生态城镇,ecological town
1)ecological town生态城镇
1.Thoughts of policy about ecological town construction;生态城镇建设的政策思考
2.Therefore, new towns or cities should be built into ecological towns.西部特殊的地理环境、脆弱的生态环境、落后的经济发展环境决定了西部城镇建设要走一条不同于东部的特殊道路 ,即“生态城镇”道路。

1.Building Ecological Towns and Promoting Their Sustainable Development;建设生态城镇,促进城镇可持续发展
3.Highlighting Local Flavor & Constructing Ecological Towns in West Anhui;突出乡土特色 营造皖西生态城镇
4.Sustainable Residential Development The Eco-Town in Britain可持续发展居住区 英国生态城镇
5.A study on the Eco-urbanization Development Pattern in the Eco-environmental Vulnerable Region in Middle NingXia Hui Autonomous Region;宁夏中部生态脆弱区生态城镇化发展模式研究
6.Ecological Problems in Town Development Strategy;实施小城镇发展战略中的城镇生态问题
7.Ecological Urbanization:a rational choice of urbanization in ecotone;生态型城镇化:生态脆弱区城镇化道路的必然选择
8.City Eco-Tourism of Small Towns and Urban Landscape Construction小城镇城市生态旅游与城市园林景观建设
9.Research on the Harmonious Development between Rural Ecotourism and Urbanization in Tuanjie Town;团结镇乡村生态旅游与城镇化协调发展研究
10.Sustainable Development of Villages Ecological Enviroment in the City Boarder Area;城市边缘村镇生态环境的可持续发展
11.Study on Building Ecology Small Town Against the Circulation Economy;循环经济背景下生态小城镇建设研究
12.On the construction of the sustainable development ecological small town;浅析可持续发展的生态型小城镇建设
13.Research of small towns conformity and ecological development of cold forest zone;寒地林区小城镇资源整合与生态发展
14.Eco-migration and Urbanization in the Immigrant Areas in the Sanjiangyuan Regions;“三江源”生态移民与迁入地城镇化建设
15.Ecologization of Economy Model of Small Towns of Mountain Region in West China;西部山地小城镇经济模式生态化问题
16.Ecological effects of land-use changes in a small town of Zhejiang Province,China;小城镇土地利用变化的生态效应分析
17.Urbanization and Ecologic Safety in Minority Nationality Regions of Guizhou;城镇化与贵州民族地区生态环境安全
18.The Ecology Inspection for Condition of Small Towns in Hebei Province河北省小城镇生态环境状况评价研究

ecological towns生态城镇
1.According to the development situation of the towns in our country,the paper has proposed the necessity and methods of constructing ecological towns,which has significance of reference for the sustainable development of the towns.针对我国城镇发展现状,提出建设生态城镇的必要性及具体措施,对城镇可持续发展具有一定的借鉴意义。
3)ecological urban城镇生态化
1.Basing on analysis of actuality ecological urban in west,measures are put forward from system countermeasure to constructural countermeasure in this article.论文在分析西部城镇生态环境现状的基础上,对于西部城镇生态化建设,从制度对策与城建对策两方面提出了宏观措施。
4)Ecological Town生态型城镇
1.Under the guidance of the theory of urban ecology and mountains-waters city idea,transcending the depth of traditional municipal construction assorting with environmental protection,through field synthesis investigation and analysis of Gan-nan ecosystem,an ecological town planning theory system was constructed.以现代城市生态学理论和传统的“山水城市”思想为指导,超越传统城市建设与环境保护相协调的层次,溶入社会及文化因子,在对甘南镇生态系统综合考察、分析和优化设计的基础上,运用系统分析的方法,构建了受市场经济模式指导的生态型城镇规划理论体系,以此完善生态型城镇布局,调和经济、生态和社会发展之间的矛盾。
2.This paper summarizes the rules of planning and construction of ecological towns in North Europe and then explains the restrictions in the urban ecological planning in China.在我国节能减排形势严峻、生态环境严重破坏的现实背景下,笔者希望通过考察西方的生态型城镇建设,来思考和探寻我国和谐城镇规划与建设的绿色道路。
5)Town ecology小城镇生态
6)ecological type town生态型城镇
1.On the basis of comprehensive survey,analysis and optimum design of Gannan town ecosystem,the landscape ecology theories were employed to plan the ecological type town and to build the network of town ecological environment which was used to improve the town allocation,and to moderate the conflicts among economy,ecology and social development.并在此基础上,提出生态型城镇规划的4点原则:自然原则、经济原则、社会原则、系统原则。

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