根本保证,Fundamental guarantee
1)Fundamental guarantee根本保证
1.They are a fundamental guarantee for achieving success both in socialistmodernizations and in establishing a socialist political civilization.坚持党的领导和改善党的领导是辩证统一的,是社会主义现代化建设取得成功的根本保证,也是社会主义政治文明建设的取得成功根本保证
2.Then,it had provided a fundamental guarantee from the economic,political and cultural areas for human\'s freedom implementation.制度正义对人的自由起了重要的作用,它是实现人的自由的前提,它为人的自由的实现提供平等和和平的社会秩序条件,也为人的自由的实现提供了激励机制;其次它从经济、政治和文化等方面为人的自由的实现提供了根本保证;同时人的自由是制度正义的目的。
3.Ethnic cultural diversity is the fundamental guarantee for steady continuation of bio-diversity.民族文化多样性是生物物种多样性稳态延续的根本保证

1.Rural education is the fundamental guarantee which promotes rural all-round development;农村教育是促进农村发展的根本保证
2.To Guarantee the Realization of Self-learning by Offering Necessary Support Service;支持服务是实现自主学习的根本保证
3.To Strengthen the Legal System: A Sure Guarantee of Anti-Corruption;加强法制:预防和治理腐败的根本保证
4.To keep stability is the fundamental guarantee of realizing the modernizations.保持稳定是邓小平实现现代化的根本保证
5."People-Oriented" Is the Basic Assurance to Improve Our Party s Ruling Ability;以人为本是提升党的执政能力的根本保证
6.Digital objects is the fundamental components of the digital library information architecture.数字对象是数字图书馆架构的根本保证
7.The Discussion that System Construction is the Basic Guarantee to Realize the Social Harmonious;试论制度建设是实现社会和谐的根本保证
8.A Guarantee of Constructing a Harmonious Society: Transforming Government Functions;构建和谐社会的根本保证:政府职能的转变
9.System Construction: the Essential Guarantee to Enhance the Construction of the Administration Ability;制度建设:提高党的执政能力的根本保证
10.The construction of the ruling power: The basic assurance of keeping the nations′ long-term stability;执政能力建设:国家长治久安的根本保证
11.Legalistic administration: A basic guarantee to realize the party s advancedadministrative mode;依法执政:实现党先进执政方式的根本保证
12.Establishing New Principles of Governing Is the Guarantee of Improving the Ability to Govern;确立新的执政理念是提高执政能力的根本保证
13.The three representives :the foundamental guarantee forever in Power for the Party;三个代表:中国共产党长期执政的根本保证
14.System Innovation: Fundamental Guarantee of Intellectual Economy Development in China;制度创新:中国发展知识经济的根本保证
16.System Innovation is the Fundamental Guarantee for Realizing Socialist Modernization;制度创新是实现社会主义现代化的根本保证
17.Good Academic Atmosphere and Discipline is a Cardinal Guarantee of Training High-Quality Talents;优良学风是培养高质量人才的根本保证
18.The Important Thought of "Three Represent s" is a Basic Assurance of a Basic Assurance of Doing a Good Job of Doing a Good Job of the Trade Union Work;“三个代表”重要思想是做好工会工作的根本保证

basic guarantee根本保证
1.The article deals with the topic in terms of the significance of ideological and political work in the socialist spiritual civilization construction,and tries to explain the basic guarantee effect of the former on the latter by exploring its connotation.本文从思想政治工作在社会主义精神文明建设中的重要作用入手 ,试图从其基本内涵上阐述前者之于后者的根本保证
1.It expounds the Chinese Communist Party s great achivements,and points out that the guarantee of realizing China s national rejuvenation is the Chinese Commumist Party s leadship.在庆祝中国共产党成立 80周年之际 ,本文从挽救民族危亡、争取民族独立、实现民族复兴等方面 ,论述了中国共产党的丰功伟绩 ,指出坚持中国共产党的领导是实现民族复兴的根本保证
4)essential guarantee根本保证
1.Important thoughts of three representatives are action guideline in enforcing and improving party s leadership and retaining party s advanced nature,and also are essential guarantee of China s reign and revival.“三个代表”重要思想是加强和改进党的领导,保持党的先进性的行动指南,是执政兴国的根本保证
5)basic guarantee基本保证
1.A laboratory building and management is the basic guarantee for improving the quality of teaching;搞好实验室建设和管理是提高教学质量的基本保证
2.Stability is the basic guarantee of constructing socialist harmonious society.稳定是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本保证。
6)Warranty Cost保证成本
1.Study on the Method of Warranty Cost Optimization Based on Feature-mapping;基于特征映射的产品保证成本优化方法研究
2.Mode and method of product warranty cost integration management产品保证成本集成管理模式与方法
