癣的临床研究
3.Treatment Effect of Terbinafine and Traditional Medicine Solution Compound in Treating Keratotic Tinea Pedis.特比萘芬联合中药复方透骨草溶液治疗角化过度型足癣临床疗效观察
4.Genotyping of the Predominant Pathogens Trichophyton Rubrum of the Two Feet One Hand Dermatophytosis两足一手型手足癣致病菌种红色毛癣菌的基因型分析
5.The Clinical Efficacy and Mechanism Discussion on Chuxuan Zhiyang Lotion in Treating Tinea Pedis That Dampness and Heat Syndrome除癣止痒洗药治疗湿热浸淫型足癣的疗效及机理探讨
6.Tinea of fingernail, toenail, much afterwards is sent at brothers tinea, want to be treated at the same time with brothers tinea so.指甲、趾甲癣,多继发于手足癣,所以要与手足癣同时治疗。
7.Deficiency of selenium (present in glutathione peroxidase) in psoriasis has also been suggested (4).(研究4)也提出牛皮癣的含硒(存在于谷胱甘肽过氧化酶里)不足。
8."It includes athlete's foot, jock itch, and fungal infections of the Body, hands, nails, and scalp."癣包括足癣、皮癣,以及身体、手、指甲、胡须和头皮的真菌感染。
9.When treating ringworm of the body, if have brothers tinea, fingernail tinea, must treat at the same time, otherwise ineradicable.治疗体癣时,若有手足癣、指甲癣,必须同时治疗,否则不能根除。
10.Antifungal Action of Euphorbia Humifusa Extracts and Effect on Squalene Epoxidase of Trichophyton Rubrum地锦草提取物抗真菌作用及对红色毛癣菌角鲨烯环氧化酶的影响
11.Expression of Trichophyton Mentagrophytes Keratinase and Researches on Their Biological Roles;须癣毛癣菌角蛋白酶的表达及生物学作用
12.A Study on Phenotyping and Ribosome Genotyping of Trichophyton Mentagrophytes;须癣毛癣菌表型、核糖体基因分型的研究
13.lichen sclerosis et atrophicus of vulva外阴萎缩硬化性苔癣
14.Chronic plaque psoriasis was the most common clinical type in psoriatic inpatients.慢性板块型干癣为干癣住院病患最常见之临床表现。
15.A Study of Etiology on Tinea Manuum et Pedis and Onychomycosis in Lanzhou District;兰州地区手足癣甲真菌病的病原学研究
16.Clinical Observation and Experimental Study of Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Tinea Pedis;抗真菌颗粒剂治疗足癣的临床观察和实验研究
17.The Study of the Serum Levels of IL-12、IFN-γ、iNOS and NO in Tinea Pedis Patients;足癣患者血清IL-12、IFN-γ、iNOS、NO表达水平的研究
18.Numerous factors are known to exacerbate psoriasis.当前已知有许多原因会造成干癣恶化。

keratotic tinea hand or pedis角化型手足癣
1.Methods EC and Lanmeishu cream(LC) were used comparative for the tr eatment of keratotic tinea hand or pedis and the mycological analysis were made in the two groups.目的了解二大归芷膏对角化型手足癣患者的抗真菌治疗效果。
3)Cornification Excess Type Tinea Pedis角化过度型足癣
1.Effect Observation of 60 Cases of Cornification Excess Type Tinea Pedis Treatment Using Detoxifcation Lubricant Spray;解毒润肤喷剂治疗角化过度型足癣60例疗效观察
4)interdigital tinea pedis趾间型足癣
1.Study on the distribution of bacterial species from patients with interdigital tinea pedis;趾间型足癣患者细菌菌种分布特征
2.METHODS: Butenafine hydrochoride 1% solution was compared with bifonazole 1% solution and was applied once daily for 4 weeks in the treatment of interdigital tinea pedis and for 2 weeks in the treatment of tinea corporis & cruris, both treatment groups had 2 weeks of follow-up observation after the end of treatment.目的:评价1%盐酸布替萘芬溶液治疗趾间型足癣和体股癣的疗效及安全性,并与1%联苯苄唑溶液对比。
5)tinea pedis足癣
1.Clinical analysis of tinea pedis patients who took part in the one week free clinic service and the effect of "1+1" therapy with terbinafine;足癣义诊患者临床分析及特比萘芬联合疗法疗效观察
2.Treatment effect of naftifine/ketoconazole cream to tinea pedis;萘替芬酮康唑乳膏每日1次治疗足癣疗效观察
3.Clinical study of butenafine hydrochloride 1% cream in the treatment of tinea pedis,tinea corporis and tineacruris;1%盐酸布替萘芬乳膏治疗体股癣、足癣疗效观察
6)tinea pedis and tinea manus手足癣
1.Observation of naftifine hydrochloride and ketoconazole cream in the treatment of tinea pedis and tinea manus;萘替芬酮康唑乳膏治疗手足癣疗效观察

手足蠕动手足蠕动  幅度较小、力量较弱的手足抽搐。