共生哲学,symbiosis philosophy
1)symbiosis philosophy共生哲学
1.Putting the symbiosis philosophy into ethnography and constructing research pattern of ethnic relations are an innovation of pattern,which achieves a transfer of research of ethnic relations from traditional,experiencing and qualitative to logical,quantitative model.把共生哲学拓展到民族学研究领域,构建民族关系研究范式,是实现民族关系研究从传统的、经验式的、定性的探讨转换到逻辑的、量化分析的一种范式创新。
2)Public Philosophy公共哲学
1.Public Philosophy and Construction of Harmonious Society;公共哲学与和谐社会构建
2.The article explores the possibility of building public philosophy on the basis of Confucianism.探讨儒家思想能否作为东亚公共哲学的基础,首先需要厘清什么是公共哲学,并比较东亚与西方公共哲学概念的异同。
3.The foundation of innovation is mainly Dewey s public philosophy.改革的理论基础主要是杜威的公共哲学。

1.On the Three Criteria of the Glamour of the Teachers of Philosophy;高校公共哲学课教师魅力的三重尺度
2.Thoughts on Reform in Philosophy Teaching Oriented for the 21~(st) century;面向21世纪公共哲学课的改革思路
3.Value Consensus in the Education Reform:from the Perspective of Public Philosophy论教育改革中的价值共识——基于公共哲学的视角
4.Survey and Reflection on the Students’ Study Interest of Public Philosophy;大学生公共哲学课学习兴趣的调查及思考
5.Public Goods Theory and Public Philosophy:Their Theoretical Relations and Indigenization Routes公共产品理论的公共哲学思想基础:关系探析及本土化路径
6.The Public Philosophy and Government Behavior in Economic System Changes;公共哲学与经济制度变迁中的政府行为
7.The Orientation of Public Philosophy in Eyeshot of the Theory of the New Public Service;新公共服务理论视野下公共哲学的话语指向——一种对“新公共服务”的解读
8.Public Sense of Individualism:On Public Economic Relations from the Angle of Constitutional Philosophy个体主义公共观:公共经济关系的宪政哲学取向
9.Traditional Philosophy Model and Establishment of Public Finance in China;传统哲学模式与我国公共财政的建立
10.Public Physical Education: the Philosophic Review on Social Ethics Paradigm;公共体育:社会伦理向度的哲学思考
11.An Obituary of American Philosopher Richard Rorty纪念哲学家和公共知识分子R·罗蒂
12.Equalization in Basic Public Services:A Political Philosophy Analysis基本公共服务均等化的政治哲学解读
13.The Reason for Lack of Same Philosophy Foundation in Public Administration Study;公共管理学研究何以缺乏统一的哲学基础
14.Thoughts on Compulsory Course of Marxist Philosophy;新世纪马克思主义哲学原理公共课教学的思考
15.Pondering on Bringing about an Effect of Cultivating People in Teaching Public Philosophy Courses in High School;提高高校哲学公共课教学育人效果的几点思考
16.Practice of Network-based Teaching of the General Course Philosophy;哲学原理公共课网上教学的实践与探索
17.Issue of Publicity in Public Administration Research:Philosophical Interpretation Base on Semantic Analysis公共管理论域中的公共性问题——语义分析基础上的哲学诠释
18.Perspectives of culture and philosophy and construction of the "public domain" of harmonious society;文化哲学的视野与和谐社会“公共领域”的建构

Public Philosophy公共哲学
1.Public Philosophy and Construction of Harmonious Society;公共哲学与和谐社会构建
2.The article explores the possibility of building public philosophy on the basis of Confucianism.探讨儒家思想能否作为东亚公共哲学的基础,首先需要厘清什么是公共哲学,并比较东亚与西方公共哲学概念的异同。
3.The foundation of innovation is mainly Dewey s public philosophy.改革的理论基础主要是杜威的公共哲学。
3)common philosophical characteristics哲学共性
4)life philosophy生命哲学
1.The Significance of Philosphy Life from Gao Qinghai s Viewpoint of Life Philosophy;哲学和生命的交相辉映与价值永存——从高清海先生的“生命哲学”解读其“哲学生命”的意义
2.The view of teaching in life philosophy;生命哲学中的教学理念蕴涵
5)ecological philosophy生态哲学
1.Environmental sociology: challenge to and inspiration for sociology from ecological philosophy;环境社会学:生态哲学对社会学的挑战与启示
2.Analysis of social development under ecological philosophy;浅析生态哲学视野下的社会发展
3.Buddhist ecological philosophy and contemporary ecological consciousness;佛教生态哲学与现代生态意识
6)ecology philosophy生态哲学
1.The paper edamines the relationship between environmental problems and management of environment and resources,which is based on Marxism philosophy,dialectic of nature and ecology philosophy.从考察环境问题与环境和资源管理之间的关系及其困境入手 ,立足于马克思主义哲学、自然辩证法和生态哲学的理论思维高度 ,深刻地分析了科学理论思维的整体构架及其基本功能 ,进而得出 :科学的理论思维是彻底解决全球性环境问题的根本指南等两个基本结
2.The circulation economy has manifested the ecology philosophy energetic essence,is containing the profound ecology philosophic thinking.循环经济体现了生态哲学的精神实质,蕴含着深刻的生态哲学思想。
3.The deep ecology is one kind of ecology philosophy school which proposed by the Norwegian philosopher, ecolo-gist Arne Naess for the first time in the 1970s.深层生态学是20世纪70年代由挪威哲学家、生态学家阿伦·纳什首次提出的一种生态哲学学派。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀