影子工程法,shadow engineering method
1)shadow engineering method影子工程法
1.In this study,Zhifanggou watershed,a small typical watershed in a hilly and gully region of loess plateau,is selected to evaluate its ESV from 1938 to 1999 by equivalence method,market value method and shadow engineering method.本文以黄土高原丘陵区典型小流域纸坊沟为例,利用当量法、市场价值法及影子工程法等方法分别计算了流域1938—1999年的生态服务价值。
2)engineering influence工程影响
3)image engineering影像工程
1.Study on graduation practice for medical image engineering students;医学影像工程专业毕业实习的研究与探索
4)shadow equation影子方程
1.Grey relational order is unique; the differences among shadow equation,grey differential model equation and GM(1,1) model are confused; the application conditions of GM(1,1) are neglected.指出了目前应用灰色方法存在的误区:灰关联序是唯一的;混淆了影子方程、灰微分型方程与GM(1,1)模型的差别;忽略了GM(1,1)模型的应用条件,阐明了产生误区的根本原因在于缺乏对“灰”本质的认识,同时给出了走出误区的途径:应充分利用数值映射与分辨系数对灰关联序进行多角度、多层次的分析,明晰灰关联序的特性;应深入理解GM(1。
5)daemon process影子进程
6)shadow wage影子工资
1.(3) The relationship between shadow wage of agricultural labor and land scale of a household is positive.结果表明:(1)农户土地规模-土地生产率之间的关系并不是简单的直线关系,当农户经营的土地面积小于30亩时,负向关系并不明显,但农户经营土地的规模超过30亩后,两者之间则呈现出明显的负向关系;(2)吉林省大规模农户土地产出率较低的主要影响因素为化肥投入,劳动投入因素的影响位列次席,这与前人的研究有所差别;(3)农户劳动力的影子工资率与农户土地规模存在正向关系。

1.Empirical Analysis on Influence of Shadow Wage on Labor Supply of Farmer Households in China’s Main Forestry Production Areas;林业主产区农户影子工资对家庭劳动供给影响的实证分析
2.Effects of Shadow Wage Rate on the Labor Supply of Farmers Household;影子工资率对农户劳动供给水平的影响——对贫困地区农户劳动力配置的经验研究
3.Impacts of Electronic Periodicals on the Periodical Purchases of Library;电子期刊对资料室期刊采购工作的影响
4.The salary of intellectuals is low.知识分子的工资十分低
5.The Demonstrative Researches on the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Chinese Workers Wage;FDI对我国职工工资影响的实证研究
6.The Impact of the Vocational Training on Farmer s Livelihood:from Experience Study on the Vocational Training Project of Qinghai Forestry Resources Management Project;农民工职业培训对农户生计的影响——以青海林业资源管理项目职业培训子项目为例
7.An Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Wages in China;外商直接投资对我国工资水平的影响分析
8.On the Effects of FDI upon the Profit of the State-owned Industrial Capital;外国直接投资对国有工业资本收益影响之探讨
9.Impact of Reformation of Investment and Finance System on Project Preliminary Work;投资体制改革对投资项目前期工作的影响
10.Impact of FDI on Indigenous Industries' Profitability外商投资对内资工业部门利润率的影响研究
11.The Shadow Value of Capital,the Productivity of Capital and the Quality of Companies;资本影子价值、资本利用率与上市公司质量
12.pay slips, rent receipts, photocopy of my ld and tax notices.里面有工资单 租约 影音 刻录 和交税单
13.The foreign capital affect Chongqing economy.外国资本的进入影响着重庆工业经济。
14.The Influence of Chongqing Industrial Economy for Foreign Direct Investment;外商直接投资对重庆工业经济的影响
15.The FDI s Influence of Hubei Employment and Wage Level;FDI对湖北就业和工资水平的影响
16.Study on the Influence of a Project Design Optimizing Over Its Investment Controlling;优化设计影响工程建设投资控制探讨
17.The Role of Health on Off-farm Employment and Wage Decision;健康对非农就业及其工资决定的影响
18.An Analysis of Impacts of Financial Engineering on Corporate Capital Structure;金融工程对企业资本结构决策的影响

engineering influence工程影响
3)image engineering影像工程
1.Study on graduation practice for medical image engineering students;医学影像工程专业毕业实习的研究与探索
4)shadow equation影子方程
1.Grey relational order is unique; the differences among shadow equation,grey differential model equation and GM(1,1) model are confused; the application conditions of GM(1,1) are neglected.指出了目前应用灰色方法存在的误区:灰关联序是唯一的;混淆了影子方程、灰微分型方程与GM(1,1)模型的差别;忽略了GM(1,1)模型的应用条件,阐明了产生误区的根本原因在于缺乏对“灰”本质的认识,同时给出了走出误区的途径:应充分利用数值映射与分辨系数对灰关联序进行多角度、多层次的分析,明晰灰关联序的特性;应深入理解GM(1。
5)daemon process影子进程
6)shadow wage影子工资
1.(3) The relationship between shadow wage of agricultural labor and land scale of a household is positive.结果表明:(1)农户土地规模-土地生产率之间的关系并不是简单的直线关系,当农户经营的土地面积小于30亩时,负向关系并不明显,但农户经营土地的规模超过30亩后,两者之间则呈现出明显的负向关系;(2)吉林省大规模农户土地产出率较低的主要影响因素为化肥投入,劳动投入因素的影响位列次席,这与前人的研究有所差别;(3)农户劳动力的影子工资率与农户土地规模存在正向关系。

影子1.镜面或水面映照出来的人﹑物形象。 2.人或物体遮住光线而投下的暗影。 3.模糊的形象。 4.指精神世界的体现。 5.表象;轮廓。 6.痕迹;踪迹。 7.端倪;隐情。 8.指根据。