最终有界区域,ultimately bounded region
ultimately bounded domain最终有界域
1.By constructing the ultimately bounded domain and Lyapunov function, it is proved that the system can be made persistent under some appropriate conditions.通过构造该系统的最终有界域和利用Lyapunov 函数方法,证明了在适当的条件下,该系统是持续生存的,并且若该系统为周期系统,则存在惟一渐进稳定的正周期解。
3)ultimate boundedness最终有界
4)ultimately bounded最终有界
1.Result: the ultimately bounded system was given out and the sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the system were obtained.研究了加以脉冲控制后的一类生物捕食系统;利用脉冲微分方程比较原理;得到系统最终有界性及非负平衡点渐近稳定性的充分条件;进一步完善了此类模型的性态分析。
5)almost periodic sulution/ultimate bound-ed region概周期解/最终有界域
6)ultimate boundedness最终有界性
1.The boundedness and ultimate boundedness of the solutions for functional differential equations with delay are studied with Lyapunov functional methods and some new results are obtained.利用Lyapunov泛函的方法研究了下列时滞泛函微分方程组给出了方程组解的相对有界性和相对最终有界性的充分条件。
2.By expanding Lyapunov function methods,some new criteria on boundedness,uniform boundedness,ultimate boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness are obtained.通过扩展Lyapunov函数方法,获得系统的有界性、一致有界性、最终有界性和一致最终有界性的新判据。
