科学养护,Scientific maintenance
1)Scientific maintenance科学养护
1.Based upon introduction of the scientific main te nance work in county-level road of Datong from some aspects several experiences in carrying out scientific maintenance are introduced.对大同县段公路科学养护方面的主要工作内容作了介绍 ,从坚持改革、强化管理、加强培训等方面 ,提出坚持科学养护的几点体会 ,通过实践证明 ,所养护的路段路况良
2)scientific literacy科学素养
1.Chemical education——important way of training scientific literacy;化学教育——培养科学素养的重要途径
2.Rethinking About Some Data of Citizens’ Scientific Literacy Survey;对“公众科学素养调查”部分数据的再思考
3.Research on the Scientific Literacy of Guangxi College Students;广西少数民族大学生科学素养的调查——以广西民族大学为例

1.On Raising Students Scientific Quality in Science Teaching at Middle School;中学科学教学中学生科学素养的培养
2.Talk about Cultivation of Science Research and Student s Quality of Science;浅谈科学探究与学生科学素养的培养
3.Fostering the Students Science Accomplishments by Studying the History of Diological Science;利用生命科学史培养学生的科学素养
4.Scientific Literacy and Its Cultivation of Undergraduate Studying Science and Technology;理工科大学生科学素养及其培养研究
5.The Teaching of Comprehensive Science Course and the Training of Science Literacy;综合理科课程的教学与科学素养培养
6.Developing of Students Science Cultivated Manners in Chemistry Teaching;化学教学中培养学生科学素养的研究
7.To Foster the Students Scientific Quality of Chemical Teaching Connected with Aesthetic Education;注重化学美的教学 培养学生科学素养
8.Tentative Thoughts on fostering Students Scientific literacy in Chemistry Teaching;化学教学中培养学生科学素养的思考
9.A Research on Students Science Literacy in Senior Middle Physics Teaching;物理教学中培养学生科学素养的研究
10.On the Cultivation of Student′s Scientific Literacy in Physics Teaching of Higher Vocational Schools;高职物理教学中学生科学素养的培养
11.Investigation and Study of the Teachers Scientific in Primary Schools;小学科学教师科学素养的调查与研究
12.Scientific Literacy:A Curricular Aim of the Pre-school Science Education;科学素养:学前科学教育的课程目标
13.The Theory of Scientific Quality and Scientific Education Reform in Secondary Schools;“科学素养说”和中学科学教育改革
14.Construction of the Training Model for Senior High School Students in Chemistry Science Quality高中学生化学学科科学素养的培养模型建构
15.Chemical education--important way of training scientific literacy;化学教育——培养科学素养的重要途径
16.Cultivating Students Scientific Quality Based on Research Practice;参与课题研究 培养学生科学素养
17.Strengthen Practice Guidance in order to Cultivate Students Scientific Understanding;加强实习指导 培养学生的科学素养
18.The Research on Developing Students Science Literacy in the History of Applied Science of Biology in Senior High School;高中生物运用科学史培养学生科学素养的探索

scientific literacy科学素养
1.Chemical education——important way of training scientific literacy;化学教育——培养科学素养的重要途径
2.Rethinking About Some Data of Citizens’ Scientific Literacy Survey;对“公众科学素养调查”部分数据的再思考
3.Research on the Scientific Literacy of Guangxi College Students;广西少数民族大学生科学素养的调查——以广西民族大学为例
3)scientific accomplishment科学素养
1.Study on the Farmers Scientific Accomplishment in the Vision of New Countryside Construction;新农村建设视野下农民科学素养问题研究
2.By opening scientific forum,we can help the students to internalize knowledge of science,raise awareness of science and improve their ability to solve problems as well as improve their scientific accomplishment.通过科学讲坛的开设,内化了学生的科学知识,提高了学生运用科学知识解决问题的意识与能力,有利于学生科学素养的提升。
3.This article lays emphasis on the importance of improving college students scientific accomplishment with irrefutable materials,and puts forward the idea that the teaching of 《An Introduction to Science and Technology》is the basis of improving college students scientific accomplishment,therefore it should be the public course for the students of all specialities.强调提高大学生科学素养的重要性,提出"科学技术概论"的教学是科学素养教育的基础,必须成为各专业的公共课。
4)scientific attainment科学素养
1.The article discusses the present situation about the scientific attainment of medical college teachers and the reasons caused the low level of it.针对医学院校教师的科学素养现状,论述目前教师科学素养较低的原因,并对如何提高医学院校教师科学素养提出了一些策略。
2.The public s scientific attainment in China is far behind that in developed countries,and the older people are,the lower their attainment is.我国公众科学素养与发达国家相比还有较大的差距,而且年龄越大,素养还越低。
3., it made a survey and analysis of the public scientific attainment of setting-up and body-building in our country from all levels.运用咨询信函信息归纳法、问卷调查法、文献资料法及座谈法等,从各个层面对我国大众的健身健美科学素养进行调查与分析。
5)Science literacy科学素养
1.The Survey,Analysis Reality of Junior Students on Biologic Science Literacy;初中生生物科学素养现状的调查分析
2.Tactics of fostering science literacy in senior high school s physics teaching;高中物理教学中科学素养的培养
3.Women s science literacy -A survey in science literacy of 541 women in Hubei Province;女性公民的科学素养——对湖北省541位女性公民科学素养状况的调查分析
6)Guided feeding科学喂养

国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technology  guomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。