1.The Super-population Bridges the Habitat Diversity and Biodiversity超级居群:连接生境多样性和生物多样性之桥(英文)

1.The Super-population Bridges the Habitat Diversity and Biodiversity超级居群:连接生境多样性和生物多样性之桥(英文)
2.As a class they lived apart.他们作为一个阶级而离群索居。
3.A new supermarket will be put up in this neighborhood next year.明年要在这个居民区建一家超级市场。
4.For example, an elephant is a herd animal, so it responds to 17)hierarchy.例如,大象是群居动物,所以它有等级观念。
5.Specification for carrier systems supergroup translating equipmentGB/T5367-1985载波系统超群变频级基本技术要求
6.Effects of Different Transplanting Densities on the Population Development and Grain Yield of Double Cropping Super Rice种植密度对双季超级稻群体发育和产量的影响
7.Studies on the Optimal Field Configuration of the Northern Japonica Type Super Rice Shennong 265 and Its Group Characteristics粳型超级稻沈农265田间优适配置及其群体特征
8.A group of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain.营养层次,营养级在食物链中居于同一地位的一群生物
9.Establish a mass sports management network at the municipal, district, sub-district and community residents' committee levels.建立市、区、街道、社区居委会四级群众体育管理网络。
10.Circumstances of bourgesois privacy in the modern age deprived individuals of scope for Grand Passions.现代资产阶级离群索居的习性,使个人失去了抒发激情的机会。
11.Gray wolves live in hierarchical packs whose territories cover at least 38 sq mi (100 sq km) and hunt mostly at night.灰狼采阶级式群居,巢区约占10平方公里,大部分在夜晚掠食。
12.It is a unique life-style, a unique and distinctive place to live.这是一种非同凡响的生活方式,是一个超群出俗的居住之处。
13.Newscatle is now on top of the table of English Premier League.纽卡斯尔队现在位居英格兰超级联赛积分榜榜首。
14.(of animals,etc)living in groups(指动物等)群居的
15.Edna′ E′ Mode: What′ s so″ super″ about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.超级名模,哼,就那么回事儿!不过是一群烫发涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。
16.Effects of Different Fertilizer Rate on Population Quality and Yield Formation of Super Hybrid Rice不同施肥量对超级杂交稻群体质量与产量形成的影响
17.Effects of Planting Density on Yield and Populations Quality of Mid-season Super Hybrid Rice种植密度对超级杂交中稻产量和群体质量的影响
18.Dissection of QTLs for Panicle Traits in Recombinant Inbred Lines Derived from Super Hybrid Rice,Xieyou 9308超级杂交稻协优9308重组自交系群体的穗部性状QTL分析

UEC Ultra Enterprise Cluster超级企业群
3)BSG Basic Super Group基本超级群
1.Analysis on biomasses and contents of active components in roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza from different populations;丹参不同居群的生物量与活性成分含量分析
2.Analysis on genetic diversity of different Salvia miltiorrhiza geographical populations in China;中国不同地理居群丹参遗传多样性分析
3.Study on intraspecific genetic diversity in different plantpopulations of Pogostemon cabli;不同栽培居群广藿香的种内遗传多样性研究
1.Study on flavonoids distribution of in various populations of Prunella vulgaris;夏枯草总黄酮提取方法及其在居群间分布特征研究
2.Comparative study on main economic characters of different populations of Pinellia ternata in China;半夏不同居群主要经济性状比较研究
3.Study on morphological characteristics of pollen grains of Pinellia ternata in different populations;半夏种内不同居群花粉粒形态比较研究
6)Group housing群居
1.Group housing young male Rattus rattoides greatly suppressed physical growth and the growth of sexual organs such a.黄毛鼠(Rattus rattides)在群居(4只/笼)时体重及性器官,如睾丸和附睾的增长都受到了极大的抑制;血清中睾酮含量的迅速上升以及成熟精子在附睾的曲细精管中出现的时间也比单独关养的晚。

超级1.谓越级擢升。 2.跨越阶蹬。 3.特别;超出一般等级的。