1.A Study of Tianyanlun by Yan Fu from the Perspective of Ideology and Poetics;从意识形态和诗学角度看严复的译作《天演论
2.Thus,this paper at- " tempts to make,in a new perspective of Skopostheorie,an analysis of Tianyanlun,one of the typical translations,and therefore demonstrate the applicability of the approach.本文尝试以功能主义目的论新视角为出发点来简要分析该类翻译的代表——《天演论》,并以此来说明该理论的解释力。

1.An Analysis of the "Unfaithfulness" in Tian Yan Lun from the Perspective of Skopos Theory;以德国目的论解析严译《天演论》的“不忠”
2.A Study on Yan Fu s Translation on Evolution from the Perspective of Manipulation Theory;从操控论角度研究严复《天演论》的翻译
3.Socio-historical Factors and Translation:a Case Study of Yan Fu s Translation of Evolution and Ethics;论社会历史语境下的严译《天演论
4.Analysis of Tian Yan Lun from the Perspective of Deconstruction;解构主义视野下看严复的《天演论
5.The Early Copies of Manuscript of EVOLUTION AND ETHICS Translated by Yan Fu and Its Spread;《天演论》的早期稿本及其流传考析
6.A Study of Tianyanlun by Yan Fu from the Perspective of Ideology and Poetics;从意识形态和诗学角度看严复的译作《天演论
7.On Subjectivity of Yan Fu s Translation of Evolution and Ethics-From a Cultural-functional Perspective;译者主体性在严复《天演论》译文中的体现
8.On the Elaboration of Translator s Subjectivity from the Practice of Yen Fu s Translation;从严复翻译《天演论》谈翻译中译者主体性的发挥
9.A Study of Tianyan Lun by Yan Fu from the Perspective of Politics of Translation;从翻译的政治视角看严复的译作《天演论
10.The First Philosophy Book without Words in the World-Zhou Yi;东方“天演论”——世界上第一部不用文字的哲学著作
11.On Resistant Translation from Post-Colonial Perspective-A Case Study of Yan Fu's Translating Evolution and Ethics从后殖民视角看严复译《天演论》中的抵抗性翻译
12.On the Spiral Development of Blake s Thinking;试论《天真之歌》中布莱克的思想演变
13.The Development and Evolution of Confucian s Fatality after Confucius;论孔子之后儒家天命观的发展与演变
14.Seeing the Theory of Congenital Comprehensive Estimation from Deduction of Congenital Experience;从“先验演绎”看“先天综合判断”理论
15.On the Development and Evolution of Chinese Ancient Notion of "Harmony between Man and Nature"论中国古代“天人合一”观念的发展演变
16.A New Perspective on the Heaven-Man Relationship--Conceptual Evolution of Heaven and Confucian Ideology of the Heaven-Man Relationship;天人关系新论——先秦“天”的观念演进及儒家对天人关系的思考
17.From "the Help of Heaven" to "the Capriciousness of Fate" --On the Evolution of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji s Fate Thought;从“皇天眷佑”到“天命靡常”——论努尔哈赤与皇太极天命思想的演变
18.A specific theory or model of the origin and evolution of the universe.天体演化学说有关宇宙起源和演化的某理论或模式

Faling the crisis of being diviold up by imperialism论"天演论"
3)Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays《天演论》
1.On the Free Translation Methods Used in Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays;试析《天演论》的意译方式
2.According to the specific history background and translation of Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays,the author revealed that "Ya"(elegance) was the real center governing "Xin"(faithfulness) and "Da"(expressiveness).根据特定的历史背景和翻译对象《天演论》,笔者提出"信达雅"是以"雅"为中心,兼顾"信"与"达"。
3.He translated Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays,studied Chinese culture and Western culture,and advanced Chinese education thought for modern times.严复是我国近代伟大的启蒙思想家 ,他翻译《天演论》 ,对中西文化进行比较研究 ,提出中国近代教育思想 ,为中国近代文化的发展做出了贡
4)Tian Yan Lun《天演论》
1.Deviations in Tian Yan Lun Translated by Yan Fu——A Perspective from Functionalist Translation Theory;严复译本《天演论》的变异现象——以功能翻译理论为视角的研究
2.In this paperⅠmake a detailed study into Yen Fu s translated workTian Yan Lun through whichⅠtry to find out the main factorsinfluencing the translator and his translation works so as to study thesubjectivity of translator in translating process.本文以严复的译作《天演论》为例,试图探讨意识形态、文化意识、审美取向等对翻译意向、选材及翻译策略选择等方面的影响。
5)Evolution and Ethics《天演论》
1.Brief Comment on the "Paraphrased" Translation by YAN Fu——Mainly about His Style in Evolution and Ethics;简论严复的“达旨”式翻译法——以分析《天演论》的翻译风貌为中心
2.This article explains why Yan Fu translated Evolution and Ethics in his own way from the perspective of translation as adaptation and selection and draws the conclusion that the translation has adapted well to the translational eco-environment and it s the result of the history .文章从译者适应和选择的角度对严复《天演论》的翻译做出解释,指出严译《天演论》适应了当时的翻译生态环境,是当时的翻译生态环境的产物。
3.Evolution and Ethics translated by Yan Fu marked a new epoch in modern China history.《天演论》是中国近代史上一部划时代的著作,一百多年来,人们对它的研究长盛不衰,涉及问题殊多,现就严复译述《天演论》的概念问题进行梳理,包括研究状况、不同观点以及笔者的简评。
6)Tianyan Lun《天演论》
1.Huxley s Evolution & Ethics and Other Essays(Tianyan Lun)from the perspective of thick translation.本文从厚翻译的视角出发,对我国翻译史上最典型的厚翻译的例子——严复所译的《天演论》进行再度考察。
