亚高山区,subalpine region
1)subalpine region亚高山区

1.Study on the Distribution Patterns of Biodiversity in the Sub-alpine Area of Western Sichuan;川西亚高山区生物多样性分布格局研究
2.perennial of mountainous areas of Eurasia and North America.欧亚及北美高山地区的多年生植物。
3.Adaptation of birds to life in high mountains in Eurasia鸟类对欧亚地区高山生活的适应(英文)
4.Responses of the Subalpine Fir (Abies Fargesii) Forests in the Qinba Mountains to Regional Climatic Variability;秦巴山地亚高山冷杉(Abies fargesii)林对区域气候的响应
5.A region of central Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Mostly mountainous, it includes Mount Corno, the highest peak of the Apennines.阿布鲁齐意大利中部一地区,濒临亚得里亚海。大部分为山区,包括亚平宁山脉的最高峰--科诺峰
6.Population genetic structure and differentiation of Anthoxanthum alpinum in the subalpine alpine ecocline of Swiss Alps阿尔卑斯山高山亚高山过渡区高山黄花茅的群体遗传结构和分化研究(英文)
7.As a very special vegetation type in China, Quercus aquifolioides, a type of sub-alpine sclerophyllous oak forest, distributes widely in Hengduanshan Mountain in Wolong Natural Reserve.川滇高山栎广泛分布于横断山地区,属于亚高山硬叶栎林,是中国植被非常特殊的类型。
8.cold conifer forest and scrub and meadow of submountain district ecotourism of being really in nature.寒温性针叶林和亚高山灌丛草甸区———回归大自然的生态旅游
9.Community Character and Eco-hydrological Function of Subalpine Meadow in Wolong Nature Reserve;卧龙自然保护区亚高山草甸群落学特征及生态水文功能研究
10.A Preliminary Study on Soil Seed Bank and Soil Properties in the Subalpine Meadows, the Tibetan Region, Northwestern Yunnan;滇西北藏区亚高山草甸土壤种子库及土壤性质初步研究
11.Soil Respiration at Different Land Use and Land Cover Change in Subalpine Forest of Western Sichuan;川西亚高山林区土地利用与覆盖变化对土壤呼吸的影响
12.The Effects of Dwarf Bamboo on the Gap Regeneration of Subalpine Dark Coniferous Forest in Wolong Nature Reserve;小径竹对卧龙自然保护区亚高山暗针叶林林窗更新的影响研究
13.Any of a group of mountain nymphs.奥丽亚德高山仙女之一
14.The mighty Mt Cook, known as the "Cloud Piercer", is the highest peak in Australasia at 3755m.巍峨的库克山,被誉为“云霄之钻”,是澳大拉西亚地区最高的山峰,高3755米。
15.Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria希腊正教亚历山大里亚牧首区
17.The lowland is divided by the Ural Mountain into the East European Plain to the west and the West Siberian Plain and Central Siberian Plateau to the east.在西部地区,乌拉尔山脉的西侧为东欧平原,东侧为西西伯利亚平原和中西伯利亚高原。
18.The Eastern Himalayan alpine meadows have more varieties of plant than anywhere in Asia, except the rainforests of Borneo.东喜马拉雅山脉高山草地的植物种类比亚洲其他任何地区都多,婆罗洲的雨林除外。

1.Dynamic and fractionalization of soil respiration under three different land use/covers in the subalpine region of western Sichuan Province,China;川西亚高山林区三种土地利用方式下土壤呼吸动态及组分区分
3)Subtropical plateau mountain area亚热带高原山区
4)subalpine area of western Sichuan川西亚高山区
5)subalpine flora亚高山植物区系
1.Effects of forest canopy gap on Abies faxoniana seedling’s biomass and its allocation in subalpine coniferous forest of West Sichuan;林窗对川西亚高山岷江冷杉幼苗生物量及其分配格局的影响
2.Population age structure of birch forests in the subalpine of the northeastern border of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau;青藏高原东北边缘亚高山桦木林种群年龄结构
3.Temperature Dynamics of Soil and Air in Subalpine Betula platyphylla Forest in Western Sichuan;川西亚高山白桦林内空气和土壤温度动态

亚高山灰化土亚高山灰化土仅分布于贡嘎山东坡海拔3300-3600米的冷杉林下。气候冷、湿多云雾。冷杉 (abies fabri、 a. faxoniana) 和杜鹃、箭竹等高度郁闭。地被苔藓层深厚,土壤长期处于冷、湿环境下,针叶残落物因真菌活动而酸化,并随雨水下渗将土壤中盐基淋溶,在灰化层下是棕色的淀积层。呈核状或棱块状结构,常有铁结核和铁沾磐。土壤质地沾重。成土母质为冰碛物、残积物。土层较薄,往往在灰化层下即有大量角栎,一般约在45厘米以下即为未风化之粗骨质,系由花岗岩砾石构成的冰碛物。土壤呈强酸性反应,ph值3.7-4.3左右。土体有机质含量少,因此,亚高山灰化土肥力低。加之环境冷湿,所以,森林一旦被破坏,恢复和更新极困难。