化学能,chemical energy
1)chemical energy化学能
1.A guiding coal to air ratio,formulated according to information signals,indicating the chemical energy contained in the fuel,fed into boiler furnace,and the heat released in the furnace,is then to be used during operation for realizing optimized control of the ratio.根据输入炉膛的燃料蕴含的化学能以及炉膛内的实际热量,可以得到锅炉风煤配比控制的指导量,以便在锅炉运行过程中进行风煤配比的优化控制。
2.This paper proposed the new concept of cascade utilization of chemical energy, which breakthrough the limitation of thermal energy conversion in the range of traditional thermal cycles, and theoretically proved the relationship of work availability between the material (exergy ε), the chemical reaction (Gibbs free energy G) and the thermal energy (Carnot efficiency ηc).本文提出化学能梯级利用新概念,从理论上证明了物质作功能力(ε)、化学反应作功能力(G)和物理能作功能力(ηc)之间的内在联系,拓展了传统热力循环在物理能转换利用范畴的局限。
3.This paper anlyzed the process that chemical energy change into electrical ener- gy directiy according fo the thermodynamic theorem.根据热力学原理,对燃料电池化学能直接转变成电能的过程进行了分析,并给出了电池开路电压的计算方法。

1.Chemical energy may be converted to heat.化学能可以转化为热能。
2.Electrical energy may be converted into heat, light or chemical energy.电能可以被转换成热能,光能或化学能
3.Electrical energy may be converted to heat, light or chemical energy.电能可以被转换成热能、光能或化学能
4.Electrical energy may be converted to heat , light or chemical energy .电能可以转换成热能、光能或化学能
5.Conversion of chemical energy to electric energy in a storage battery.化学能转为电能将化学能转变为蓄电池中的电能
6.Chemical changes that give off energy.释放能量的化学变化
7.Improving Experimental Teaching of Chemistry and Training Abilities of Students;强化化学实验教学 加强学生能力培养
8.Optimizing Chemistry Class Teaching to Improve Students’Innovative Ability优化化学课堂教学 提高学生创新能力
9.The Cultivation of Students Decision-making Ability in the Middle School Chemistry Teaching;中学化学教学中学生决策能力的培养
10.How to Improve Students Memory Efficiency in Teaching Chemistry in Middle Schools;中学化学教学怎样提高学生记忆能力
11.Training Self-study Ability in Chemical Teaching;浅谈化学教学中学生自学能力的培养
12.Developing the Abilities of Students In Teaching of Chemistry Technology;在《化学工艺学》教学中培养学生的能力
13.Study motivation has inspiriting function, directional function and intensifying function.学习动机具有激励功能、向功能、化功能。
14.(chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction.(化学)某种物质参与化学反映的能力。
15.Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Incubatory Ability--Appraisal of University Business Incubator;大学孵化器孵化能力的模糊数学分析
16.Mathematical Simulation of electrode performance on Proton Exchange Membrabce Fuel Cells;PEMFC阴极催化层电化学性能的数学模拟
17.To open up school culture development,and deepen school s cultivating function;开拓学校文化建设 深化学校育人功能
18.Quicken the Reform of Chemistry Teaching, Strengthen the Foster of Innovation Ability;加快化学教学改革,强化创新能力培养

chemical energy,chemical power化学能<能>
3)chemical energy (energy)化学能(能量)
4)chemical property化学性能
1.A series testings and comparisons of material structure and chemical property of Richcel fiber are done to have worked out the processing route of Richcel/polyester blended spinning, and series tested the property of thus blended spun yarn.对丽赛纤维原料结构及性能进行了系统的测试和对比 ,详细分析了其化学性能 ,并通过工艺设计提出了丽赛 /涤纶的混纺加工路线 ,对混纺纱线的性能进行了系统测试。
2.In aqueous solutions, chemical property of cation or oxideacid anion of all same elements was great difference because difference valence condition.水溶液中 ,同一元素的阳离子或其含氧酸阴离子 ,因价态不同 ,其化学性能也迥然有别 ;价态愈高 ,则其氧化能力愈强 ,是愈强的氧化剂 ;变价元素的阳离子或其含氧酸阴离子 ,几乎都遵循这种规律。
3.Main causes of it are poor physical/chemical property and alkali aggregate reaction as there unexpectedly mixed with baked stone or re-active aggregate into the concrete batch.常见的有石子物理力学性能差、石子化学性能不良、石子中混入煅烧过的石块及活性骨料引起的碱-骨料反应等。
5)chemical properties化学性能
1.In order to provide theoretic basis for spinning,weaving,dyeing,finishing and so on process of decolour fleece\|line,we give the result compared to part of physical and chemical properties between the raw and bleaching camel fine hair.将驼绒脱色前后的部分物理、化学性能、纺纱性能及染色性能与羊毛进行了对比。
2.To develop a new material with obstructive effects on bacteria,chemical properties of polypropylene(PP) hydroentangled nonwoven fabrics with three different mass per unit areas were investigated.为研制新型阻菌材料,对3种不同单位面积质量的聚丙烯纤维水刺法无纺布进行了化学性能实验,并以创面感染的常见致病菌金黄色葡萄球菌和黏质沙雷菌为模型疡菌,通过一系列实验、分析,客观地评价了材料在低水分、半潮湿、潮湿条件下的阻菌性能。
6)chemical energy storage化学储能
1.This paper outlines the principle and characteristics of the chemical energy storage and summarizes the thermophysical properties,advantages and disadvantages,and applications of seuerl kinds of typicsl chemical energy storage materials.概述了化学储能的机理及特点 ,综述了几种典型化学储能材料的热物理性质、优缺点及其应

化学能化学能chemical energy  huaxueneng化学能(ehemieal energy)参与化学反应的物质所具有的能量。在所有化学反应过程中,都伴随有吸热反应或放热反应。根据能量守恒定律,反应过程中热能增加或减少的同时必然有其他形式的能量相应减少或增加,这种其他形式的能量,就是参与化学反应的物质的化学能。在化学反应过程中,反应物质的原子重新排列后产生新的化合物,同时也导致化学能的变化。这一化学能的变化与伴随反应而发生的热能变化,数量相等,方向相反。 根据化学反应过程中物质系统的压力或体积是否发生变化,所释放出的热量有定压反应热与定容反应热之分。定压反应热等于恒定压力下化学能的变量,即所谓焙变量的负值;定容反应热等于恒定体积下化学能的变量,即所谓内能变量的负值。 由于物质化学能的绝对值无法测量,而只能侧t其改变值,故通常先假定一个化学能为零的标准点,然后侧量被侧元素和化合物相对这一标准点的化学能增减值。 化学能的应用领域非常广泛,使用方式也很多,主要途径是通过能量转换。例如,炸药就是利用药粉在被 引嫩的瞬间,其化学能转换成大t 的热能,形成巨大的爆炸力旧常使 用的干电池,就是利用构成原电池 的物质发生氧化还原反应,产生电 子得失,将物质的化学能转换成电 能;工业中的电解、电镀则是通过外 加电源,将电能转换成化学能的过 程。在电力工业中,应用化学能的实 例也很多。例如,煤、油、天然气等 化石嫌料嫌烧放热,都是将化学能 转换成热能,再将水加热变为蒸汽, 用以驱动汽轮发电机组发电(见火 力发电);燃料电他发电则与干电池的原理类似,利用化学原电池直接将物质的化学能转换成电能,因而效率更高(见撇料电池)。