外来物种,Alien species
1)Alien species外来物种
1.Present situation of alien species invasion and its effects on economy,society and ecology in Fujian Province;福建外来物种入侵现状及对经济社会和生态的影响
2.An analysis of the alien species Ambrosia artemisiifolia invasion by faulttree method and risk assessment;外来物种豚草入侵的事故树分析
3.Review of studies on alien species Spartina alterniflora in China;我国对外来物种互花米草的研究进展与展望

1.There are more than 1,000 alien species in China.中国的外来物种有1000多种。
2.The introduction of foreign species is a global phenomenon,引进外来物种是一种全球性的现象,
3.do a great job in slowing the spread of undesirable foreign species,有力地缓减了外来物种的蔓延,
4.Take precaution against the risk of exotic species invasion and safeguard the safety of ecosystem防范外来物种入侵风险,维护生态安全
5.On Invasion of Marine Alien Species and the Management of Ballast Water in China;海洋外来物种入侵与我国压载水管理
6.On the Legal Measures Against the Intrusion of Alien Species;论我国防治外来物种入侵的法律对策
7.Alien Species Invading And Precautionary Principle On The Environmental Law;外来物种入侵及其环境法律调控准则
8.Study on Several Legislation Problems of the Prevention and Control of the Alien Species Invasion防治外来物种入侵若干立法问题研究
9.Research on allelopathic effects of Conyza canadensis-an invasive species外来物种小飞蓬的化感作用初步研究
10.These attacks can mean major headaches for both wildife and people.这种外来物种的来犯对野生生物和人类都是桩伤脑筋的事。
11.Ecological adaptability of alien species Spartina alterniflora Loisel seed germination外来物种互花米草种子萌发的生态适应性
12.Protection and Utilization of Wild Plants, Prevention the Invasion of Alien Species保护和利用野生植物 防止外来物种入侵
13.Metapopulation model of multispecies competitive coexistence given exotic species invasion外来物种入侵后的多物种竞争共存的集合种群模型
14.It says this can lead to replacement of some native animals.因为这将导致输入国某些本地的物种被外来物种所替代。
15.Establishment of Invasive Risk Assessment Forecasting Net on Alien Species in Wuhan;武汉市外来物种入侵风险预警网的构建
16.The Construction of the Legal System That Prevents Alien Species from Invading in China;我国防止外来物种入侵的法律制度构建
17.Both products are released by exocytosis.两种产物都由外排作用释放出来。
18.Studies on Invasion Biology of Rhus Typhina;外来种火炬树的入侵生物学特性研究

exotic species外来物种
1.Effect of exotic species Mytilopsis sallei on macrozoobenthos in the Maluan Bay,Xiamen in China;外来物种沙筛贝对厦门马銮湾大型底栖动物的影响
2.Metapopulation model of multispecies competitive coexistence given exotic species invasion外来物种入侵后的多物种竞争共存的集合种群模型
3.This paper points out that the aggression of exotic species quickens the forfeiture of the living thing’s varieties, and destroys the ecosystem, and threatens human's health, and causes great loss of the economy, so it brings the side effect to the sustainable development and the human society.指出了外来物种入侵加快了生物多样性的丧失、破坏了生态系统、造成了巨大的经济损失并危害人类健康,给人类社会的可持续发展造成了严重的负面影响,并提出了减轻外来物种入侵的措施。
3)external species外来物种
1.The development of the external species invasion the legal countermeasure;防治外来物种入侵的法律对策
2.This article analyzes the external species invasion harm and o.但我国在防治外来物种入侵方面存在着现有法律责任追究制度不健全、宣传教育方面的不足,对此我们应采取加强风险预防的制度、建立引种许可证制度及备案制度、确立管理机构并监督部门的管理等对策。
3.The external species invasion has no longer a novel topic, with the development of global economic integration system, maintaining the biodiversity, preventing and controlling external species invades become hot issues that each country concerns.外来物种入侵已经不是一个新颖的话题,随着全球经济一体化体系的发展,维护生物多样性、防治外来物种入侵成为世界各国关注的问题。
4)invasive species外来物种
1.Research on allelopathic effects of Oxalis corymbosa——an invasive species;外来物种红花醡浆草的化感作用研究
5)outside plant species外来植物种
1.The invasion of outside plant species has already become the most thorny issue of ecological environment of our times.外来植物种通过一定的传播途径从其原产地传入本地,并能在本地自然状态下定居、繁殖和扩展,对本地生态系统产生一定的影响和危害。
6)Exotic plants植物外来种
1.Effects of exotic plants on soil characteristics;植物外来种对土壤理化特性的影响
2.The invasion of exotic plants is a severe problem due to its tremendous damage and impact.植物外来种的入侵可以通过多种途径 :如野生动物、风、水和人类的活动等传播 ,尤其是人类活动的影响使生物入侵的范围、频率和强度超过自然入侵。

外来物种正在入侵南极  据新华社伦敦7月2日电南极洲是世界上仅剩的几块广袤荒野之一,但是外来物种正在入侵南极,不少非本土物种已在南极“安营扎寨”。据最新一期《新科学家》杂志报道,北极的蜘蛛蟹、多种无脊椎动物和杂草已经在南极安营扎寨。人类也向南极周围岛屿引入了200多种非本土物种,造成灾难性后果。鼠类和猫类已经占据了海鸟的全部领地,野兔和驯鹿毁坏了当地植被,外来植物不可逆转地改变了当地的生态体系。气候变化导致南极气温上升,使非本土物种在南极的生存变得越来越容易,因此科学家担心,南极将会更易受外来物种侵袭。另外,南极旅游近年来迅速发展,2001年至2002年,到访南极的游客为1.5万多人,而2005年至2006年,这一数字攀升至3万多人,大大增加了外来物种进入南极大陆的机会。(源自:中国林业网)