三角枫落叶,Acer buergerianum leaf litter
1)Acer buergerianum leaf litter三角枫落叶
1.Effects of benthic macro-invertebrate on decomposition of Acer buergerianum leaf litter in streams大型底栖无脊椎动物对溪流中三角枫落叶分解的影响

1.Effects of benthic macro-invertebrate on decomposition of Acer buergerianum leaf litter in streams大型底栖无脊椎动物对溪流中三角枫落叶分解的影响
2.Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Liquidambar, such as the sweet gum.枫香树一种枫香树属的落叶树木,如枫香树
3.Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, walnut, etc.落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、胡桃等等。
4.Any of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree, basswood, or cottonwood.白木树如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树
5.Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, ash, pear, etc.落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、槐木、梨树等等。
6.Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, redbud, etc.落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸、紫荆等等。
7.Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, apple, etc.落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸、苹果树等等。
8.The maple leaves had fallen and they lined the gutters of the asphalted streets.枫树已经落叶,铺满了柏油路两旁的阴沟。
9.A dry maple leaf has come off and is falling to the earth.一片枯萎的枫叶离开了树枝,正朝地上落下来。
10.Study on the Induced Discoloration of Buerger Maple During the Drying Process;三角枫在干燥过程中诱发变色的研究
11.Community Structure and Species Diversity of Acer mono Forest in Dashu Mountain大蜀山五角枫林的群落结构及物种多样性
12.I love Autumn. It's always so poetic to watch the maple trees change the color. Yet I hate to rake the fallen leaves.我喜欢秋天,看者枫叶转红,总是如此地诗情画意。但我讨厌扒落叶。
13.We won the third place in the CVCF "Coup de Coeur" of Dieppe Kite Festival 2006!阿福师的枫叶串在法国风筝节中勇夺世界第三!
14.deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods.广泛栽种于美国南部的一种落叶观赏乔木,叶呈枫叶状,黄绿色花,长形总状花序,荚似叶状。
15.Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, ash, or pear.拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、槐木或梨树。
16.Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, or walnut.拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶树,如枫、橡木、榆树或胡桃。
17.Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or apple.拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸或苹果树。
18.Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or redbud.拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸或紫荆。

Buerger maple三角枫
1.Induced discoloration of Buerger maple in high temperature steaming;三角枫在高温汽蒸条件下的诱发变色
2.Study on the Induced Discoloration of Buerger Maple During the Drying Process;三角枫在干燥过程中诱发变色的研究
3.Then the discoloration mechanism of buerger maple is discussed.该文通过对三角枫木材抽提物的定性分析、红外光谱分析、不同变色试材的扫描电镜分析 ,以及不同干燥工艺条件下三角枫颜色的变化分析 ,探讨了三角枫在干燥过程中的变色机理 。
3)Alangium salviifolium鼠尾草叶八角枫
4)maple leaf枫叶
1.Zhuang nationality black glutinoius rice was produced with maple leaf and glutinoius rice.采用枫叶、糯米制成壮乡黑糯米饭,以壮乡黑糯米饭为主要原料,采用固态发酵工艺,通过正交试验确定壮乡黑糯米醋的最佳工艺条件:在酒精发酵结束后,酒精度9%vol,枫叶汁浓度1∶3,温度37℃,发酵酸度为1。
5)Nematus sp落叶松丝角叶蜂
1.Life Habit and Control of Nematus sp.;落叶松丝角叶蜂的生活习性及防治
6)Liquidambar formosana communities枫香群落
1.Research on the Liquidambar formosana communities in landscape resort of Yuelu Mountain;岳麓山风景名胜区枫香群落研究

三角枫三角枫介绍 三角枫 (Acer buergerlanum)科属: 槭树科 别名: 形态特征: 落叶乔木,高5—10米;树皮暗灰色,片状剥落。叶倒卵状三角形、三角形或椭圆形,长6—10厘米,宽3—5厘米,通常3裂,裂片三角形,近于等大而呈三叉状,顶端短渐尖,全缘或略有浅齿,表面深绿色,无毛,背面有白粉,初有细柔毛,后变无毛。伞房花序顶生,有柔毛;花黄绿色,发叶后开花;子房密生柔毛。翅果棕黄色,两翅呈镰刀状,中部最宽,基部缩窄两翅开展成锐角,小坚果突起,有脉纹。花期4-5月,果熟期9-10月。分布与习性:产各地,生于山坡灌丛中;分布于长江流域各省,北达山东,甫至广东。弱阳性,喜温湿气候,耐水湿,耐修剪繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:庭荫树、行道树、护岸树、绿篱图片: