生态环境问题,ecological and environmental problems
1)ecological and environmental problems生态环境问题
1.Major ecological and environmental problems and countermeasures in the Qinghai Lake watershed, Qinghai;青海湖流域主要生态环境问题及防治对策
2.Analyzing the ecological and environmental problems during the of construction of small cities and towns in Liaoning province;辽宁省小城镇建设中的生态环境问题探析
3.In this paper the main ecological and environmental problems and their causing mechanisms in the Dongting Lake wetland are analyzed according to new investigations and observations.依据 1999─ 2 0 0 1年的监测和调查资料 ,分析了洞庭湖湿地的生态环境问题及其形成机制 。

1.Looks at Setting up Ecology Technology View from the Ecological Environment Problem;从生态环境问题看生态技术观的树立
2.Ecological Environment Research in Modern Science and Technology;现代科技语境下的生态环境问题研究
3.The Problem of Our Country Village s Ecosystem Environment and the Enhancement of the Peasant s Environmental Consciousness;我国农村生态环境问题及农民环境意识的提高
4.International Ecological Environmental Problems and Their Enlightenment to Our Country s Environmental Legislation;国际生态环境问题及其对我国环境立法的启示
5.Research on Problems about Ecological Environment in the Source Region of the Two Rivers in Altai Mountain阿尔泰山两河源区生态环境问题研究
7.Research on the Problem of Groundwater Eco-Environment in Haihe River Basin;海河流域地下水生态环境问题的研究
8.An Scrutinizing on the Problem of Rural Community Ecological Enviroment;对农村社区生态环境问题的重新审视
9.The Ethical Basis Of System Construction About Ecosystem Environment;生态环境问题制度建设的伦理学基础
10.The Ecological Problem of the Groundwater in the Haihe River Valley and Its Solution;海河流域地下水生态环境问题及对策
11.Strategy study on eco-environmental issues of the “Gray Area”in the cities;城市“灰色区域”特征生态环境问题对策
12.The Research of Ecotourism Environment Problem and Environmental Bearing Capacity生态旅游环境问题与环境承载力刍议
13.Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Environment Charged with Evaluation and Management of the Ecological Environment三峡库区消落带环境问题及生态环境评价治理
14.Environmental Problems and Ecological Orientation of Constitution;环境问题与宪法价值取向生态化研究
15.Research on Ecology Ethics of Modern Olympic Games Environment Issue;现代奥运会环境问题的生态伦理研究
16.The Studies on Legal Problems of Ecological Environment Protection in Mining Area of China;我国矿区生态环境法律保护问题研究
17.Prior Consideration of Solving the Problem of Water Shortage to Build Elegant Environment;营造优美生态环境 优先解决水的问题

ecological environment problem生态环境问题
1.Water and land resources development of Yili River Valley makes an important factor of this region ecological environment evolution of land utilization/land cover is in change and so causes ecological environment problem does not effectively control.伊犁河谷水土资源开发使得土地利用/土地覆盖类型这一区域生态环境演变的重要因素处在变化之中,由此产生的生态环境问题还没有得到有效控制。
2.With the promotion of industrialization and urbanization in Xuzhou,Jiangsu Province,China,the un-sustainable development pattern caused great pressure to original fragile ecological environment,which led to many ecological environment problems.随着徐州工业化和城市化推进,不可持续的经济社会发展模式给原本脆弱的生态环境造成了极大压力,产生了诸多生态环境问题,区域人口、资源、环境之间的矛盾日趋尖锐。
3.This paper researches ecological environment problem and regional social development of Qinghai grassland area.本文以青海草原地区生态环境问题与区域社会发展为研究对象,通过对草原地区生态环境问题本质,即人口、资源、环境与发展失调的阐述,提出了通过城镇化进程和生态经济区的建设实现草原地区跨越式发展的远景规划设想,并且简单论述了草原地区社会经济发展的核心内容和基本模式。
3)eco-environmental problems生态环境问题
1.Study on the eco-environmental problems and its countermeasures in the sustainable development of resources-based cities:a case study of Jining City;资源型城市的生态环境问题与综合整治——以济宁市为例
2.By the case of Chang-Zhu-Tan agglomeration,eco-environmental problems in the process of urbanization are analyzed and relevant countermeasures are studied,aiming at providing beneficial references for the solve of eco-environmental problems.为实现城市可持续协调发展、建设和谐的"资源节约型和环境友好型"社会,本文以长株潭城市群为例,对城市化进程中的生态环境问题进行了深入分析并提出了相应对策,以期对城市化发展进程中的生态环境问题的解决提供有益参考。
4)Eco-environmental problem生态环境问题
1.in west Jilin Province and nearby areas, many methods have been adopted to study the major eco-environmental problems associated with water, and present situations of water resources development and utilization in the area.利用吉林省西部及周围地区气象、水文、地质和经济等方面大量实测、调查及统计资料 ,采用多种方法系统研究了该区与水有关的主要生态环境问题和水资源开发利用现状。
2.The main eco-environmental problems in Southern Shaanxi Province were revealed,which include soil and water loss,frequent geological hazards,and the low level of environmental pollution prevention.阐述了陕南地区目前所存在的水土流失、地质灾害频发,环境污染防治水平低等主要生态环境问题的现状。
3.Typical township coal mine were chose to detailed analysis of their eco-environmental problems.选择典型乡镇煤矿对其生态环境问题进行详尽的调查和分析,得出山西乡镇煤矿采煤造成的主要生态环境问题是水资源破坏、大气环境污染、煤矸石堆积、地表沉陷与滑坡等地质灾害、土壤性质改变及土壤侵蚀加剧等。
5)ecological environmental problems生态环境问题
1.In many years the forest resources have been felled destructively,the ecological environmental problems badly restrict economic sustainable development ,and on the basis of the sustainable development of the forest resources to put countermeasures:1.川西北森林资源破坏性采伐使生态环境问题严重 ,制约了经济发展。
2.Research on ecological environmental problems and protection measures in Chinese countryside;文章就当前我国农村所面临的主要生态环境问题进行了分析,据此提出了防治对策和措施。
6)Environmental and ecological problems环境生态问题
1.The cruise touring activity is confronted with a series of environmental and ecological problems such as pollution to the Reservoir water, great drain on energy and the inner-cruise environment, which may cause ecological disaster to the reservoir area, having a very bad negative effect.长江三峡游船旅游及其发展对环境资源具有极强的依赖性,游船旅游活动中面临着对库区水体的污染、高能耗及游船内部环境等一系列环境生态问题,可能给库区造成生态灾难,造成恶劣的负面影响。
