四川大英盐湖,Daying salt lake
1)Daying salt lake四川大英盐湖
1.Daying salt lake is located in Sichuan Basin of China.四川大英盐湖是抽取地下3042米处的盐卤水形成的一个极端高盐环境,其地下盐卤水含盐量超过了22%。

1.Preliminary Study on Prokayotic Microorganism of Salt Lake in Daying, a Hypersaline Environment in Sichuan四川大英盐湖原核生物多样性初步研究
2.The First"Migration from Hu Guang to Sichuan"and the Well Salt Industry in Three Gorges Area;第一次“湖广填四川”与三峡井盐业
3.Sichuan JiuDa Salt Group is located in Zigong, Sichuan, well-known as “Thousand ?Year City of Salt” and “Home of Dinosaur”.四川久大盐业集团坐落于“千年盐都”、“恐龙之乡”的四川省自贡市。
4.The Second Time "Immigration from Huguang to Sichuan Province" and Three Gorges Well Salt Industry and Social Changes;第二次“湖广填四川”与三峡井盐业及社会的发展变迁
5."Therefore, Xiang (Hunan), Shu(Sichuan), Su (Jiangsu), and Yue (Guangdong) have become the four most famous types of embroidery."因此,湘(湖南),蜀(四川),苏(江苏),粤(广东)绣是中国最著名的四大名绣。
6.A large body of salt water.盐湖水巨大的盐水体
7.Casting off the Label of Deficits and Striding Forward Proudly to Be the First Class--The rise of Sichuan Jiuda Salt (Group) Corp. from a difficult position;摘掉亏损帽 昂首奔一流——四川久大盐业(集团)公司在困境中崛起
8.One of the lasting effects may be on Salt Lake City's image of itself, Robson said. The closest big city is 500 miles away.罗布森说,受益最深远的也许莫过于盐湖城的形象:距离盐湖城最近的大城市也在500英里之外;
9.Using Remote Sensing Data to Monitor Landslide-dammed Lakes Caused by Wenchuan Earthquake四川汶川“5.12”地震滑坡堰塞湖遥感监测分析
10.Reasons for the Decay of Shaanxi Salt Merchandises in Sichuan Salt Fields in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China清末民初四川盐场陕籍盐商衰落原因研究
11.Analysis of Iodized Salt Monitoring in Sichuan Province in 2006;2006年四川省碘盐监测结果分析
12.Study on Szechwan s Salt Smuggling in Qing Dynasty with Availability of Ba County Archives;从《巴县档案》看清代四川的私盐问题
14.The minimum value of GSR appeared in Sichuan, Hunan, and Guizhou.太阳辐射最小的地区在四川,湖南,贵州。
15."Luodan"(Settlement) and "Chazhan"(Land Enclosure):Early Memory of Folk-custom "Immigration from Hubei and Hunan to Sichuan ";“落担”、“插占”:“湖广填四川”的早期民俗记忆
16.Legends about “Immigrants from Huguang into Sichuan” and Others --Notes on Folktales;“湖广填四川”及其它——田野调查笔记
17.Instead of glacier damming lake,Changhai Lake in Jiuzhaigou Resort Area,Sichuan Province,China should be regarded as a damming lake caused by collapse四川九寨沟风景区的长海不是冰川堰塞湖而是崩塌型堰塞湖
18.Palaeo-Lake Level Variations of Jilantai Salt Lake and the Environmental Change Since Late Qatrenary;晚第四纪吉兰泰盐湖古湖面与环境变化研究

3)Sichuan salt fields四川盐场
4)Hu-Guang Fills Sichuan湖广填四川
1."Hu-Guang Fills Sichuan" in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties and its Effects;明末清初“湖广填四川”人口迁徙及其影响
5)Lugu Lake of Sichuan四川泸沽湖
6)Sichuan University四川大学
1.The Mergence of Paradigms in Interaction between Academic "Center" and "Periphery": the Development of the Discipline of History in Sichuan University;学术“中心”与“边缘”互动中的典范融合:四川大学历史学科的发展(1924—1949)
2.Riding on the Waves to Cruise with Tall Sails: Preface to The History of Sichuan University;长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海——《四川大学史稿》总序
3.Persisting the Theory of “People Oriented” and Advancing the Education Innovation ——Discovery and Practice of Training of the Talents and Innovation of Education at Sichuan University;坚持以人为本 推进教育创新——四川大学人才培养与教育创新的探索和实践
