科学猜想及其求证,scientific idea and test
1)scientific idea and test科学猜想及其求证
2)Science conjecture科学猜想

1.A Primary Study on the Relation between Problem-presenting Mode and Scientific Conjecture Thinking Activity of Secondary School Students;问题呈现方式与中学生科学猜想思维活动关系的初步研究
2.Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps..科学家们猜想大型恐龙是生活在沼泽地中的。
3.Conjecture and Selection:The Subject Construction Based on from Experience to Scientific Knowledge;猜想与选择:由经验到科学知识的主体建构
4.The Other on the Border of Science;科学边缘的他者——从《永动机与歌德巴赫猜想》说起
5.I suppose you want to apply to Columbia.我猜想你会申请Columbia大学。
6.Scientists have long conjectured that oceans of liquid methane exist on Titan.科学家一直猜想土卫六上存在着由液态甲烷构成的海洋。
7.I guess that fine powders are much in demand, from what I've read in science journals.我猜想对精细粉体的需求量很大,这是我从科学杂志上读到的.
8.The Cultivatio of the Ability to Guess in the Study of Mathematics in the Primary Schools;浅谈小学数学学习中猜想能力的培养
9.The stall keeper had no confidence in books written in English, paid almost nothing for them, and then sold them for a small and quick profit.和医学上许多进展不一样的是,长期以来,医生和科学家一直在猜想笑有治疗效用。
10.I'm of two minds. It's possible I suppose, but scientists have been trying for a long time without success.我不太肯定。我猜想这有可能,但是科学家们已经探索了很长时间还没有成功。
11.This process of disintegrating existing art types must be completed by industry, by speculation, and by applied science before something good and new can result.现存艺术形式的蜕变必须通过勤奋,经过猜想、应用科学完善,之后才能有好的新的东西产生。
12.Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe.科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。
13.Two mathematicians claimed to have proved the conjecture.两位数学家声称已经证实了该猜想。
14.Facial Tattoo: one solution to Goldbach s guessing in aesthetics;纹面为美:美学哥德巴赫猜想题解之一
15.Machine, Conjecture and Mechanism of Reaction;机器、猜想与反应机理——论MECHEM的化学发现
16.Semantic Field: The Gothbahch Puzzle in Modern Semantics;语义场:现代语义学的哥德巴赫猜想
17.Training Students Ability of Guess in Mathematical Analysis Teaching;数学分析教学中学生数学猜想能力的培养探讨
18.On the Thinking Forms of Mathematics Conjecture in the Activity of Mathematics Exploring;论数学猜想在数学探究活动中的思维形式

Science conjecture科学猜想
3)scientific supposition method科学猜想方法
1.A primary method and a scientific supposition method are used to present a rigorous mathematical derivation and analysis to the Maxwell distribution of molecular speed.采用初等方法和科学猜想方法对麦克斯韦速率分布律进行了严格的数学推导分析,并得出了正确的结果。
4)Scientization and the Limit科学化及其限度
5)learning to guess学会猜想
6)mathematical conjecture数学猜想
1.Mathematical holographic unit are strongly connected with mathematical conjectures.数学中存在着普遍的全息现象,数学全息元和数学猜想有着很强的联系。
2.The development course of mathematical conjecture is demonstrated from its′ definition, origination, categorical character, resolvent using a method of historical analysis,the conclusion shows that mathematical conjecture is a convenient scientific method and an important thought form.研究了数学猜想及其对数学发展的影响。

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