现代达尔文主义,modern Darwinism
1)modern Darwinism现代达尔文主义

2.Are There Any Relations between Culture and Gene? --The Ideological Track of Modern Darwinism Penetrating into Social Fields;文化与基因有无联系?——现代达尔文主义进军社会领域的思想轨迹
3.Darwinism as modified by the findings of modern genetics.新达尔文主义由现代遗传学修正的达尔文主义
4.Postmodern Culture Rewrites Darwinism:Darwinism in the Neo-Victorian Novels of A.S.Byatt;后现代文化重写达尔文主义——A.S.拜厄特新维多利亚小说中的达尔文主义
5.Cultural "Darwinism"--Anti-Semitism and the Formation of Jewish Spirit;文化“达尔文”现象——排犹主义与犹太民族精神铸造
6.Henry Moor Significance of Modernism Cultural Movement;论摩尔雕塑在现代主义文化运动中的意义
7.Held straddles Modernism and Post-Modernism.赫尔德兼备现代主义和后现代主义。
8.The Darwinism also shows the same negative effect now.达尔文主义正在表现出相同的负面效应。
9.On Postmodern Humanism Through Robert Lowell and His Poems;从罗伯特·洛厄尔及其诗歌看后现代人文主义
10.Virginia Woolf: A Precursor of Modern Feminist Literary Criticism;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:现代女性主义文学批评的先驱
11.Bidding Farewell to Modernism--A brief analysis of postmodernistic literature;告别现代主义——简析后现代主义文学
12.Vladimir Nabokov: From Modernism to Postmodernism;符拉迪米尔·纳博科夫:从现代主义到后现代主义
13.The Possibility and Limitations of Scientific Explanation of Morality--In the Background of Darwinism and Non-Darwinism;科学解释道德的可能与局限——以达尔文主义和非达尔文主义为背景
14.Feuerbach s Humanitarianism Spirit and Its Modern Significance;费尔巴哈人本主义精神及其现代意义
15.From Realism to Modernism --Woolf’s Novel Writing;从现实主义到现代主义——谈伍尔夫的小说创作
16.Social Darwinism as Seen in Sister Carrie社会达尔文主义在《嘉莉妹妹》中的反映
17.Social Darwinism, which has provided a new theory support for further development of the modern Japan militarism ideology.社会达尔文主义,它为近代日本军国主义思想的进一步发展提供了新的理论支持,等等。
18.Modernist Approaches in Saul Bellow s Mr.Sammler s Planet;索尔·贝娄小说《赛姆勒先生的行星》中的现代主义创作技法(英文)

1.Darwinism is not a Culminate Evolutionism;达尔文主义不是终极的进化理论
2.The Possibility and Limitations of Scientific Explanation of Morality——In the Background of Darwinism and Non-Darwinism;科学解释道德的可能与局限——以达尔文主义和非达尔文主义为背景
3.Dual Attitude Towards Darwinism;达尔文主义的双声——康拉德小说《阿尔迈耶的愚蠢》的解读
4)internal Darwinism内部达尔文主义
1.The essence of internal Darwinism in enterprise technology innovation is the internalization of technology innovation competition and selection.企业技术创新中的内部达尔文主义的本质就是外部技术创新竞争与选择的企业内部化。
6)social darwinism社会达尔文主义
1.Social Darwinism as Seen in Sister Carrie;社会达尔文主义在《嘉莉妹妹》中的反映
2.Ultra nationalism, based on social Darwinism and racialism, is the key to understanding all forms of fascism.法西斯主义是20世纪上半期世界范围内极端民族主义恶性膨胀和发展的结果;以社会达尔文主义和种族主义世界观为基础的极端民族主义是理解形形色色法西斯主义思潮的关键;法西斯主义不可能真正超越阶级矛盾和意识形态的对立,但我们决不能简单地把法西斯主义与某个社会阶层或某种社会制度划等号。
3.There are many factors leading to the formation of Japanese militarism, with Bushido being the social basis for its formation and development, plutocrat monopoly economy its economic basis, aggression and expansion its core element, Mikado autocratic system of government its political basis, Shinto its social and ideological purport while social Darwinism as its theoretic basis.日本军国主义形成原因是多方面的 ,武士道是它形成发展的社会基础 ,财阀垄断经济是它形成的经济基础 ,侵略扩张是它的核心内容 ,天皇专制政体是它形成的政治基础 ,神道教是它形成的社会精神支柱 ,而社会达尔文主义则是它形成的理论基础。
