湿地补偿评价,Assessment of Wetland Compensation
1)Assessment of Wetland Compensation湿地补偿评价
2)compensation evaluation补偿评价

1.On the assessment methodology of natural ecological compensation for land consolidation planning;土地整理规划中的自然生态补偿评价方法探讨
2.Evaluation of Deprived-of-land Farmers Compensation Modes and Influence Analysis;失地农民利益补偿评价及影响因素研究
3.Studies on appraisal of land price for compensation in resettlement for projects;工程移民活动中的补偿地价评估研究
5.Practice of International Forest Ecological Compensation and Effect Evaluation国际森林生态补偿实践及其效果评价
6.Evaluation of The Compensation Scheme of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Luquan County某县新型农村合作医疗补偿方案评价
7.Study on the Forest Ecological Service Value Evaluation and Its Compensation Mechanism;森林生态服务价值评价及其补偿机制研究
8.The Evaluation of Implementary Schemes of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Yunnan Province;云南省新型农村合作医疗制度补偿方案评价
9.Evaluation Study of Compensating Regulation of Cascade Reservoirs on the Main Stream of Yellow River;黄河干流梯级水库电站补偿调节方案评价研究
10.Research on Assessment of Sand Liquefaction Potential Based on Compensative Fuzzy Neural Network;基于补偿模糊神经网络的砂土液化势评价研究
11.Assessment and Researches on the Ecological Loss in the Process of Rural Land Transfer;农用地转用中土地生态补偿价值评估研究
12.Study on the Ecological Construction Compensation Mechanism and Estimation System in the West;西部地区生态建设补偿机制和评价体系研究
13.Research on Benefits Evaluation and Compensation Policy of the Cropland Conversion Program in Western China;西部退耕还林还草效益评价与补偿政策研究
14.The Mechanism Research for Including of Ecological Compensation in Environment Impact Assessment;环境影响评价中引入生态补偿机制研究
15.Performance Assessment for Land Compensation and Resettlement Policy of Suzhou Hi-tech Zone;苏州高新区征地补偿安置政策绩效评价
16.Theoretic Discussion and Value Judgement on the Compensation for Criminal Victims;犯罪被害人补偿的理论思辨及价值评判
17.Study on the Index System of Life Level of the Land-losing farmers Based on the Land Expropriation;基于征地补偿的失地农民生活水平评价研究
18.A Case Study on the Ecological Compensation Price for the Farmland Transformation;农用地转用生态补偿价格评估实证研究

compensation evaluation补偿评价
3)land price for compensation补偿地价
1.Studies on appraisal of land price for compensation in resettlement for projects;工程移民活动中的补偿地价评估研究
4)Compensation for the land price地价补偿
5)Compensation and Evaluation补偿和评价
6)Wetlan d assessment湿地评价

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