自然营力与人类活动,natural and anthropogenic forcing
1)natural and anthropogenic forcing自然营力与人类活动
2)natural and human activities自然与人类活动

1.The observed river runoff is resulted from the nature and human activities.实测径流是自然与人类活动双重作用的结果。
2.Effect of Natural and Human Activities on Water Level Change of Nansihu Lake in Recent 50 Years近50年来自然与人类活动影响下南四湖水位变化研究
3.On Complementary Actions between Physical Changes of Natural Resources and Economical Activities of Mankind;自然资源物质运动与人类经济活动的互补运动刍议——关于自然资源价值的理论思考
4.5. Theme Demonstrations highlighting Man and Nature.五、围绕“人与自然”这一主题,举办各类专题展示活动。
5.Geological exploration (GE) is one of the main activities for the mankind to remake Mother Nature (MN) and to gain the wealth from MN;地质勘探活动是人类改造自然获取财富的主要活动之一。
6.The Animal is part of the nature and cannot be separated from human. Human must keep the ecology balance if he wants a happy life.动物是自然的一部分,与人不能分离,人类要生活好,必须保持生态平衡。
7.On Relationship between Human Activities and Environment from the End Stage of the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age in the Area of the upper Reaches of Weihe River and Xihan River;渭河上游和西汉水上游旧石器时代末期至新石器时代人类活动与自然环境之间的关系初探
8.Hence human should restrict its activities. If human being tri es to chal-lenge the limits of nature it must lead to self-destruction.人类必须对自身的行为活动进行限制,人类挑战自然的极限就是走向自我毁灭。
9.The Historical Conversion from Spontaneity to Consciousness of Human Activities--with the Relationship between Man and Nature as an Example人的活动由自发到自觉的历史转换——以人与自然的关系为例
10.Natural and cultural history, Pacific anthropology, botany, entomology, and zoology.自然与文化史、平洋的人类学、物学、虫学和动物学。
11.Compound Outlook on Nature A Viewpoint towards Nature from the Perspective of Human Life;复合自然观人类生活实践视野下的自然观
12.Another possibility is that man's agriculture and industry ways may affect the natural weather.另一可能性是,人类的农业和工业活动也会影响自然气候。
13.Impacts of Natural Processes and Human Activities on the River Sediment Flux into the Sea and Its Environmental Significance, China;中国流域自然作用和人类活动对(河流)入海泥沙的影响
14.Exploration of Man s Action at the Back of Natural Phenomenon --Examples in the study of Chinese environment history;探索自然现象背后的人类活动——中国环境史研究举例
15.Natural Humanization and Natural Person--Introspection on Atheletic Sports;“自然的人化”与“人的自然化”——人类对体育的反思
16.practice of classifying plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships.根据假定的自然关系给动植物分类的实践活动。
17.On Self-surpass of Mankind Centralization in Relationship between Mankind and Nature;论人类与自然关系中人类中心主义的自我超越
18.and humans invade the natural habitat of animals.人类侵略了动物的自然环境。

natural and human activities自然与人类活动
3)Human, Animal and Nature人类、动物与自然
4)human and nature人类与自然
5)interaction relationship between human activities and environment人类活动和自然环境互动关系
6)man and nature人与自然
1.Coordinate the relationship between man and nature,and push forward the establishment of a nation of innovation;谐调人与自然关系 促进创新型国家的建立
2.Develop circulating economy,advance harmonious between man and nature;发展循环经济 促进人与自然和谐相处
3.The idea of harmony between man and nature and its modern values:A perspective on the traditional society of Yunnan s ethnic minorities;云南少数民族传统社会人与自然和谐思想及其现代价值

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。