污染环境,polluted environment
1)polluted environment污染环境
1.Survival analysis for a period stage population model in a polluted environment;污染环境中具有阶段结构的种群模型的生存分析
2.The atmospheric corrosion of steels in polluted environment was studied through atmospheric exposure test and the corrosion products were analyzed by SEM and XRD.通过大气暴露试验,并结合对腐蚀产物形貌和组成的观察和分析,研究了碳钢和低合金钢在污染环境中的大气腐蚀规律。
3.Persistence and extinction of population or community models in a polluted environment have been investigated by many papers,but the study of individual models in a polluted environment is just in the beginning.但是,有关污染环境中非自治个体生长模型的研究刚刚起步,有关这方面的文章还很少见到。

1.This method will not pollute the environment.这种方法不会污染环境
2.1. Environmental Pollution Control(一)环境污染防治
3.environmental pollution and chromosomal aberration环境污染与染色体畸变
4.Live in a polluted environment,生活在受污染的环境中,
5.environmental neutron dosimeter环境污染中子剂量计
6.Global Investigations of Pollution in the Marine Environment全球海洋环境污染调查
7.Third, we strengthened the prevention and control of environmental pollution.三是强化环境污染防治。
8.Accidents of Environmental Pollution and Damages环境污染与破坏事故
9.Environmental pollution transcends administrative boundaries.环境污染,无分疆界。
10.environmental pollution and immunization环境污染与免疫功能
11.(4) Creation of environmental pollution;(四)造成环境污染的;
12.Clamping down on environment polluters.对环境污染者实施管制
13.Investment of Environmental Pollution Treatment in the Whole Country全国环境污染治理投资
14.weather concerning environmental pollution气象与农业环境污染
15.Foreign Direct Investment, Environmental Regulation and Environmental Pollution;外商直接投资、环境管制与环境污染
16.Looking at How to Intensify the Management from Environmental Pollution Complain;从环境污染投诉看如何强化环境管理
17.Analysis on the Relations between FDI、Enviroment Pollution and Enviroment Regulations of Guangdong ProvinceFDI、环境污染和环境规制的相关性分析
18.Chapter IV Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environ- ment by Land-Sourced Pollutants第四章 防止陆源污染物对海洋环境的污染损害

contaminated environment污染环境
1.Research advances on remediation mechanisms and technologies of BTEX-contaminated environmentBTEX污染环境的修复机理与技术研究进展
2.Based on ecological theories and methods,ecological remediation technology is an one of effective way to remedy contaminated environment and restore the destroyed ecological systems,which helps to realize the sustainable development.生态修复技术是以生态学的原理和方法为基础,修复与治理污染环境,恢复受损生态系统,实现人类社会可持续发展的有效手段之一。
3.Bioremediation of contaminated environment is one of the core developing tendencies of environmental biotechnology,and the increase in bioremediation efficiency is affected by many factors.污染环境的生物修复技术是环境生物技术的重要发展方向之一,生物修复效率的提高受到诸多因素的影响。
3)environment pollution污染环境
4)environmental pollution污染环境
1.The environmental pollution, its seriousness are studied.本文从各方面阐述奶牛粪便对环境的污染 ,认识到奶牛粪便污染环境的严重性 。
5)Environment pollution环境污染
1.Application of plant micronucleus technology to environment pollution monitoring;植物微核技术在环境污染监测中的应用
2.Fuzzy optimization model based on entropy weight for environment pollution accident risk in corporations of pharmacy;制药企业环境污染事故风险模糊熵权排序模型
3.Threaten of environment pollution to rare tree species mechanism and its counter measure;环境污染对成都市古树名木的危害及防治对策研究
6)environmental pollution环境污染
1.Research progress in environmental pollution,ecological behavior and toxicological effects of synthetic musks;人工合成麝香的环境污染、生态行为与毒理效应研究进展
2.An Analysis of Energy Tariff 's Effect on International Trade and Environmental Pollution;能源税对国际贸易与环境污染影响的实证研究
3.Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution of Developed Cities——Taking the Relationship between Economic Growth and Waste Water Discharge of Guangzhou as the Example;经济发达城市经济增长与环境污染关系分析——以广州市经济增长与废水排放关系为例
