增长极限,growth limit
1)growth limit增长极限

1.The Enlightenment of the Limit to Growth on Human-Existence Contradictions增长极限论中关于人类生存矛盾的启迪
2.Sustainable economic development: the relationship between growth, resources and limit;经济可持续发展:增长、资源与极限问题之争
3.It concludes that two-syllable words are primary and no one-syllable words appear, and the syllabic length is between1 and12 syllables.结论是:以双音节词为主导,单音词零增长,词长的极限是1-12个音节。
4.Economic Growth: The Theoretical Debate on the Issue of Resource, Env ironment and Growth Limit and the Choice Faced by Human Being;经济增长:资源、环境和极限问题的理论争论与人类面临的选择
5.feasible limit of increase in financial revenue财政收入增长可行限量
6.The Myth of Unlimited Economic Growth经济无限增长的秘密
7.The Causing Mechanism for Growth Pole and the Relationship between Growth Pole and the Periphery;增长极形成机制及增长极与外围区的关系
9.Cultivate economic growth pole of western region by referring to growth pole patterns of the three economic regions;借鉴三大区域增长极模式培育西部经济增长极
10.The limit of this ratio as the length of the arc approaches zero.曲率极限当弧长趋向于零时该曲率的极限
11.Improving Module of Continuity of Limit Theorems for Increments for Stochastic Processes;改进随机过程增量连续模的极限定理
12.A Perturbation-Incremental Method for Limit Cycles of Lienard Equation;Liénard方程极限环的摄动-增量解法
13.Dual Growth Poles and the Orderly Development of Changjiang River Ares双重增长极与长江流域有序发展研究
14.The growth and regular growth of Dirichlet series with finite positive order in the plane平面上有限正级Dirichlet级数的增长性与正规增长性
15.Middle and West China Center-increasing Topmost Strategic Deployments Based on Center-increasing Topmost Theory;增长极理论视角下的我国中、西部增长极战略布局
16.An Analysis of the Application of Growth Pole Theory for Tibetan Economic Development--Fostering Economic Growth Pole;西藏经济发展增长极理论应用分析——经济增长极的培育
17.Culturing the Regional Secondary Growth Pole Based on the Theory of Growth Pole:an Demonstration Study on Sha County in Fujian;基于增长极理论的区域次增长极培育——福建省沙县实证研究
18.Study on ultimate bearing capacity of long pier I-shaped column长肢一字形截面柱极限承载力的研究

limits to growth增长的极限
3)Limit to Growth增长极限论
1.The theory of Limit to Growth from the Club of Rome has captured the attentions explosively throughout the world since its first report "Limits to Growth" published,which attracted the close attention and eager both of domestic and foreign scholars to discuss and study the contradictions of human existence and the future development of human society.目前,我国学界主要是从生态环境和经济可持续发展两方面出发来研究增长极限论思想。
4)the theory of economic groring limitation经济增长极限论
5)limit sub-critical growth极限次临界增长
1.The nonlinearity is odd symmetric and limit sub-critical growth at infinite.讨论了有界光滑区域上一类p-Laplace方程,非线性项具奇对称性且在无穷远为极限次临界增长。
6)critical excursion(功率)极限增长

人口增长极限人口增长极限  人口增长极限人口发展一定要与社会经济发展相适应,与资源开发利用、生态环境保护相协调。地球上的人口容量不是无限的,必当有其极限。早在一百多年前恩格斯就指出:“人类数量增多到必须为其增长规定一个限度的这种抽象可能性当然是存在的。”朗格提出了“如何使人口的增加和生活资料的增加相适应”的问题时,恩格斯在复朗格的信中说,当欧洲东南部和美洲西部广大天然的肥沃土地都已开垦出来,而人们还感到匾乏的话,才到“应当警惕”的时候。恩格斯所处的年代,世界人口不足15亿,地球上的可耕地才耕种了1/3,而且这1/3的已耕地只要采取改良耕种方法,就能使产量提高5倍。在此背景下限制人口数量,只是一种未来的抽象可能性,还未到应当警惕的时候。事隔一百多年,情况发生了根本变化,抽象的可能已转化为现实的迫切需要。世界上可开垦的肥沃土地已经不多,而且这种开垦还要受到保护生态环境的限制。中国的可垦荒地几乎荡然无存。但是,世界人口和中国人口还在不断增长。国内外自然科学家和社会学家、人口学家纷纷提出世界人口和中国人口容量的极限值。姑且不论他们的计量准确度如何,不容争辩的现实是,逼近极限值确实是一种客观存在的事实,它已成为全球关注的重大热点问题之一。资源和生态环境容量的有限性决定大地人口容量有限性的观点,已日益为各国政府、国际组织所接受与认同。