达尔文革命,Darwinian revolution
1)Darwinian revolution达尔文革命
1.For 50 years,the Darwinian revolution has been one of the most interested topics in history and philosophy of science in the West.半个世纪以来,达尔文革命一直是西方科学史和科学哲学学者关注的重要主题之一。
2)non-Darwinian revolution非达尔文革命
3)Understanding of the Darwinian Revolution理解达尔文革命
4)literature revolution文学革命
1.The Up - to - date Classic Writing Study and the Literature Revolution in Late Qing Dynasty;今文经学与晚清文学革命
2.On the Decline of the Strength of the Slogan "Literature Revolution" in 1920 s;论20年代“文学革命”口号力量的衰竭
3.Following the initiation of New Youth in the discussion of problems on the literature revolution in 1917, pioneers in literature revolution, in 1920, having Cheng Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun et al.自1917年《新青年》杂志初步开展文学革命问题的讨论始起,至1920年,以陈独秀、李大钊、鲁迅等为代表的革命文学的倡导者们和一大批具有强烈的现实主义精神的知识精英,在外来新思想、新思潮的影响和刺激下,积极顺应时代的潮流,在对本民族传统文化的批判和继承的基础上,通过对外国现实主义文学思潮的引进、吸收、总结和改造,以及大力的倡导,最终导致了现实主义文学思潮在我国的产生和发展。

1.Fracture or Renewal--From the Literature Revolution to Revolutionary Literature;断裂,还是延续——从文学革命到革命文学
2.Arriving the Change of "Revolution Literature" from "Literature Revolution";从“文学革命”到“革命文学”的转变
3.Study on the Construction and Structure of Enlightening Literature--From literary revolution to revolutionary literature;启蒙文学的建构与解构——从文学革命到革命文学
4.Formation of "Literature Revolution" in Modern Times;“文学”如何“革命”——近代“文学革命”话语的生成
5.The Value Transformation from the "Literary Revolution" of the May 4 Movement to the "Revolutionary Literature" of the Proletariat从“文学革命”到“革命文学”——论五四新文学运动的价值转向
6.The Cornerstone of Literary Revolution: Evolutionary Literary Viewpoint;文学革命的理论基石:进化论文学观
7.On Discussion on Literary Reformation;《文学改良刍议》考——关于文学革命
8.On the Decline of the Strength of the Slogan "Literature Revolution" in 1920 s;论20年代“文学革命”口号力量的衰竭
9.On the teaching revolution during the great culutural revolution论“文化大革命”中的教学“革命”
10.The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution两种文化和科学革命
11.The Relation between New Vernacular Literature and Revolutionary Literature;五四新文学与革命文学关系研究述评
12."Literature Field Revolution" Put forward by Liang Qichao and Literature Form Modernization;梁启超的“文学界革命”与文学形式现代变革
13.Linguistics Revolution and A Diversion of Linguistics in Literature Study;语言学“革命”与文学研究的“语言学转向”
14.Battle of "Revolutionary Literature" in the Leftist Culture Movement;左翼文化运动中的“革命文学”之争
15.On the Source of the Ideological Trend of Romanticism in Revolutionary Literature;浪漫:文学和革命激情共生的主义——革命文学浪漫主义思潮源流论析
16.Revolution in Literary Criticism Brought About by the Linguistic Turn;“语言学转向”给文学批评带来的革命
17.Literature and "Cultural Revolution"-On Raymond Williams' Literary Criticism;文学与“文化革命”:雷蒙德·威廉斯的文学批评研究
18.Literary Criticism and Revolutionary Export: a Criticism of the Literary Theory of Soviet Revisionism;文学批判与革命输出——文革文学中的“苏修文艺”批判

non-Darwinian revolution非达尔文革命
3)Understanding of the Darwinian Revolution理解达尔文革命
4)literature revolution文学革命
1.The Up - to - date Classic Writing Study and the Literature Revolution in Late Qing Dynasty;今文经学与晚清文学革命
2.On the Decline of the Strength of the Slogan "Literature Revolution" in 1920 s;论20年代“文学革命”口号力量的衰竭
3.Following the initiation of New Youth in the discussion of problems on the literature revolution in 1917, pioneers in literature revolution, in 1920, having Cheng Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun et al.自1917年《新青年》杂志初步开展文学革命问题的讨论始起,至1920年,以陈独秀、李大钊、鲁迅等为代表的革命文学的倡导者们和一大批具有强烈的现实主义精神的知识精英,在外来新思想、新思潮的影响和刺激下,积极顺应时代的潮流,在对本民族传统文化的批判和继承的基础上,通过对外国现实主义文学思潮的引进、吸收、总结和改造,以及大力的倡导,最终导致了现实主义文学思潮在我国的产生和发展。
5)the revolutionary documents革命文献
6)revolutionary literature革命文学
1.“Revolutionary Literature” its Social Background and Resources of Theory;“革命文学”的社会背景与理论资源——20世纪中国文艺社会学进程研究
2.Leads to 1928: The Brewing of Early Revolutionary Literature;通往1928:早期革命文学的酝酿
3.The controversy has brought the tremendous influence to Lu Xun s heart way course for" revolutionary literature".“革命文学”论争给鲁迅的心路历程带来了巨大影响。
