彼得·辛格,Peter Singer
1)Peter Singer彼得·辛格
1.Comments on Animal Liberation of Peter Singer;彼得·辛格的“动物解放”思想述评

1.Comments on Animal Liberation of Peter Singer;彼得·辛格的“动物解放”思想述评
2.You must have taken a lot of trouble about it.--So must you!您辛苦啦!-彼此彼此!
3.Peter returned the plan and charts to their folder.彼得把这份计划和表格放回文件夹中。
4.After Meg and Peter left, Tom did not want to leave the house.梅格和彼得离开后,汤姆不想离开房子。
5.Meg and Peter came to visit on the weekend of July 8th.梅格和彼得7月8号周末那天来访。
6.Dr Ingram eyed Peter squarely.英格莱姆大夫两眼直瞪瞪地瞅着彼得。
7.Instead of Graham, it was Peter who moved in.搬进来的不是格雷厄姆, 而是彼得.
8.It became Petrograd in 1914 and Leningrad in 1924.1914年更名为“彼得格勒”,1924年再次更名为“列宁格勒”。
9.The Caucasians of this type are very popular in Leningrad.这种类型的高加索在列宁格勒(圣彼得堡)很流行。
10.disciple of Jesus; brother of Peter; patron saint of Scotland.耶稣的使徒;彼得的兄弟;苏格兰的保护圣徒。
11.Nancy, Judy and Margaret, Peter, Dandy ,Paul and John.南希,朱迪,还有玛格丽特,彼得,丹迪,保罗和约翰。
12.No one could ever look quite so merry as Peter, and the loveliest of gurgles was his laugh.没有人能有彼得那样一副开心的笑脸,最可爱的是他那格格的笑声。
13.When it came time for Peter and Meg to leave, Meg bent over to hug Tom.彼得和梅格离去的时候到了,梅格弯腰拥抱了汤姆。
14.These are only a few of the reasons why Kissinger's journeys are really necessary.这些只是基辛格非得采取行动的部分原因。
15.Lenin remained in Petrograd until 18 July, when the failure of an abortive Soviet coup d'état forced him to escape again to Finland.(列宁在彼得格勒住到7月18日。 苏维埃政变失败,他不得不回到苏兰。
16.KOLBY, Ole Peter奥莱·彼得·科尔比
17.I want to play Peter Pan.我还想演彼得·潘。”
18."But, Uncle Peter--""彼得大叔,不过----"

Peter Grimes《彼得·格莱姆斯》
1.His first opera that on genuine meaning Peter Grimes was generally considered as one of the most classical works after the Second World War.本杰明·布里顿是二十世纪最杰出的英国作曲家,他第一部真正意义上的歌剧《彼得·格莱姆斯》被普遍认为是二战后的经典歌剧作品之一,在英国歌剧史上具有里程碑的意义。
1.Peter Walsh called on Clarissa Dalloway in the morning; and he attended her party at night.彼得·沃什上午拜访了克拉丽莎·达罗卫并参加了后者晚上举办的晚会。
4)Peter Theory彼得原理
1.To Discuss Peter Theory Phenomenon of Civil Servants Promotion & Countermeasures;公务员晋升中的彼得原理现象探因与策略
5)Peter's phenomenon彼得现象
6)Peter Larts彼得·拉兹
1.New Understanding of Nature and New Definition of Landscape——On Peter Larts and His Works on Property Landscape;重新理解自然,重新定义景观——彼得·拉兹和他的产业景观作品

得辛1.犹得岁。 2.犹成熟。