保护价值,protection value
1)protection value保护价值
1.The division of nature reserve into the core zone and experimental area is based on the pattern of protection value differentiation, while the buffer is zoned in order to protect the core and to study and monitor natural eco system.提出自然保护区核心区与实验区区划的依据是保护价值空间分异规律,而缓冲区区划则是为满足保护核心区和对自然生态系统开展科学研究观测的要求。
2.The vegetation types of Wuliangshan National Nature Reserve is divided at level of formation,and protection values of the vegetation in the reserve are quantitatively evaluated from 7 aspects in rareness,peculiarity,ecological importance,fragility,disturbance,dominance of rare species and diversity.对无量山国家级自然保护区的植被类型作群系级划分,进而从稀有性、特有性、生态重要性、脆弱性、易受干扰性、珍稀物种多度、物种多样性7个方面对保护区植被类型进行保护价值数量化评价,并对主要群系的保护价值作综合评价,位于保护价值前列的植物群落分别是:元江栲林,木果石栎林,壶斗石栎林,云南铁杉林和杜鹃、乌饭、八角矮林。
3.Based on analyzing 1604 famous and ancient trees distributed in Yunnan province, and the following protection value of ancient and famous trees were identified.在研究分析了云南省1604株古树名木的基础上,认为古树名木具有如下保护价值:①模式标本的采集树,植物群落类型区划的重要依据;②引种栽培的科学依据,生物资料的贮藏库,生物的基因库;③历史与社会学的活文物,革命斗争的见证人;④自然历史的真实记录,赏心悦目的旅游景观。

1.Study on Identification of High Conservation Value Forest in Beijing Mountainous Region;北京山区高保护价值森林的判定研究
2.The Research of the Value of the Vulnerable Group in Civil Litigation弱势群体民事诉讼保护价值问题研究
3.identifying and protecting areas of conservation importance;鉴定和保护具保育价值的地方;
4.They say it protects traditional Islamic values.他们称之为了保护传统伊斯兰的价值。
5.Study on the Value of Cultural Heritage of Xi an Forest of Steles and Its Conservation;西安碑林文化遗产价值及其保护初探
6.Loss Evaluation on Protective Wild Animals in Beijing District;北京地区保护野生动物损失价值评估
7.The Characteristics,Values and Safeguarding Tactics of Linguistic Cultural Heritage;语言文化遗产的特性、价值与保护策略
8.Protection of Investors,Ownership Concentration and Firm Value;投资者保护、集中的所有权与公司价值
9.Analysis on the Value of World Nature Heritage in Kanas and Study on Its Conservation and Development;喀纳斯世界遗产价值分析与保护开发
10.Debt Maturity Structure,Corporate Value and the Protection of Creditors;债务期限结构、公司价值和债权人保护
11.Researches on ecological value and protection of ecological environment of Qinghai Lake;青海湖生态价值与生态环境保护研究
12.The value of cultural relics in conservation,restoration and research;保护、修复、研究领域中文物的价值
13.On The Legal Value Pursuit Of State Assets Protection;资源性国有资产保护的法的价值取向
14.Protection of Person: the Basic Value in Chinese Civil Codification;人的保护:中国民法典编撰的价值基础
15.Legal Value Orientation of Minor Crime and Protection of the Right of Person;“轻罪”之法价值取向与人身权利保护
16.The Conception and Value of Protecting Minors in the Criminal Law;未成年人的刑法保护理念与刑法价值
17.Protected Values and Their Impacts on Decision Making;保护性价值观及其对决策行为的影响
18.Protect Readers Right Improve the Increase Value of Information Resources;保护读者权益,提高信息资源利用价值

value and preservation价值与保护
1.The value and preservation of Daur s huokang culture;论达斡尔火炕文化价值与保护的重要性
3)high conservation value forest高保护价值森林
1.Study on Identification of High Conservation Value Forest in Beijing Mountainous Region;北京山区高保护价值森林的判定研究
2.Focus on the features of high conservation value forest in combination with the evaluation of forest values in terms of existing economy theories,the paper evaluates the values of high conservation forest in Beijing from 2 aspects of biodiversity and ecological service function.结合现行经济学理论界对森林价值的评估,针对高保护价值森林的特征,从生物多样性和生态服务功能两方面对北京市高保护价值森林的价值评估方法进行探讨。
3.Beijing is the capital of China, the study on high conservation value forests in beijing is important to develop the forest certification, forest management, landscape planning, nature reserves planning.北京是我国的首都,北京市高保护价值森林判定标准和保护与经营对策的研究对于今后开展森林认证、森林经营、景观规划、保护区规划有非常重要的意义。
4)ecological conservation value生态保护价值
5)sacred value protection神圣价值保护
6)protected values保护性价值观
1.Identity Study of University Students on Protected Values in Chinese Traditional Culture;大学生对中国传统文化中保护性价值观的认同研究
2.The Research of Protected Values in Interpersonal Relationship of College Students;大学生人际关系中的保护性价值观研究
3.Protected Values and It s Influence on Decision Behavior in Public Administration;行政管理领域中的保护性价值观及其对决策行为的影响

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分