生态学专业,ecological specialty
1)ecological specialty生态学专业
2)students major学生专业
1.This paper focuses its attention on the problems existing in Chinese college English teaching from the perspective of serving students major.本文在指出我国大学英语教学存在问题的同时,重点分析了英语教学如何更好地服务于学生专业的问题,希望以此解决高校学生在阅读英语文献和撰写英语文章的方面所存在的实际困难。

1.On the Measures of Training Tourism Majors with Specialized Skills;论旅游专业学生专业技能培养的举措
2.Investigatation of the Present Major Thought of the Students Majored in Safety and Security;警务特训专业学生专业思想现状调查
3.The Compact Factor Analyses of Junior College Students'professional Recognition专科护理专业学生专业认同感影响因素调查
4.An Investigation on the Studying of Major Courses in Mathematics Department;高师数学专业学生专业基础课学习情况调查
5.A survey of nonmedical students’satisfaction with their major at medical colleges医学院校非医学专业学生专业满意度调查
6.A study on ESP Learning Motivations among Non-English Major Undergraduates;非英语专业大学生专业英语的学习动机研究
7.Investigation on Professional Identity of Students Majored in Preschool Special Education;学前特殊教育专业学生专业认同感调查研究
8.Biochemistry is his specialty.生物化学他的专业(专长)。
9.His speciality is biology, mine is physiology.他的专业是生物学,我的专业是生理学。
10.I am an economics major .我是经济学专业的学生。
11.A Study on Professional Commitment for College Students of PE;体育教育专业大学生的专业承诺研究
12.Investigation of English Majors Attribution in Vocational Colleges;高职高专英语专业学生学习归因研究
13.A Survey on Foreign Language Learning of English Majors Upgrading from College to University;英语专业“专升本”学生学习情况调查
14.SIGBIO (Special Interest Group on Biomedical Computing)生物医学计算专业组
15.She's a French major.她是法语专业的学生.
16.An interdepartmental major一名跨系的专业学生
17.I major in English.我是英语专业的学生。
18.Her specialty is biochemistry.她的专业是生物化学。

students major学生专业
1.This paper focuses its attention on the problems existing in Chinese college English teaching from the perspective of serving students major.本文在指出我国大学英语教学存在问题的同时,重点分析了英语教学如何更好地服务于学生专业的问题,希望以此解决高校学生在阅读英语文献和撰写英语文章的方面所存在的实际困难。
3)profession student专业学生
4)IT majorsIT专业学生
5)non-English majors attitudes非英语专业学生态度
6)ecological specialized town生态专业镇

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。