2)eco hydrology生态水文学
1.Based on the development background of eco hydrology, several considerations of eco hydrological concept are introduced, and the framework and system of eco hydrology are given.生态水文学是水文学和生态学交叉领域的内容 ,它的出现是为了寻求对环境有利、经济可行和社会可接受的新的、多维的和有效的管理方式。
2.Eco hydrology focuses on studing the relationship between vegetation and water under various environmental conditions and revealing the eco hydrological processes of different plants.近年来 ,生态与水文相互作用过程的数学模拟和专门模型研制日益成为重要的发展领域 ,同时 ,生态水文学的研究十分注重尺度效应 ,把在一定尺度上获得的水文与生态原理或模型向其它不同尺度转换已成为最具挑战性的问题。
3.In addition,the paper discusses basic research contents of the eco hydrology,and puts forward main eco hydrological problems which have threatened human life.本文给出了生态水文学的初步定义和基本概念 ,认为生态水文学是一个集地表水文学、地下水文学、植物生理学、生态学、土壤学、气象学和自然地理学等于一体、彼此间相互影响渗透而形成的一门新型边缘交叉学科。

1.Overview on application of fractal theory to eco-hydrology分形理论在生态水文学中的应用综述
2.Research on the Ecohydrology and Model of Eutrophication Reservoirs;水库富营养化的生态水文学及模型研究
3.Ecological and environmental water requirement has been one of the research foci of eco-hydrology in the world.生态环境需水是国内外生态水文学研究的热点问题。
4.The Trends of Eco-hydrology and Its Study in China生态水文学的学科研究动态及在中国的发展方向
5.The Cultural Ecology Significance of Naxi People s Water Worship;纳西族水崇拜习俗的文化生态学意义
6.Based on the theory of hydrology and ecology, the concept of river ecosystem health was defined and the influence factors were analyzed.基于水文学和生态学原理,对河流生态系统健康的概念进行了界定。
7.plant hydrobiological ecology植物水生生物生态学
8.Ecohydrogeochemical Effects of Karst Vegetation in Guangxi;广西岩溶植被的生态水文地球化学效应
9.Hydrological and Hydraulic Responses to Large-scale Water Projects in the Yangtze River Ecosystem;长江生态系统对大型水利工程的水文水力学响应研究
10.Ecological Literature and Elements of Ecological Literature in Wolf Totem;生态文学与《狼图腾》的生态文学元素
11.Ecological Aesthetics-Balance of Natural Ecology and Cultural Ecology;生态美学——自然生态与文化生态的平衡
12.Chinese Landscape Literary in the View of Western Ecocriticism;西方生态批评视野下的中国山水文学——重审中国文学的自然之思
13.Lake Dianchi:An Ecological Water System,A Cultural Waterscape,and A Productive Water Body滇池——生态水系、人文水际、效益水体
14.A Construction of Literary Ecology Upon Reflection of Ecocriticism;文学生态学建构——生态批评的思考
15.Aesthetics in Ye Guang-qin s Eco-literature;生态文学的美学之维——论叶广芩的生态文学创作
16.Study on Pheasant-tailed Jacana;水雉(Hydrophasianus Chirurgus)生态学研究
17.Wireless Hydrology and Water Ecology Monitoring System Based on GPRSGPRS无线水文水生态监测系统研究
18.Ecological Trend of Literature--On Ecological Literature;文学的生态化走向——关于生态文学的思考

eco hydrology生态水文学
1.Based on the development background of eco hydrology, several considerations of eco hydrological concept are introduced, and the framework and system of eco hydrology are given.生态水文学是水文学和生态学交叉领域的内容 ,它的出现是为了寻求对环境有利、经济可行和社会可接受的新的、多维的和有效的管理方式。
2.Eco hydrology focuses on studing the relationship between vegetation and water under various environmental conditions and revealing the eco hydrological processes of different plants.近年来 ,生态与水文相互作用过程的数学模拟和专门模型研制日益成为重要的发展领域 ,同时 ,生态水文学的研究十分注重尺度效应 ,把在一定尺度上获得的水文与生态原理或模型向其它不同尺度转换已成为最具挑战性的问题。
3.In addition,the paper discusses basic research contents of the eco hydrology,and puts forward main eco hydrological problems which have threatened human life.本文给出了生态水文学的初步定义和基本概念 ,认为生态水文学是一个集地表水文学、地下水文学、植物生理学、生态学、土壤学、气象学和自然地理学等于一体、彼此间相互影响渗透而形成的一门新型边缘交叉学科。
1.On Eco-hydrology,A New Interdisciplinary Field of Coping the Environment Crisis;生态水文学——一门应对环境危机的新兴交叉学科
2.Overview on application of fractal theory to eco-hydrology分形理论在生态水文学中的应用综述
3.The reasonable allocation of water resources in inland water basin should be based on the principle of eco-hydrology, since the transformation of surface water and ground water for many times in a year, and the ecology system is controlled completely by water.内陆河流域由于地表水、地下水资源的多次相互转化以及生态系统完全受水控制的特点,其水资源的合理配置应以生态水文学为基础。
1.Now the ecohydrology has been paid great attention in academic circles in China, but the research is just on its beginning stage.生态水文学(Ecohydrology)是近10年来发展起来的一门新兴边缘学科,主要从流域尺度上研究水文与生态之间的相互关系,探索实现流域生态平衡与水资源可持续利用的新途径。
2.A core content of ecohydrology is the study of ecohydrolo gical processes under multiple temporal and spatial scales and under various env ironmental conditions.生态水文学是研究生态格局和生态过程变化水文学机制的科学。
3.Ecohydrology has experienced considerable development since the original conception was promoted by Ingram HAP in 1987.自1987年Ingram HAP提出生态水文学概念以来,生态水文学得到了快速的发展。
5)Watershed hydro ecology流域水文生态学
6)hydrological ecology比较水文生态学

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学