铜山风景区,Tongshan Scenic Spot
1)Tongshan Scenic Spot铜山风景区
1.Ecological Sensitivity Analysis in Tongshan Scenic Spot Based on RS and GISRS和GIS支持下的铜山风景区生态敏感性分析

1.Ecological Sensitivity Analysis in Tongshan Scenic Spot Based on RS and GISRS和GIS支持下的铜山风景区生态敏感性分析
2.Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Lintong Lishan临潼骊山风景名胜区
3.As a scenic spot, Mount Ali is not extensive in terms of space, but it is full of interesting sights.阿里山风景区范围不算大,但景点颇多。
4.Study of Land Space Scenery Programming Design in Scenic Spot Mountain;山岳型风景区景象空间规划设计初探
5.A Study on Landscape Spatial Pattern of Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area;岳麓山风景名胜区景观空间格局研究
6.A Study on the Detailed Planning of the Mountain-Scenic Spot in Shandong山东省山岳型风景区详细规划的研究
7.Evaluation of Forest Aesthetics and Scenic Forest Planning in Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum;中山陵风景区的森林美学评价与风景林规划
8.Development & Conservation for Landscape Resource in the Scenic Spot of Yunnan Mt. Zixi;云南紫溪山风景名胜区风景资源开发及保护
9.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风景区景观格局动态分析及景观生态规划
10.Change of Landscape Pattern and Its Driving Mechanism in Landscape Zones:A Case Study of Mount Lushan National Park旅游风景区景观格局变化及其驱动机制——以庐山风景名胜区为例
12.The Designing Principles of the 228 s Scenic Spot in Baleng Mountain;八楞山旅游风景区二二八平台景区设计方案
13.Approach on Construction of Tourist Line in Huashan Scenic Area华山风景名胜区游览线路建设的探讨
14.This mountain has been a scenic spot for a long time.这座山很久以来一直是个风景区
15.The resource of Houshan Scenic Spot and the land of5000 mu around.吼山风景区所属资源和周边500亩土地。
16.Study on the Resources of Wild Flower in Qingyunshan Landscape and Scenic Area青云山风景名胜区野生花卉资源研究
17.Mountain Scenic Spot Environment Characteristic and Artistic Innovation;山岳型风景区的环境特色与艺术创新
18.Studies on Plant Diversity of Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Spot in Nanning;南宁市青秀山风景区植物多样性研究

Laoshan scenic spot崂山风景区
1.The Laoshan scenic spot is located second in the synthesis index of the soil heavy metal pollution in Qingdao.通过计算崂山风景区土壤重金属元素的静态容量和动态容量,对二者进行了比较。
2.In recent years,though the occurrence frequency of acid rains in Laoshan scenic spot has presented a downtrend,the acid deposition still have potential threat to the ecological environment of the scenic spot.近年来,崂山风景区酸雨频率虽然呈降低趋势,但酸沉降对景区生态环境仍存在潜在的威胁。
3.Firstly,this paper takes Laoshan Scenic Spot and local community as study objects, uses the stakeholder theory and detailedly analyzes the main contradictories between Laoshan Scenic Spot and local community by interviewing community residents and Laoshan Scenic Spot administration.首先,以崂山风景区与当地社区为研究对象,运用利益相关者理论,通过对崂山风景区当地社区居民和景区管理局相关人员的访谈,详细总结并分析了目前崂山风景区与当地社区居民之间十方面的矛盾冲突即:景区开发保护与社区生产经营、日常生活之间的矛盾;景区开发建设与社区生产经营、社会文化、生态环境之间的矛盾;景区经营管理与社区生产经营、日常生活之间的矛盾;景区形象声誉与社区生产经营、社会文化之间的矛盾。
3)Huangshan Scenic Spot黄山风景区
1.Landscape Characteristics and Conservation Methods of Quaternary Glacier Vestiges in Huangshan Scenic Spot;黄山风景区第四纪冰川遗迹的景观特征与保护措施
2.Investigation and Research Wild Herbaceous Poisonous Plants in Huangshan Scenic Spot;黄山风景区野生草本有毒植物调查研究
3.Investigation and Research Wild Woody Poisonous Plants in Huangshan Scenic Spot;黄山风景区野生木本有毒植物资源调查研究
4)scene area in the Lishan Mountain骊山风景区
1.Present situation and characteristics of tourist environment resources of scene area in the Lishan Mountain are discussed.本文评述了骊山风景区旅游环境资源的现状及其特点,分析影响旅游环境质量的各种因素,提出了保护骊山风景区旅游环境资源的措
5)scenic area in the Huashan Mountain华山风景区
6)Xiu-mountain's ancient buildings秀山风景区

铜山1.蕴藏﹑出产铜矿的山。 2.指金钱﹔钱库。