1.Implementation of the STCW 78/95 Convention in China;STCW78/95公约在中国履约情况浅析
2.International trend of FCTC implementation and its influence on tobacco industry;《烟草控制框架公约》履约动态及其对烟草发展的影响
3.Discussion on the present situation and measures to be taken for implementation of ISPS Code in China;浅析中国船舶保安履约现状及对策

1.The lease will be renewed for the same period of time as the original agreement.租约将履约按原期更新。
2.He who is the most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in the performance of it.最不轻诺之人,最能履约)
3.Claims under Performance Security根据履约保证的索赔
4.Report on China Tobacco Industry And the Implication of FCTC;《烟草控制框架公约》履约前基本情况调查报告和履约思路的思考
5.Characteristics,Contents and Fulfilling Mechanism of Relational Contract;关系型契约的特征、内容及履约机制
6.International Convention on the Control of Harmful AFS on Ships and its Influence and Measure of Implementation in China防污底系统公约及我国履约对策研究
7.Suggestions on Preparedness of BWM Convention Implementation我国《压载水公约》履约准备工作的建议
8.A study of China's strategy for implementation of the "Maritime Labor Convention 2006"《2006年海事劳工公约》履约对策分析
9.redeem one's pledges, obligations履行誓约、 义务.
10.repudiate a treaty, contract, vow, etc不履行条约、 合同、 誓约等.
11.Fulfillment of the terms of something, such as a debt or promise.履行责任履行,执行如债务、誓约的条款
12.poor contract performance履行合约的表现差劣
13.I will fulfill my vow.我要履行我的誓约。
14.keep/break a solemn vow履行[违反]庄严的誓约
15.The execution of the treaty was obstructed.条约的履行受到了阻挠。
16.Your agreement must be carried out to the very letter你的契约必须完全履行。
17.Have they acted up to the contract?她们是否履行合约?
18.Res integra est在尚未履行契约之前

tactics of implementing an agreement履约策略
3)performance guarantee履约保函
4)behavior of committing contract履约行为
5)ability of carrying out the contracts履约能力
6)willing of obeying the contracts履约意愿

履约履约  【足约】履约是交易双方按合约规定进行交割的行为。当期权成交时,结算公司会承担起卖方的角色,成为买方的交易对手,并发行该期权,使买方不必担心卖方的作用风险(或违约风险),真正的卖方则以缴纳保证金的方式来弥补结算公司因此所承担的风险。因此,当买方决定履约时。须先向经纪人提出,汇集至经纪商专门负责处理履约的部门后,再将履约要求转至结算公司。结算公司从该期权的所有未平仓卖方部位中,随机抽取一家代为卖出的经纪商,被抽中的经纪商在收到结算公司的通知后,再从所有仍持有该期权卖方部位的客户中抽取一人来履约。也有些经纪商以先进先出法来决定应付履约的客户名单,也即最早持有该期权卖方部位者,会被指定来履约。原则上只要选取方法是公平、公正、公开,且经交易所同意,均可采用。