生态岛建设,eco-island building
1)eco-island building生态岛建设

2.A Study on the Spatial Decision-support Modeling of Chongming Ecological Island Construction崇明生态岛建设空间决策支持模型研究
3.An Investigation into Green Education Carried Out in Schools in Building up an Eco-Island of Chongming;崇明生态岛建设中的中小幼绿色教育的调查研究
4.Ecological Aesthetics and a Research into the Design of Building Forms in Chongming生态美学与崇明岛建筑形式设计研究
5.The Programming of Oceanic Environment of Changxing Island in Dalian Dissertation Submitted to Dalian Maritime University;大连市长兴岛海洋生态环境建设规划研究
6.Study on the Pattern of Greenbelts and Ecological Construction of Greenbelt Landscape in Xiamen Island;鹭岛绿地格局与绿地景观生态建设的研究
7.Research on the Species Diversity and the Ecological Gardens Construction in Xiamen Island;厦门岛绿化树种多样性与生态园林建设的研究
8.Study on Current Situation and Landscape Ecological Construction of Green Space System in Meizhou Island湄洲岛绿地系统现状及其景观生态建设的研究
9.Technological Innovation of Ecological Environmental Protection in Chongming Construction崇明岛建设中的生态环境保护科技创新
10.Distance between Environmental Protection Model City and Eco-city--On the eco-city planning of Qingdao;环保模范城市离生态城市还有多远——浅谈青岛的生态城市建设规划
11.Research and Practice on the Establishment of ChongMing Ecology DSS Model Base;崇明岛生态建设决策支持系统模型库设计与实施方案
12.Reflections on the Eco-environmental Protection and Eco-industrial Development;海南建设健康岛的两大“生态”问题——关于生态环境保护与生态产业发展的思考
13.Study on New Countryside Construction of the Communities for the Surrounding Qingdao Zhushan Mountain National Forest Park;青岛珠山国家森林公园周边社区生态文明型新农村建设研究
14.The Ecological Environmental Evaluation and Construction of Sustainable Development Capacity in Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration;山东半岛城市群生态环境评价与可持续发展能力建设
15.Strategies for Mariculture Development During Ecological City Constructing: A Case of Qingdao;试论生态城市建设中海水养殖业发展策略——以青岛为例
16.Discussion on countermeasure of construction and protection for Ecological Environment in Yangxin Xiandao Lake scenic spot阳新仙岛湖风景区生态环境建设与保护对策探讨
17.2. Ecological Environment Development(二)生态环境建设
18.The Balance between Economical Growth and Sustainable Development - A study on the development of three islands in Shanghai;建立开发建设和生态可持续发展的平衡关系——关于崇明三岛联动开发的研究和讨论

1.Problems and Countermeasures of Eco-construction of Lushan Mountain Region;九江市庐山区生态建设问题及对策
2.Reinforcing the strength to the eco-construction and environmentprotection in Chai damu basin;加大柴达木盆地生态建设和环境保护力度
3.Datong's Challenge and Countermeasure to Promote Implementation of Eco-Construction;大同市推进生态建设面临的挑战及对策
3)ecological building生态建设
1.In semi-arid area, water resources is not only the main confined factor of vegetation ecological building, but also the primary basis for ecological rehabilitation and rebuilding of crisscrossed area of agriculture and pasture.在半干旱地区 ,水资源量是植被生态建设的主要限制因子 ,也是农牧交错区生态恢复与重建的基本依据。
2.At present, the following aspects should be conducted well for ecological building in the river basin: a) To strengthen the protective awareness of ecological environment; b) To take living and working in peace and contentment as presupposition; c) To establish new ideas on prevention and control; d) To solve the issue of water in re.当前,搞好长江流域生态建设,一是要强化生态环境保护意识,二是以安居乐业为前提,三是树立新的防治理念,四是切实解决好水的问题,五是坚持以小流域为单元治理,六是坚持一个规划原则,七是重视滑坡、泥石流和崩岗防治工作。
4)ecology construction生态建设
1.Studies on the Method of Ecology Construction Promote Urban Management & the Practice in Urban Planning;生态建设与城市经营的互动机制及其在城市规划中的应用研究
2.This paper expounds water resources is the important factors in wetland ecology construction. 水资源是湿地生态建设中重要的制约因素。
3.Based on the sampling data on Baiquan County from 1984 to 2003,ecology construction,agriculture modernization management,agricultural resources investment,agriculture weather factor and 19 statistical targets material are carried on the analysis.以黑土区拜泉县为典型实例,选取1984~2003年的生态建设、农业现代化管理、农业资源投入、农业气象因子等19项统计资料进行分析,结果表明:生态建设和农业现代化管理水平为粮食生产持续发展的主要影响因子;通过生态建设,该县的粮食综合生产能力呈波状持续上升态势。
5)ecological construction生态建设
1.Problems in the ecological construction of small towns in China and relevant countermeasures;小城镇生态建设面临的问题与对策
2.Model of ecological construction and economical development in semiarid hilly area of Loess Plateau:A case study in Shanghuang test area in Guyuan;半干旱黄土丘陵区生态建设与经济发展模式探讨——以固原上黄试区为例
3.Model of agricultural development and ecological construction in loess gully regions in north Shaanxi ——A case study of Liumajiageda village in Yanchuan county;陕北黄土高原沟壑区生态建设与农业发展模式研究——以延川县刘马家疙瘩村企业农庄模式为例
6)ecological reconstruction生态建设
1.The source area of Three Rivers is our county's key ecological protection region,and it is very important guarantee to ecological reconstruction of western region.源区的生态建设、环境保护和经济发展是事关我国乃至东南亚地区的可持续发展的大事。
2.0×105 t/a bamboo-pulp paper production project in Chishui City, Guizhou Province, China for an example, soil and water conservation and ecological reconstruction of the development and construction project in the low mountain and hill region are discussed.以位于贵州省赤水市的"黔北20万吨/年竹浆林纸一体化工程项目"为例,研究了低山丘陵区开发建设项目中的水土保持和生态建设问题。

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。