进化树,Phylogenetic tree
1)Phylogenetic tree进化树
1.Fast algorithm for constructing neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees;创建neighbor-joining进化树的快速算法(英文)
2.Phylogenetic tree constructed by MegAlign indicates that A.通过Me-gAlign得到的进化树表明,前3种菌株亲缘关系较近,三者与灰色小克银汉霉的亲缘关系较远。
3.Methods All H5A1 sequence in NCBI genbank and influenza sequence database were downloaded and aligned,then fast maximizing likelihood method was applied to construct phylogenetic tree,and SRD.方法下载NCBI Genbank和美国洛斯阿莫斯国家实验室流感病毒数据库中全部的甲型流感病毒H5A1序列,采用快速极大似然法绘制进化树,并用SRDT模型估计各分枝的进化速度与出现时间。

1.Improvement and Application of Neighbor-Joining Method for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction;NJ进化树构建方法的改进及其应用
2.Comparison of Biological Sequences/structures and Construction of Phylogenetic Trees;生物序列/结构的比较及进化树的构建
3.The Research on the 3D Graphical Representation of DNA Sequence and the Algorithm for Constructing Phylogenetic Tree;DNA序列3D图形表示及进化树算法研究
4.Design and Implementation of the Equalized Evolving Tree Self-organizing Network平衡进化树自组织网络的设计与实现
5.Application of SVD in Constructing Species Phylogenies from Unaligned Whole Genome Protein Sequences;矩阵奇异值分解在构建物种进化树中的应用
6.Research of Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Based on Pairwise Sequences Alignment;基于序列两两比较的进化树构造方法研究
7.Clustering Analysis Based on Evolutionary Tree-Structured SOM Network;基于进化树型自组织神经网络聚类分析
8.Research Progress of Browning Phenomenon in Tissue Culture of Fruit Trees果树组织培养中褐化现象的研究进展
9.Advances in Studies on Guangxi Dracaena Cochinchinensis;广西龙血树化学成分及药理研究进展
11.Binary sort tree model for structured P2P improved mechanism利用二叉排序树改进结构化P2P模型
12.Advances in Research on the Relationship between Mineral Nutrient and Flower Bud Differentiation of Fruit Trees营养成分调控果树花芽分化研究进展
13.An overview of ecological degradation and restoration of Eucalyptus plantation桉树人工林生态退化与恢复研究进展
14.Axiomatic design based on improved function-means tree基于改进型功能方法树的公理化设计
15.Research Progress of Tea Genetic Evolution and the Application Prospects of SSR in Tea Genetic Evolution茶树遗传演化研究进展及SSR在茶树遗传演化研究中的应用前景
16.New process on phosphorus curing agents of epoxy resin are reviewed.综述了含磷环氧树脂固化剂研究的新进展。
17.Establish Socialist View of Honor or Disgrace and Deeply Promote Construction of Honorable Culture;树立社会主义荣辱观 深入推进廉政文化建设
18.Establish the New Idiea to Operate Universities and Speed up the Process of University’s Logistic Socialization;树立经营高校新理念 加快高校后勤社会化进程

evolutionary tree进化树
1.A new definition of DNA sequences characters is proposed and used to realize the construction of the evolutionary tree.提出了一种新的基于统计的序列特征定义,并以此对进化树进行构建。
2.The evolutionary tree of the genetic codes is deduced and the result is consistent with three kingdoms of species within the Domain Eukaryota.提出一个理论模型,由此推导出标准密码表与10个物种线粒体非标准密码表之间的进化关系,得到这些表的进化关系和真核总界中物种的三界分类正相吻合,同时发现氨基酸与终止密码间的无义突变和其逆过程是重建进化树的关键因素。
3.A new method of reconstructing evolutionary tree based on oligonucleotide frequencies is proposed.据 DNA序列中核苷酸短程关联为主及其进化依赖性 ,本文提出了一个以少核苷酸频数为基础的进化距离的定义 ,据此用 35个物种的 1 6S( 1 8S) RNA序列构建进化树 ,得到了和生物学公认的进化树一致的结果 。
3)phylogenetic analysis进化树分析
1.Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of Japanese encephalitis virus in Liaoning province;辽宁省乙型脑炎病毒分离及进化树分析
4)Phylogenetic tree系统进化树
1.Construction of phylogenetic tree based on DNA sequences;基于DNA序列的系统进化树构建
2.And then phylogenetic tree of Monascus strains was conceived accord.1软件进行同一性和差异性分析并根据遗传距离构建系统进化树
3.The genetic distance of 10 minorities was calculated and phylogenetic tree constructed.方法:采用PCR-STR技术及ABI3100全自动测序仪,研究毛南族无关个体3个STR位点(D5S818、D7S820、D13S317)的基因频率分布情况;计算10个民族的遗传距离,构建系统进化树
5)Phylogenetic tree遗传进化树
1.By using the BLAST and ClustalX program,the sequencing results were analyzed and the phylogenetic trees for 8 housekeeping genes in 4 regions of chromosome were established.利用BLAST和ClustalX程序分析测序结果,构建了8个看家基因在染色体上4个区域的相应遗传进化树
6)Phylogenetic tree基因进化树
1.The homology,phylogenetic tree and the genetic variance of the ORF7 gene sequence were analysed.从GenBank中随机选取25株猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)的全基因序列进行同源性分析并构建了基因进化树,同时对PRRSV ORF7基因序列进行遗传变异分析,发现PRRSV美洲株之间或欧洲株之间的ORF7基因相对保守,但美洲株和欧洲株的ORF7基因的核苷酸及氨基酸同源性较低。
