就诊延误,delay behaviors in health care seeking
1)delay behaviors in health care seeking就诊延误

1.Study on the Cause and Influences Factors of Delay Health Seeking of Intestinal Infectious Disease;急性肠道传染病病例就诊延误原因及影响因素研究
2.Surgical exploration was immediately performed in all patients when testicular torsion was suspected.?丸切除率过高的主要原因是病人延误就诊时间。
3.Cross-Sectional Study of Behavior and Situation of Sjogren Syndrome原发性干燥综合征患者就医及诊断延误情况调查
4.She frets at even the slightest delays.稍有延误她就不满。
5.Delay in diagnosis and outcome of Acanthamoeba keratitis棘阿米巴性角膜炎诊断延误和后果
6.Study on Influential Factors of Delay on Tuberculosis s Diagnosis and Treatment in Shengli Oil-field;胜利油区结核病人诊治延误影响因素研究
7.Research on diagnosis and treatment delay and its influencing factors among new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in five counties of Hunan province新发涂阳肺结核病人延误诊断影响因素分析
8.I must point out that further delay would is unwise.我必须指明再延误就要吃大亏了.
9.After born, rash of the neonates was erroneously diagnosed as psoriasis and infectious hepatitis, in result, the treatment of sypilis was delayed.患儿最初曾被误诊为“牛皮癣”“传染性肝炎”等而被延误治疗。
10.Patient and health system delays in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Southern Thailand after health care reform卫生服务改革后泰国南部结核病诊断中的病人延误和卫生机构延误
11.Causes of Women’s Delay in Seeking Medical Care for Cervical Carcinoma:A Qualitative Study中晚期宫颈癌患者延误就医原因的质性研究
12.Conclusion: The child tuberculosis symptom are atypical, It is easy to delay the diagnosis, affects the treatment result.结论:儿童结核病症状、征不典型,易延误诊断,影响治疗效果。
13.The insidious onset and slow progression of symptoms usually result in delayed diagnosis.由于发病时症状不明显且病程进展缓慢,通常造成诊断延误。
14.Patient and health care system delays in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis结核病的诊断与治疗中病人及卫生保健系统的延误
15.Delay diagnosed analysis of early adult avascular necrosis of femoral head in 35 cases早期成年人股骨头缺血性坏死延误诊断35例分析
16."If the doctor makes a wrong diagnosis, he will not be able to give the patient the right treatment."医生如诊断失误,就不可能给病人以正确的治疗。
17.If they bail out banks that have mispriced risk, the mispricing will continue.如果它们对错估风险的银行挹注资金,那么这种错误就会延续下去。
18.He never got to the office late, like some important officials did, and he never procrastinated on any official duties.他从来就不像一些大官那样迟到,更不会延误公务。

treatment-seeking delay延迟就诊
3)Patient Delay就诊延迟
1.Objective:1 To deseribe the patient delay situation of colorectal cancer patients in Hunan.目的:描述结直肠癌患者就诊延迟现状;探索结直肠癌患者就诊延迟时间与临床分期的关系;探讨结直肠癌患者就诊延迟的影响因素。
4)postponement of hospitalization延误就医
5)Delayed diagnosis延误诊断
1.Objective:To probe into the causes of delayed diagnosis to kidney tubereculosis.目的 :探讨肾结核延误诊断的原因。
2.Objective:Through discussing the causes of delayed diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma,this paper intends to improve the accuracy of early diagnosis and thus enhance the effect of treatment.目的:探讨鼻咽癌延误诊断的原因。
6)Diagnosis delay确诊延误

大剂量增强后延迟CT大剂量增强后延迟CT  CT检查方法之一。用于检查肝脏占位性病变的增强CT技术。使用总量为60g碘的经尿路排泄的对比剂,经静脉注入后延迟4~6小时后进行CT扫描。该法不同于一般在增强后5~15分钟的延迟扫描。主要原理是:注入的对比剂中约有1%~2%将滞留于正常肝实质内,最后经胆道排泄,从而使正常肝组织的密度值比平扫时增高约20HU,而肝内病灶区内无对比剂滞留,表现为低密度,形成对比。应注意的是此时肝内血管亦无对比剂滞留而呈低密度,因此需结合增强CT(包括普通增强、动态团注增强或血管造影CT)比较判断。该法可使肝内小占位性病灶的检出率提高约20%~30%。