1.A mathematical model for aboveground biomass the in alpine shrub in Gannan,Gansu province;几种高寒灌丛地上植物量的估测模型
2.Water holding capacity of surface cover and soil of alpine and sub-alpine shrub in Western Sichuan,China;川西高山和亚高山灌丛的地被物及土壤持水性能
3.Aboveground biomass of main shrubs in dry valley of Minjiang River;岷江干旱河谷主要灌丛类型地上生物量研究

1.Shrubs and small trees growing beneath taller trees; underbrush.林下灌丛生长在高树下面的灌木和小树;灌木丛
2.brush truck-tanker灌丛水罐泵浦消防车
3.A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes.树丛,灌木丛树木或灌木的密集的一丛
4.A dense clump, especially of trees or bushes.丛生植物、丛树密集的树丛或灌木丛
5.a dense thicket of shrubs and small trees.浓密的灌木丛和矮树丛
6.To extend in a bushy growth.丛生象灌木丛一样延伸
7.She went from one bush to the next.她从一个灌木丛走到另一个灌木丛。
8.A dense thicket or growth.丛林,密林茂密的灌木丛或生长物
9.My hair caught in a bush灌木丛缠住了我头发。
10.There's sb. lurking behind that bush.有人埋伏在灌木丛后面。
11.All the shrubs are in blossom.灌木丛中花团烂漫。
12.He wormed himself through the undergrowth.他缓慢地穿过灌木丛。
13.raked away some brush behind the rotten log,拨开朽木后面的灌木丛,
14.Tangledbadj: tangled hair, wire, undergrowth乱毛发、金属丝、灌木丛
15.There are the blooming shrubs.那里是开着花的灌木丛。
16.on the far side of which the path led into some very thick bushes.远远望去灌木丛生。
17.an undergrowth of shrubs and ferns丛生的灌木与蕨类植物
18.A cat sprang out of the bushes.灌木丛中窜出一只猫来.

1.Avian Species Diversity in Shrubs of Mountainous Areas in Northeast China;东北山地灌丛鸟类多样性
2.Characteristics of soil fertility under pure Pinus tabulaeformis forests and shrubs in Badaling Mountain Area of Beijing.;北京八达岭地区油松与灌丛林土壤肥力特征的研究
1.Characteristics and Distribution of Scrub,Sctub-herbosa and Moutainous Herbosa-meadow in Quanzhou,Fujian;泉州灌丛、灌草丛和山地草丛草甸的特征与分布
2.The scrub resources of Shandong province are very abundant.山东省的灌丛资源十分丰富,有30多个类型,主要的类型有山茶、大叶胡颓子、盐肤木、白檀、胡枝子、绣线菊、黄栌、鹅耳枥、柽柳、白腊、映山红、榛灌丛等13个。
3.The semi-arid valley scrubs in the upper reaches(31°15′ 32°32′N,103°10′ 103°54′E)ofthe Minjiang River distribute discontinuosly along the river banks and Occupy a300 400m widebeIt on the slopes.岷江上游半干旱河谷灌丛不连续分布于岷江河面以上300-100m处。
1.Polar ordination of subtropical shrubbery communities on coastal islands in Fujian;福建海岛亚热带灌丛的极点排序
1.Study on the community of Euphorbia hainanensis in the limestone shrubland of Exianling Moutains, Hainan Province;海南俄贤岭石灰岩山地海南大戟灌丛群落研究
2.Shrubland is the typical degraded ecosystems in the Three Gorges Region.灌丛是三峡地区典型的退化生态系统类型。
3.The species composition and diversity of plants on the Haishi Park limestone shrubland without anthropogenic disturbance for 20 years were studied based on data from 25 5 m×5 m plots.以25个5 m×5 m的样方为基础,研究了海石公园20 a无干扰的石灰岩山地灌丛植被情况。
