山东龙口,Lonkou in Shandong province
1)Lonkou in Shandong province山东龙口
2)Longshan of Shandong山东龙山
3)Qinglongshan in Donghai东海青龙山
1.This study presents the open and dehydration melting experiment on the solid pargonite-bearing quartz-eclogite from Qinglongshan in Donghai,Jiangsu Province.选取江苏省东海青龙山含钠云母的石英榴辉岩块状样品,在0。
1.Two new taxa of Proteaceae from southern China: Helieia yangchunensis and H.作者在编写《FloraofChina》的山龙眼科植物时,发现华南地区的山龙眼属植物中有2个新种;它们是生长于广东阳春县西南部的阳春山龙眼和生长于广西十万大山的东兴山龙眼;现予报道。
5)Shandong Longshan culture山东龙山文化
6)port cluster in Shandong coastal area山东沿海港口群

1.Study on Appraisal of the Resources Allocation and Integration Countermeasure in Shandong Coastal Port Cluster;山东沿海港口群资源配置评价及整合对策研究
2.Development Trend and Planning Countermeasure of Port City: A Case Study of Guanghai Bay in Taishan City, a New Developing Coastal Area of Guangdong Province;港口城市发展趋势与规划对策——以广东沿海新兴发展地区台山市广海湾为例
3.Study on the Policies of Promoting Logistic Clusters in the Ports of Coastal Cities;关于推进沿海城市港口物流簇群的政策研究
4.Five chief Harbor Group and Eight Main Transport Systen in Chinese Coastlands;我国沿海构建五大港口群体八大运输系统
5.Study on Resource Integration and Developing Scale in Liaoning Province Littoral Port Cluster辽宁沿海港口群发展规模及资源整合研究
6.a port in southeastern Spain on the Mediterranean.位于西班牙东南部地中海沿岸的一港口城市。
7.Investigation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Pollution in Coast of Eastern Guangdong and Zhoushan Islands, China;粤东沿海及舟山群岛多环芳烃污染调查研究
8.Study on Key-techniques of Coastal Shelter Forests Building in Longkou of Shandong Province;山东省龙口市沿海防护林建设关键技术研究
9.sail(from port to port)along a coast沿着海岸(从一港口到另一港口)航行.
10.Study on the Sustainable Development of the Urban Agglomerations along the Coastland in China -A Case of Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomerations;我国沿海地区城市群可持续发展问题探析──以山东半岛城市群为例
11.The Analysis of the Industry Near to Ports of Inshore Cities in Our Country;我国沿海港口城市临港工业发展分析
12.a city in southeastern South Korea on the Korean Strait; the chief port and second largest city.韩国东南端城市,位于朝鲜海峡沿岸;韩国第二大城市和主要港口。
13.a port city in northeastern Sicily on the Strait of Messina.西西里岛东北部一港口城市,位于墨西拿海峡沿岸。
14.Evolution of the Shipping Lines and the Harbor Potential of the Southeastern Treaty Ports in the Late Qing Period;晚清时期东南沿海通商口岸对外航线与港势地位的变迁
15.Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among Seven Goat Population in the Middle and Lower Yangtse River Valley and East and South Mainland Near the Sea长江中下游以及东南沿海的七个山羊群体的遗传多样性分析
16.Sustainable Development Strategy of Shandong Port Cluster Based on SWOT Model山东港口群基于SWOT分析框架下的可持续发展对策
17.On the Coastal Defense and the Coastal Society's Development of Shan Dong in the Ming Dynasty论明代山东海防与山东沿海社会的发展
18.The voyage will fetch in all the main ports along the coast这次航程将包括沿海的所有主要港口。

Longshan of Shandong山东龙山
3)Qinglongshan in Donghai东海青龙山
1.This study presents the open and dehydration melting experiment on the solid pargonite-bearing quartz-eclogite from Qinglongshan in Donghai,Jiangsu Province.选取江苏省东海青龙山含钠云母的石英榴辉岩块状样品,在0。
1.Two new taxa of Proteaceae from southern China: Helieia yangchunensis and H.作者在编写《FloraofChina》的山龙眼科植物时,发现华南地区的山龙眼属植物中有2个新种;它们是生长于广东阳春县西南部的阳春山龙眼和生长于广西十万大山的东兴山龙眼;现予报道。
5)Shandong Longshan culture山东龙山文化
6)port cluster in Shandong coastal area山东沿海港口群
