生态学交互式教学,interactive ecological teaching
1)interactive ecological teaching生态学交互式教学
2)Interactive teaching交互式教学
1.This paper expounds the technical advantages of the streaming media technology in the application of the higher education,and gives some concrete application methods such as the courseware for the asking,the database of producing courseware for the asking,the live broadcast of teaching and the interactive teaching.论述了流媒体技术在高等教育应用中的技术优势,并给出了具体的应用方法,即课件点播、制作点播资源库、教学直播以及交互式教学。
2.The methods and technologies for building a multimedia CAI network interactive teaching system (MCNITS) is introduced.阐述了对实现多媒体CAI网络交互式教学系统的方法和技术。
3.To this end, we need to change our traditional teaching models and concepts, and establish the interactive teaching model so as to realize integration of scientific methods and humanistic approaches.要在政治课堂教学中贯彻和弘扬人文思想,给予学生更多的人文关怀,就要改变传统的教学模式和教学理念,塑造或构建交互式教学模式,实现科学方法与人文方法的融通;且要特别注重教师的人格修养,以高尚的人格魅力优化课堂教学,营造教学系统中和谐的社会心理气氛,促进学生的个性自由与全面发展,让政治课堂闪耀人文之光。

1.Attaching Importance to Interactive Teaching Mode in College Egnlish Teaching;大学英语教学应重视交互式教学模式
2.Talk about the Application of the Interactive Teaching Method in the Composition Teaching;谈交互式教学法在作文教学中的运用
3.Practice of Mutual Teaching Method in Major Course;交互式教学法在专业课教学中的实践
4.The Research of the Interactive Educational Mode and British and American Literature Teaching;交互式教学模式与英美文学教学整合的研究
5.Interactive Teaching Mode in Tourism Oral English Learning交互式教学模式在旅游英语口语教学中的运用
6.programming language for interaction teaching交互式教学用程序设计语言
7.A Research on Network Interactive Teaching of Computer English;《计算机英语》网络交互式教学探析
8.Research and Application of Realtime Distance Multimedia Interactive Teaching System;多媒体交互式教学系统的研究与应用
9.Interaction Teaching Theory and College English Teaching;“交互式”教学理论与大学英语教学
10.Instructional Pattern Development from Broadcst mode to Interactive Mode;教学模式:从“广播式”向“交互式”演进
11.Interactive Model and College English Reading Teaching;交互式阅读模式与大学英语阅读教学
12.Effectiveness of the Intercommunication Method in Teaching College Girl Students Calisthenics;“互交式教学法”在健美操教学中的效用
13.Research on Interactal Mathematical Communication in Mathematical Teaching and Learning;数学教与学中互动式数学交流的研究
14.Layered and Distributed Mode in Interactive Computer Teaching;分层次分布式的交互计算机教学模式
15.A Preliminary Study on Freshmen s Interactive Orientation Program in Colleges and Universities;高校“交互式”新生入学教育模式初探
16.An Interactive Approach of Advanced English Teaching“交互式”高级英语教学模式建构探析
17.Interactive Mode of Communication in English Teaching of University;大学英语教学中的交谈交互作用交往模式
18.The Application of Interactive Writing in English Teaching and Learning in Middle School;交互式写作在中学英语教学中的应用

Interactive teaching交互式教学
1.This paper expounds the technical advantages of the streaming media technology in the application of the higher education,and gives some concrete application methods such as the courseware for the asking,the database of producing courseware for the asking,the live broadcast of teaching and the interactive teaching.论述了流媒体技术在高等教育应用中的技术优势,并给出了具体的应用方法,即课件点播、制作点播资源库、教学直播以及交互式教学。
2.The methods and technologies for building a multimedia CAI network interactive teaching system (MCNITS) is introduced.阐述了对实现多媒体CAI网络交互式教学系统的方法和技术。
3.To this end, we need to change our traditional teaching models and concepts, and establish the interactive teaching model so as to realize integration of scientific methods and humanistic approaches.要在政治课堂教学中贯彻和弘扬人文思想,给予学生更多的人文关怀,就要改变传统的教学模式和教学理念,塑造或构建交互式教学模式,实现科学方法与人文方法的融通;且要特别注重教师的人格修养,以高尚的人格魅力优化课堂教学,营造教学系统中和谐的社会心理气氛,促进学生的个性自由与全面发展,让政治课堂闪耀人文之光。
3)reciprocal teaching交互式教学
1.It comprises three instructional models: example-based instruction, reciprocal teaching, and cooperative learning, which are characterized by flexibility, interactivity and the goal to foster students creativity and all-round development.美国高校自20世纪80年代以来,兴起了一种新型的课堂教学模式,主要由“范例教学”、“交互式教学”和“小组合作学习”三种模型构成,通过学生与教师、学习伙伴以及学习资源之间的互动,帮助学生构建知识、发展能力。
2.Considered as a general guidance of teaching and also an opening teaching thought, the reciprocal teaching is based its researches upon the whole teaching process and highlights the .交互式教学作为一种总的教学指导思想、作为一种开放性的教学理念,立足于课堂教学的过程研究,强调参与课堂教学的各要素应全方位最有效地有机配合,力求做到发挥学生主体作用和教师主导作用。
4)interactive teaching system交互式教学系统
5)interactive remote teaching交互式远程教学
6)intercommunication method互交式教学法
1.According to the psychological characteristics of college girl students,and using some theories of physical education,this paper designs the intercommunication method in physical education teaching for college girl students,and compares it with traditional teaching methods.根据普通高校女生心理特征,运用有关教育学理论,在高校女生体育教学中设计了互交式教学法,并与传统的教学方法进行了实验对比。
2.The findings has shown that "intercommunication method "has an obvious advantage over the traditional methods.通过对“互交式教学法”的研究,并运用于武术教学中,与传统的教学法进行实验对比,实验结果表明,“互交式教学法”的教学效果明显优于传统的教学法的教学效果。

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。