秭归县,Zigui County
1)Zigui County秭归县
1.A Study of Relationship Between Vegetation Fraction and Soil Loss Based on GIS and RS in Zigui County;基于RS与GIS的植被覆盖度与水土流失关系研究——以三峡库区秭归县为例
2.Rapidly Dynamic Monitoring on Water and Soil Loss of Zigui County of the Three-Gorge Reservoir Area Based on RS and GIS;基于RS与GIS的三峡库区秭归县水土流失快速动态监测
3.Landscape pattern change and its simulation forecast in Zigui County of Three Gorges Reservoir Area三峡库区秭归县景观格局变化及模拟预测

1.The investigation of the resettlement caused by the new county capital of Zigui County;秭归县新县城占地移民安置情况调查
2.Qu Yuan was born in Zigui of Hubei Province,屈原出生于湖北省秭归县
3.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient China.He was born in Zigui County of Yichang.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县
4.Countermeasure on Current Status and Development in Forestry Ecological Construction in Zigui County of Three Gorges Reservoir Region;三峡库区秭归县林业生态建设现状及发展对策
5.Landscape pattern change and its simulation forecast in Zigui County of Three Gorges Reservoir Area三峡库区秭归县景观格局变化及模拟预测
6.Microcosmic Approach to the Problems about Water and Soil Conservation in the Changjiang Gorges and Its Countermeasures Study三峡库区秭归县水土保持问题微观探析与对策研究
7.Study on Evaluation and Quantization of the Ecological Benefits of the Program of Conventing Farmland to Forest in Zigui County of the Three Gorge Reservoir Area;三峡库区秭归县退耕还林工程生态效益计量评价研究
8.Investigation on the Species Diversity of Shrub and Arbor Communities in Xiangxihe Drainage Area of Zigui County;湖北秭归县香溪河流域乔灌植物群落物种多样性研究
9.Case Study on Benefits Evaluation of Grain for Green Project;退耕还林工程效益评价案例分析——以湖北省秭归县中坝村为案例
10.Study on Economic Effects of Geologic Hazard Prevention in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area--A Case Study of Zigui County三峡库区地质灾害防治的经济效益探析——以湖北省秭归县为例
11.Responses of Ring Width of Pinus massoniana to the Climate Change at Different Elevations in Zigui County,Three-Gorge Reservoir Area三峡库区秭归县不同海拔马尾松径向生长对气候的响应
12.Achievements,existing problems and countermeasures of development of Three Gorges latterly settled immigration三峡后靠移民发展取得的成就、存在的问题与对策——以湖北秭归县郭家坝镇为例
13.The Theory and Practice of Constructing the Harmonious Countryside--A Case Study of Constructing the Rural Community in Yang Linqiao,Zigui County;构建和谐农村社会的理论与实践——基于秭归县杨林桥和谐农村社区建设的个案考察
14.There are today in the County of Zigui a number of historical sites associated with Qu Yuan, for instance, his memorial temple.秭归一带,至今尚有屈原庙等古迹。
15.Genetic Identification of the Natural Citrus Hybrid- Zigui Tangor;柑橘自然杂种—‘秭归橘橙’的遗传鉴定
16.Brief Report on Excavation of Tombs of Han and Song Dynasty, Zigui, Hubei;湖北秭归东门头汉墓与宋墓清理简报
18.So QU Yuan's bi rthplace is not Jiangling but Zigui in Hubei province.屈原的出生地是湖北秭归而不是湖北江陵

Zigui new county capital秭归新县城
3)Zigui County in Three Gorges area三峡秭归县
4)Zigui county of Three Gorges Reservoir Area三峡库区秭归县
1.The status and cause of non-point pollution of agriculture in Zigui county of Three Gorges Reservoir Area was analysed in this paper.简要分析了三峡库区秭归县农业面源的现状及主要原因。
5)Zigui County秭归
1.Research on the expansive soil in Zigui County,the Three Gorges Reservoir region;三峡库区秭归县膨胀土研究
2.Species diversity of Pinus tabulaeformis forest sown by plane in Zigui County;秭归飞播油松林的物种多样性
3.Taken Zigui County as an example,the indicator systems of sustainable development are build up by using the method of multi-indicator comprehensive analysis.在确立衡量县域可持续发展标准的基础上,以三峡库区秭归县为例,运用多指标层次法建立了秭归县可持续发展水平测度的指标体系。
1.But ancient people considered Zigui as his hometown.古人却把秭归称为屈原的故乡,今人又将湖南汉寿考证为屈原故乡,新闻界人士周笃文教授从新闻炒作角度出发发布屈原故乡在临湘,使得国人对屈原故乡的认定愈来愈模糊,需要认真求证。
