基本源泉,basic source
1)basic source基本源泉
1.Biological diversity is the basic source of ethnic cultural diversity.生物物种多样性是民族文化多样性产生的基本源泉

1.Economy is the nucleus of supreme strength.经济力量是霸权实力的最基本源泉
3.A Source and Basic Law of Marxism: Keeping Pace with the Times;马克思主义与时俱进的内在源泉和基本规律
4.Basic Features and Value of Natural Mineral Water Resources in Changbai Mountain研析长白山天然矿泉水资源基本特征及其价值
5.A Study of the Basic Principle of Marx's Labour Value Theory──Simultaneously discussing with those who hold the doctrine of multielement of value source;马克思的劳动价值理论基本原理研究──兼与价值源泉多元论者商榷
6.They are not in themselves sources of joy and happiness.它们本身并非是快乐与幸福的源泉。
7.Intelligence Capital-The Sources of Information Consulting in Organization to Create Value;智力资本——咨询机构创造价值的源泉
8.Culture Capital: An Explanation of the Source of Economic Growth;文化资本:经济增长源泉的一种解释
9.Lifetime Education:Unexhausted Resources Of the Manpower-Capital Proliferation;终身教育:人力资本增值的不竭源泉
10.There's a deep, basically serene well of silence in most men, which, for better and worse, is where we live.大多数男人心中都有深深的、基本上平静的沉默之源,不管怎样,这源泉就是我们的家。
11.The Main power of the Social Development From The Source of productivity;社会经济发展最根本的力量源——生产力源泉
12.The Planning of Tourism Resource Capitalization: Take the Scenic Spot of Spring Water in Shandong Sishui as an Example旅游资源资本化规划——以山东泗水泉林泉群风景区为例
13.The doctrine that beauty is the basic principle from which all other principles, especially moral ones, are derived.艺术至上主义认为美是基本原则,是其他原则特别是道德原则产生之源泉的学说
14.Network Governance as Source of Competitive Advantage: A Conceptual Framework and Research Propositions;作为企业竞争优势源泉的网络治理——基本的概念分析框架和研究假设
15.A spring, especially the source of a stream.泉源一股喷泉,尤指溪流的源泉
16.Xingzi hot spring and basic features of geothermal field,Lushan,Jiangxi province庐山星子温泉及其地热田的基本特征
17.It emphasizes that the source of value is within our own nature.它强调说,价值的源泉存在于我们的本性之内。
18." Sex is the root of the human being's multiply, the source of emotion, the fountain of love as well."性乃人类生息繁衍的根本,乃情的源泉,爱的激素。

1.To Research the Headspring of the Economic Growth in Medium-Western Regions from the Solow Growth Model——Analysis Base on the Jiangsu and Guangxi Provinces;从索洛增长模型看中西部地区经济增长的源泉——基于江苏、广西两省区的比较分析
2.This paper discusses an important thesis - institutional change is headspring of higher education s developing and administration efficiency growth by institutional change theory.文章运用制度变迁理论,论述当代高校管理上一个具有主要意义的论题,--制度变迁是高校发展与管理效率提升的源泉。
3.Knowledge reserve is headspring and fundamentality of classroom teaching for traditional teaching or multimedia teaching.无论是传统教学还是多媒体教学,知识储备是课堂教学的源泉和根本。
1.The author researches the nature and the source of creation and discueses in details how to develop awareness of creation.本文对创新之根本、之源泉进行探索,论述了如何培育创新意识。
2.<Abstrcat> Initial sources in the category of topological molecular lattices are studied, and a necessary and sufficient condition is given.研究了拓扑分子格范畴中源泉的初始性,给出了拓扑分子格范畴中一个源泉是初始源泉的一个充要条件,即在拓扑分子格范畴中一个源泉是初始的当且仅当其上的余拓扑为使所有fi连续的最粗余拓扑。
3.It fully explains the implication,type,significance and source about mathe-matics problems.较全面地阐述了数学问题的含义、类型、意义及其产生的源泉。
1.China s economic growth: sources and limit;中国经济增长:源泉和极限
2.<Abstrcat>This article discusses the definition of creative thinking and exposes its sources.讨论了创造性思维的定义,揭示了创造性思维的发生源泉,并提出了如何才能更多地获得创造性思维的方法。
5)spring source泉源
1.It is pointed out that the basic components of Chongqing spa tourism has the spring source,the spa temples,the hot springs to the sideline,the historical background and spa tourism legends and so on.重庆温泉旅游的基本构件有泉源、温泉寺庙、温泉地的边线、历史背景与温泉传说故事等。
6)primary sources基本来源

洪山源泉洪山位于介休城东南13公里,海拔900多米,古称狐歧山,是绵山向东延伸的一条支脉。山下泉流,数以百计。最著名者为洪山泉。泉水流量每秒为1.2立方米,泉周约50米,水碧似玉,清澈见底,霞光倒映,碧波荡漾。源泉旧称狱族泉,因有狱族落于狐歧山而甘泉出,故名。北魏郦道元《水经注》载:“胜水出于狐岐山,东流入汾。”故洪山源泉又称“胜水”,为介休旧志所载十景之一的“胜水流清”。洪山源泉南侧,依山面水建有源神庙。庙宇创建年代较早,至宋至道三年(997)重建。明万历十六年(1588)重修时将庙东移,和泉源置于一条中轴线上,使庙宇与池潭交相辉映,日月倒嵌,十分壮观。源泉庙建造规模宏伟,被誉为“华宫”。现存山门、戏台、献殿、正殿及东西配殿和六角攒尖顶的钟鼓楼。各殿廊檐下现存历代石碑数十通,记载着庙宇的兴衰,历史的变迁。整座庙院松柏参天,古色盎然。 每年农历三月初三,传为源神诞辰日,旧时村民来祭,焚香鸣炮,以酬神思。祭毕将祭品抛于池内,名曰“神食”,久而久之,形成传统的洪山庙会。庙内现存宋至道三年(997)《源神碑记》载:“佳人游玩,骈阗车马,画毂雕鞍;诗伯道仙,玩水爱山;钓叟樵翁,寻溪绕涧。本民也,手持兰花,招魂续魄,祓除不祥。”宋代以来沿袭相承,衰而复兴,至今盛况空前,吸引着大量游人。