进化哲学,evolutional philosophy
1)evolutional philosophy进化哲学
1.It was this introspection that made China\'s philosophy depart from the classical state of feudal society and form China\'s modern evolutional philosophy with Chinese manner and style.正是这种反思,使中国哲学告别了封建时代的古典形态,形成了颇具中国气派、中国风格的中国近代进化哲学
2)evolutionary systems philosophy进化系统哲学
1.The development of the systems philosophy based on the systems science and the complexity research can be divided into three stages: the general systems philosophy, selforganizing systems philosophy and the evolutionary systems philosophy.在系统科学和复杂性研究基础上发展起来的系统哲学,它的发展可以划分为一般系统哲学,自组织系统哲学和进化系统哲学三个阶段;本文着重评介了近年正在兴起的进化系统哲学的一些学派的主要论点,它的成就及其问题。
3)development of philosophy哲学进步
4)Chemical philosophy化学哲学
5)non-philosophizing of philosophy哲学的非哲学化
6)cultural philosophy文化哲学
1.The implication of Nietzche ’s cultural philosophy in postmodern politics;尼采文化哲学与后现代主义政治
2.Characteristics of Cultural Philosophy Reflected in Marxist "Practical Materialism";马克思“实践的唯物主义”的文化哲学品格
3.Confucianism reflection on cultural transition——Brief on cultural philosophy of Ma Yi-fu;文化抉择的儒学省思——马一浮文化哲学导论

1.From the Scientific Philosophy to the Cultural Philosophy--The New Transformation of the Philosophic Outlook in the 21th Century;从科学哲学到文化哲学——21世纪哲学观的新变革
2.Cultural Metaphysics: About the Cultural Philosophy Research of Philosophy Natural Disposition;文化形而上学:关于文化哲学的哲学本性之研究
3.Philosophical Dimension of Culture--Analyses of Main Points of XU Fu-guan s Cultural Philosophy;文化的哲学维度——徐复观文化哲学要点论析
4.Sinicization of Marxism in a Cultural and Philosophical Perspective;文化哲学视野下的马克思主义哲学中国化
5.Metaphysical Searching for Culture and Cultural Philosophy --A Kind of Speech Environment of Theory on Researching for Cultural Philosophy;文化与文化哲学的形而上追思——文化哲学研究的一种理论语境
6.Culture and Living: an Interpretation of Nietzche s Ideas on Culture Philosophy;文化与生存:尼采文化哲学思想解读
7.The Difference of Cultural Philosophy: the Barriers of Intercultural Communication between China and America;文化哲学差异:中美跨文化交际的障碍
8.On Position of Philosophy of Culture in Marx′s Philosophy of Practice;略论文化哲学在马克思实践哲学中的地位
9.Philosophical Reflection on the Variation of Law Culture--A Theoretic way of cultural philosophy;对法律文化多元化的哲学反思——一种文化哲学的理路
10.On Existence--Reflection on the Cultural Philosophy in Xiao Hong s Literary Works;存在之思——萧红文本的文化哲学意蕴
11.Philosophical consideration on Indian traditional culture--Taking the Paradigm of Cultural Philosophy Research as the Basic Point;印度文化的哲学关照——以文化哲学研究范式为基点
12.Discussion of the Rising of Cultural Philosophy and Special;试论文化哲学的兴起与中国文化哲学的特殊使命
13.Analysis of the Essence of Kant’s Culture Philosophy--By Thought of Kant’s Culture Philosophy浅析康德文化哲学思想之精髓——由《康德文化哲学》想到的
14.A Study on Aesthetic Value of Cassirer s Cultural Philosophy of Symbology;论卡西尔符号论文化哲学的美学价值
15.Comparative Culture,Comparative Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy of Science;比较文化、比较哲学和比较科学哲学
16.Advanced Culture, Cultural Creation and Marxist Philosophy;先进文化、文化创新与马克思主义哲学
17.Construction of Ethnic Cultures and Philosophic Study on Ethnic Culture;民族文化建设与民族文化的哲学研究
18.Philosophical Hermeneutic Mode in the Understanding of Intercultural Texts;论跨文化文本理解的哲学解释学模式

evolutionary systems philosophy进化系统哲学
1.The development of the systems philosophy based on the systems science and the complexity research can be divided into three stages: the general systems philosophy, selforganizing systems philosophy and the evolutionary systems philosophy.在系统科学和复杂性研究基础上发展起来的系统哲学,它的发展可以划分为一般系统哲学,自组织系统哲学和进化系统哲学三个阶段;本文着重评介了近年正在兴起的进化系统哲学的一些学派的主要论点,它的成就及其问题。
3)development of philosophy哲学进步
4)Chemical philosophy化学哲学
5)non-philosophizing of philosophy哲学的非哲学化
6)cultural philosophy文化哲学
1.The implication of Nietzche ’s cultural philosophy in postmodern politics;尼采文化哲学与后现代主义政治
2.Characteristics of Cultural Philosophy Reflected in Marxist "Practical Materialism";马克思“实践的唯物主义”的文化哲学品格
3.Confucianism reflection on cultural transition——Brief on cultural philosophy of Ma Yi-fu;文化抉择的儒学省思——马一浮文化哲学导论

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀