1.Road and road construction effects on habitat use of small mammals and birds in Zoige alpine wetland;道路及道路施工对若尔盖高寒湿地小型兽类及鸟类生境利用的影响
2.Effect and the acting mechanisms of the habitats and vegetational diversity on arthropod community in agroecosystem;农田生态系统中生境与植被多样性对节肢动物群落的影响及其作用机制探讨
3.Study on the insect fauna of six different habitats with Malaise traps;采用马氏诱集器法对不同小生境昆虫相的初步研究

1.Habitat International Coalition国际生境联盟(生境联盟)
2.habitat isolation生境[环境,生态]隔离
3.Habitat Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and Wild Fauna and Flora养护天然生境和野生动植物的生境指示
4.Habitat and Ecology: On shade places under forest. Flowering: Apr-Oct.生境与生态:生于林下半荫蔽环境。花期:4-10月。
5.The Aesthetic Attachment and Relaxing Environment Embodied in "The Sea Gets Low When You are in a High Mountain";“登高海自平”的美学境界与悠存生境
6.2. Ecological Environment Development(二)生态环境建设
7.Environmental Health Regional Information Network环境卫生区域信息网(环境卫生网)
8.Artistic Conception Coming from Outside the Image--the Primary Characteristics of Formation of Artistic Conception;“境生象外”:意境生成的首要特征
9.Discussion on Academic Ecological Environment on the basis of Natural Ecological Environment;从自然生态环境谈大学学术生态环境
10.Realm and Subsistence--Existential Implication of the Realm-of-Life Theory;境界与生存——境界说的生存论意蕴
11.Building the Co-existing Urban and Rural Landscape Environment with the Environmental Co-existing Theory;以环境共生观营造共生城乡景观环境
12.One who lives in a border district.边境居民生活在边境地区的人
13.The Research of Ecotourism Environment Problem and Environmental Bearing Capacity生态旅游环境问题与环境承载力刍议
14.for the world of a man's life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts.人生的境界,主要就在于他思想的境界。
15.On Water for Environment and Construction of Water Eco environment of Chengdu论成都的环境用水和水生态环境建设
16.Ecological Environment Research in Modern Science and Technology;现代科技语境下的生态环境问题研究
17.A Research on Relationship between University Students Environmental Awareness and Environmental Behavior;大学生环境意识与环境行为关系研究
18.China s Environmental Diplomatic Dilemma and Ecological Civilization;从环境外交困境看中国生态文明建设

1.Study on the content of syringin and total flavonoids of different parts of Acanthopanax senticosus in three different habitats;天然次生林三种不同生境刺五加丁香苷和总黄酮含量的研究
2.Relationships between communities of acaroid mite and habitats in Huainan area;淮南地区粉螨群落与生境关系研究初报
3.Relation between seed production and habitats of Epimedium brevicornum;淫羊藿种子产量与生境的关系
1.Effects of Environment on Seed Yield of Zoysiagrass(Zoysia japonica);不同生境对结缕草种子产量的影响
2.Results:The average rodents density of different environment was 23 07%.目的 :摸清城区不同生境鼠类侵害现状 ,为有目的地降低鼠密度提供科学依据。
3.The transgenic Bt cotton fields of two control Helicoverpa armigera measures and its circumjacent environment in Nanpi county,Hebei province were studied The results showed that there were 4 peak periods of Lygus lucorum adults,and 3 peak periods of Lygus lucorum nympha during the whole transgenic Bt cotton growth season.对河北省南皮县2种防治棉铃虫措施的转Bt基因棉田及其周边生境绿盲蝽的发生规律进行了系统调查。
4)ecological environment生境
1.The Relationship between microstructure of reed s leaves and Ecological environment of Zhalong Wetland;扎龙湿地芦苇叶片结构与生境关系的研究
2.The paper discusses the feasibility of key technology on the park construction based on its geography,location and ecological environment针对云南野生动物园所处的地理位置和生境特点,探讨了园区建设中关键技术的可行性。
5)Biotope Landscape生物生境
6)suitable habitat适生生境
1.Analysis of correlation between landscape fragmentation of suitable habitat and priority protection order of endangered plants peculiar to Eastern Alashan-Western Erdos Area;东阿拉善—西鄂尔多斯地区特有濒危植物适生生境景观破碎化与优先保护序的相关分析
