海岸湿地,coastal wetland
1)coastal wetland海岸湿地
1.Conservation and management of coastal wetlands along the South China Sea of China;中国南中国海海岸湿地的保护和管理
2.Floral characteristics and protection of vascular plants in coastal wetlands of Jiaozhou Bay;胶州湾海岸湿地维管束植物的区系特征与保护
3.A systemic analysis of the environmental pressure factors to the degradation of coastal wetlands in China;中国海岸湿地退化压力因素的综合分析

1.Characteristics and Changing Trend of Coastal Wetland Ecosystem in Macau;澳门海岸湿地生态系统的特征及变化趋势研究
2.Evaluation of tourist resource and plan of ecotourism for Shantou coastal wetland;汕头海岸湿地自然保护区的生态旅游资源与开发前景分析
3.Research on China Coastal Zones Ⅲ中国海岸带研究Ⅲ——滨海湿地研究
4.of marshes along Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States.产于美国大西洋和海湾沿岸的湿地。
5.Distribution of wetland Landscape And Ecological Construction in North-Huanghai;北黄海沿岸湿地景观与生态经济分区
6.The winds blowing off the Mediterranean lose their moisture along the northeast coast.吹过地中海的风沿着东北海岸失去大量的湿气。
7.The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate.西南海岸地区有着潮湿温和的海洋性气候。
8.Study of Coastal Wetland Resources Remote Sensing Survey and Thematic Mapping;海岸带湿地资源遥感调查与专题制图研究
9.Study on the Circular Economy of Building Reed Wetland in Ancient Yellow River Delta Coastal Zone;古代黄河三角洲海岸带建成芦苇湿地循环经济
10.Change of Coastal Wetlands and Analysis of Its Driving Reasons along South Coast of the Laizhou Bay莱州湾南岸滨海湿地变化及其原因分析
11.Landscape Pattern Change of Yancheng Coastal Wetland in Jiangsu江苏省盐城海岸带湿地景观格局变化研究
12.Analysis of the Degradations of Coastal Wetlands in Southern Laizhou Bay During Last 20 Years and the Mechanisms近20年莱州湾南岸滨海湿地退化及其原因分析
13.Research On the Wetland Protection and the Exploitation of Tourism Resource for Dayawan Coast and the Offshore Islands in Guangdong;广东大亚湾海岸、海岛资源的旅游开发与湿地保护探讨
14.Qilihai wetland is the core of Tianjin Ancient Seacoast and Swamp Reserve in China.七里海湿地位于天津市宁河县境内,是天津古海岸与湿地国家级自然保护区的重要组成部分。
15.Biological Diversity and Eco-geological Environment Changes of the Southern Coastal Wetland in Laizhou Bay莱州湾南岸滨海湿地生物多样性及生态地质环境变化
16.Research on Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Coastal Wetlands in the Southern Laizhou Bay;莱州湾南岸滨海湿地的退化及其生态恢复、重建研究
17.Landscape Types and Fragmentation of Coastal Wetlands with Support of GIS and RS along South Coast of Laizhou Bay;基于RS与GIS的莱州湾南岸滨海湿地景观类型与破碎化分析
18.Preliminary Study on Relationship between South China’s Mangrover Wet System and Coastal Fishery Production;华南红树林湿地系统与海岸带渔业生产关系初步研究

Coastal wetlands海岸湿地
1.Resource-Environmental Pressure and Regional Response in Coastal Wetlands: A Case Study in Yancheng Natural Reserve of Jiangsu Province;海岸湿地资源环境压力特征与区域响应研究
2.Impact of Spartina alterniflora on sedimentary environment of coastal wetlands of the Quanzhou Bay;互花米草对福建泉州湾海岸湿地沉积环境影响
3.The author summarizes reasons and process of degradation of the coastal wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay and its influences on fishery and biodiversity.文章简要分析了胶州湾海岸湿地退化过程以及海岸湿地退化对渔业生产和生物多样性保护的影响。
3)coastal wetland海岸带湿地
1.Changes of coastal wetland and impact on eco-environment: Case study in Xiamen;海岸带湿地变化及其对生态环境的影响:厦门海域案例研究
2.Change and threats of coastal wetlands in Shenzhen;深圳市海岸带湿地变化及存在的威胁
3.Based on the extensive aperiodic data collected from field work and researches related to coastal wetlands in Xiamen,China,an analysis model of `Pressures-States-Responses(PSR)' was developed in order to study the stresses on the state changes of coastal wetlands,and ecological impacts on the coastal ecosystem in Xiamen.通过“压力—状态—响应”分析模型,对厦门海岸带湿地变化的主要原因(压力)、成分退化和结构改变(状态)以及对厦门海岸带生态系统的主要影响(响应力)之间的作用机制进行了探讨。
4)Coastal Wetlands in Yancheng (CWY)盐城海岸湿地
1.Coastal Wetlands in Yancheng (CWY),Jiangsu Province consist of two national natural reserves characterized by protecting red crowned crane and elk.江苏盐城海岸湿地拥有以保护丹顶鹤和麋鹿为特色的两个国家级自然保护区。
5)Coastal zone and beach wetland海岸带滩涂湿地
6)saline-alkali soil in coastal wetland海岸湿地盐碱土
