热带林,tropical forest
1)tropical forest热带林
1.Thefirstpartcoversthelightvariationintropical foresthabitatsandphotosyntheticresponsesoftreestotheunderstorylightregimesandgaplightregimes.综述了当前国际上热带林树种光合生理生态研究主要进展。
2.Forest biomass\' importance has attracted a great deal of experimental and theoretical attention,while attention is rarely paid to biomass of three low elevational tropical forests in Bawangling of Hainan Island.利用样地调查资料并结合生物量模型,分析了海南岛3种低海拔热带林生物量及其随群落特征的变化规律。
3.Diversity of tropical forest landscape-type in Hainan Island, China;把海南岛热带森林景观作为省级单位,它隶属于全球热带林景观带、亚洲(东方)热带林景观域、中国热带林景观亚域,其下划分为东部潮湿森林景观、西部半干旱森林景观、中南部山地森林景观、热带常绿针叶林景观、热带竹林景观和热带人工林景观6个森林景观区;以热带低地沟谷热带雨林为代表的11个森林景观亚区;以热带低地沟谷龙脑香森林景观为代表的26个森林景观类型组;以热带低地沟谷青皮林为代表的54个森林景观类型。
2)tropical forest zone [region]热带林带
3)tropical rainforest热带雨林
1.Function of Ficus in tropical rainforest ecosystem in Xishuangbanna;榕树在西双版纳热带雨林生态系统中的作用
2.Plant temperature edge effects of tropical rainforest fragment in Xishuangbanna.;热带雨林片断植物叶温边缘效应的初步分析
3.Characteristics of Alsophila podophylla population and its community in the tropical rainforest in Wuzhi Mountains;五指山热带雨林黑桫椤种群及其所在群落特征

1.seasonal rain forest and rain forest region季雨林和热带雨林
2.tropical rainforest and subtropical forest fauna热带雨林和亚热带森林动物群
3.the luxuriant vegetation of tropical rain forests热带雨林中繁茂的植物.
4.The acid rain is destroying the primitive tropical forests.酸雨正在毁坏原始热带雨林
5.Forests and jungles have thick vegetation.森林和热带雨林中有茂密的植被。
6.The forester has explored those tropical rain forests那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林
7.Temperature characteristics of different thermal active surfaces near edge of tropical rain forest.热带雨林林缘不同热力作用面热力特征初探
8.Rainforest of xishuangbanna,OASIS on the TROPIC回归带上的绿洲西双版纳的热带雨林
9.leg wrappings are necessary when venturing into tropical rainforest.去热带雨林里探险, 必须扎上绑带。
10.There are more insects in tropical rainforest zones than in temperate grass zones.热带雨林区的昆虫比温带草原区的多。
11.A Research on Landscape Planning and Designing of the Rainforest Scene--Taking Moli Rainforest Scene as An Example;热带雨林旅游景区景观规划与设计研究——以莫里热带雨林景区为例
12.type genus of the Cyatheaceae: tree ferns of the tropical rain forest to temperate woodlands.桫椤科的模式属;热带雨林至温带森林的树蕨。
13.The second question concerned the geographical location of rainforests.第二个问题有关热带雨林的地理位置。
14.Over two thousand kinds of rainforest plants contribute to the cure of cancer.两千多种热带雨林植物对治癌有益。
15.Over two thousand kinds of rainforests contribute to the cure of cancer.* 两千多种热带雨林植物对治癌有益。
16.There are more than two thousand rainforest plants which are beneficial in fighting cancer.两千多种热带雨林植物对治疗癌有益.
17.The fifth route is for Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore.五是西双版纳热带雨林和傣族风情游。
18.I live on plains and deserts and in tropical rain forests and river valleys.我生活在草原、沙漠、热带雨林和河谷。

tropical forest zone [region]热带林带
3)tropical rainforest热带雨林
1.Function of Ficus in tropical rainforest ecosystem in Xishuangbanna;榕树在西双版纳热带雨林生态系统中的作用
2.Plant temperature edge effects of tropical rainforest fragment in Xishuangbanna.;热带雨林片断植物叶温边缘效应的初步分析
3.Characteristics of Alsophila podophylla population and its community in the tropical rainforest in Wuzhi Mountains;五指山热带雨林黑桫椤种群及其所在群落特征
4)tropic rainforest热带雨林
1.Effects of rubber plantation on tropic rainforest ecosystem in Nabanhe river basin;橡胶种植对纳板河流域热带雨林生态系统的影响
2.Population dynamics of soil microbiota and nematodes during decomposition process of mixed leaf litters were investigated based on field study in Xishuangbanna tropic rainforest and simulated investigation indoors.通过野外试验与室内模拟相结合,对西双版纳热带雨林生态系统混合凋落叶分解过程中微生物和线虫种群动态变化进行了系统研究。
5)tropical rain forest热带雨林
1.Effect of the construction of expressway in the area of tropical rain forest on the soil erosion;热带雨林地区高速公路建设对水土流失的影响
2.The microclimate of dew and fog formation on canopy layer in the dry season in Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest;西双版纳热带雨林干季林冠层雾露形成的小气候特征研究
3.A study on the flora of the seed plants of tropical rain forest of Ruili, SW Yunnan;瑞丽莫里热带雨林种子植物区系的初步研究
6)Tropical Landscape Architecture热带园林
1.The Basic Concept and Study Meanings of Tropical Landscape Architecture;热带园林的基本概念与研究意义

热带和亚热带果树  适宜于无霜冻或少发生霜冻的温暖地区生长的果树。主要分布在南纬30°至北纬30°之间。热带果树是常绿树,多数每年落叶一次,在季节改变时由新叶代替老叶。主要种类有椰子、香蕉、杧果、菠萝、棕枣、番木瓜、油梨、番荔枝、腰果等,对低温很敏感。亚热带果树中既有常绿的也有落叶的种类,生长在冬季比较寒冷但为期很短地区的,一般营养生长期较长。主要种类有柑橘、无花果、龙眼、荔枝、枇杷、杨梅、油橄榄、石榴等,其中有的稍耐霜冻。但二者的分类并不严格,各国的标准也不一致。由于引种驯化和育种工作的发展,现在不少果树的栽培分布已与自然分布或原产地有很大差别。如香蕉、菠萝等热带果树已在亚热带地区栽培生产,以致更难以严格区分。一般常将热带和亚热带果树相提并论。 这一大类果树在果树生产中有重要地位。如柑橘、香蕉、椰子的世界年产量仅次于温带果树的葡萄,经常分别居第 2、3、4位。果实除供生食外,也是制罐、蜜饯、香精油及其他加工工业的重要原料。中国的热带和亚热带果树的种质资源十分丰富,但除香蕉、菠萝和柑橘类少数几种果树外,其开发研究尚不及温带果树。